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Your Struggle (Ihr Kampf) (8)

1 Name: Crossark : 2015-05-26 10:34 ID:gYKXUgcn [Del]

I would prefer to post this in the Science board, but we don't have one, so I guess I'll post it here. I would like to know what your struggle is; what it is you have to deal with in order to live a comfortable life. This can be anything, really. Everyone has something on their mind, something they worry about. Share it here.

To get things started, I'll share mine. I'm reasonably healthy; I have a pretty great immune system, and while I'm slightly overweight, I'm working on solving that issue. I have never had the flu, I'm not allergic to anything (sort of; more on this later), and I rarely get any sort of infection.

Unfortunately, because my immune system is so good at dealing with what it can, this leaves me to deal with what it can't. I get all the rare, incurable stuff; stuff that's beyond my control. I am a ginger with green eyes, so I have a really high risk of getting skin cancer. I have something called Non-Allergenic Rhinitis with Eosinophilia, which basically means that I am allergic to nothing, literally - I have allergies that aren't triggered by anything. In addition to these, I also have a few neurological issues. I'm prone to migraines that have gotten so bad that I can barely move around the house when one comes on. I also get vertigo, which is usually triggered by my allergy to nothingness and keeps me out of school.

On top of all of this is the Boss, the one problem that worries me the most: Cyclic(al) Vomiting Syndrome. Basically, I start throwing up and can't stop, regardless of if there's something in my stomach to throw up or not. Usually, this is triggered by throwing up for whatever reason; for example, I threw up once because I got overheated and threw up at regular intervals for the remainder of the day. However, on occasion, it just acts up on its own, often with a migraine accompanying it. This is the thing I live in fear of, because, while I take meds to reduce migraine frequency and perform exercises to deal with vertigo, I can't stop CVS, and it can go on for days at a time. This is something that could actually end up killing me.

To me, there is nothing more precious than autonomy - control over oneself. These issues drive me crazy because they take that away from me. Thankfully, I have gotten some of them under control, but they still act up from time to time, and they're always a factor in what I do, always in the background somewhere.

2 Name: G : 2015-05-27 20:34 ID:Gw4vWGAh [Del]

I have assmuh and arthrities in my knees I'm goth but my parents don't know that I to through depression and I can see gost and demons and I'm a jeff the killer fan girl but my parents don't know that ether do yeah and I'm into goth and wmo guys

3 Name: Crossark : 2015-05-30 19:37 ID:zQzbFTAC [Del]

Obligatory self-bump. >>2 I'm sorry that you have trouble with that.

4 Name: ShinAttha : 2015-05-31 10:14 ID:uMsWy0is [Del]

Physically, I am in an O.K condition. My tooth enamel (had to look that up) is kinda weak so I sometimes feel pain while eating, I can't run ten minutes without throwing up and I feel powerless no matter how much rest I get. One can live fairly easily with just that, however, in your case, I don't think you should strive to be completely autonomous, since you do have all those messed up diseases, depending on other people is something necessary that has been essential for human survival.
Even if you want to be strong enough to handle it alone, sometimes it's just not possible. I am not telling you to leech off of others, but don't overdo the whole autonomy thing, else it might end up killing you.

5 Name: gagiru : 2015-05-31 18:09 ID:W5DaoxCu [Del]

I am not very overweight– sure, I'm a bit pudgy but I don't see that as much of an problem. I get a decent amount of exercise and eat pretty well. I don't currently have any health issues, but on my dad's side of the family there has been a history of arthritis, heart disease, high blood pressure, etc. A good chunk of my dad's lineage has died of some sort of stroke while in their 40s-50s. Seeing as I physically take more after my dad (unfortunately), then maybe I will too. I don't know. It kinda makes me angry more than worried.

As far as mental struggles go... I may or may not have a light social anxiety disorder. I seem to show some symptoms. But I haven't gotten tested for it in a professional setting, and I can't trust self-diagnosis. I don't think my parents will let me get tested for it, so who knows.

Also, when I was a little kid I had this HUGE fear that I was going to hell. I tried so hard to do everything perfect and never sin. If I ever did something bad I would cry for hours. The fact that I knew from a young age that I liked boys *and* girls (being born female) made me 1,000% convinced I was going to hell and that God hated me and he would punish me for all eternity. Terrifying. This was when I was like, 7 to 12 years old. It's the reason why I'm now an atheist. After all that, being a Christian is uncomfortable and damaging for me, so I just decided to mentally step away from it. I detached myself from the faith basically, but I still have to pretend to be religious because of my parents. It sucks, but we can't have it all, right?
Recently I read somewhere about what I experienced being a phobia (can't remember the name), but again, I can't trust self-diagnosis.

>>1 I'm really sorry you have this trouble.
Maybe you shouldn't get too wrapped up in the autonomy. Like >>4 said, sometimes it's not possible. Sorry if this is invasive of me, but I'm worried that if you cling to an ideal that you can't live up to, then it could end up being hurtful to your emotional state and self-image. Like Christianity was for me. (Perhaps on a smaller scale, but it could still hurt.)
I wish you the very best, though. xx

6 Name: Crossark : 2015-06-04 10:25 ID:gYKXUgcn [Del]

>>4>>5 I think you're getting autonomy and self-sufficiency mixed up a little. I guess there is some overlap, but, for the most part, autonomy is physical control over one's own mind and body, and self-sufficiency is more of a lifestyle choice. I definitely find support in others, and, while I think it's wise to be able to survive on your own, I don't think it should be the ultimate prerogative. Autonomy, however -- control over your own mind and body -- is something I hold in high regard.

Sorry if this is confusing. I'm really tired as of writing this.

7 Name: LittleRat : 2015-06-04 13:07 ID:xSRtusu8 (Image: 480x621 jpg, 25 kb) [Del]

src/1433441250620.jpg: 480x621, 25 kb
One thing you could look into is control over stress. Its a good way to start if your looking for self control.

Pay attention to the little details of your body and just learn to cope or to influence it in a way. I am always very stressful and anxious. It actually gives me a lot of ticks involuntary movements and other physical and mental effects. One of them is I constantly cough like I am sick or feel like there's something making me incapable of breathing properly.

I got nothing, but symptoms show up. For one reason or another. And actually sometimes the doctors just don't have an answer for what's causing the problem. Were all still learning!

Not everyone can do it... But some can or can just do is part to make it better. I have almost total control over my body, but well that comes from martial arts and being stuck unable to move every night without being able to sleep.

Ho but symptoms reminds me of something like labyrinthitis. Can't diagnose it, but you should get it check if you never did those tests or things. Transient vertigo from the pressure in the hear. The feeling that everything is spinning can also cause migraine and induced vomiting. >>1

8 Name: LittleRat : 2015-06-04 13:16 ID:xSRtusu8 [Del]

Ho and my struggle is chronic insomnia, stress disorder, anxiety, TDH, post traumatic experience,Asperger syndrome, kidney stones 3 passed by all 3 meanings of getting rid of them 3 in formation and pernicious.

I also used to get beated up regularly and saw some of the horrors of Megantic lake from the country side. I am a guy and actually fairly strong compared to average. Yet I really don't look strong at all and people just jump me and take advantage of me partially because of it. Though the worst I ever got was half my face ripped off but only the first layer so luckily grew back... So basicly I am stressed and recently I just became a bit bored as my nerves finally ended and I brutally came back in a way. I am lonely.