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Lonely (11)

1 Name: Luna : 2015-05-25 17:46 ID:+SAx/Shc [Del]

So most of my friends have a relationship, and I'm the only one who doesn't have a relationship. I feel very envious every time I hear, see, and even think about it. No one wants to be with me, no one loves. I feel like I have to put an end on myself. I hate society.

2 Name: LittleRat : 2015-05-25 18:11 ID:xSRtusu8 [Del]

Well I am lonely to and life sucks... But believe me its amazingly hard work to die! Really we humans die so easily... Yet its such hard work when you think of all the arrangements, the pain you will cause to others , the fear of missing your shot or just lying there agonising to not die and other...

Really isn't it simpler to look for someone to love? Wouldn't that be more fun and more rewarding for all the hardship you might have went trough in life?

Don't know about you, but there's no way in hell or heavens that I am gone go down before I at least get something!

It doesn't even need to be anything special or anything. Just find someone who is important to you to not feel lonely. Even if its a dead end it makes us feel better until it ends. ;)

3 Name: Chiro : 2015-05-25 18:39 ID:+b5gPY/A [Del]

Same with me but I want to be a storywriter and stuff, I'm just waiting for that one girl to come to me

4 Name: Nagara !lnMw.zO0SY : 2015-05-25 20:11 ID:hz3fuZmB [Del]

When i'm in situations like these I try to put myself somewhere else. When I feel lonely or feel jealous of my friends for being in a relationship, just feel good about yourself. Make your friends feel jealous that you live a single life. Its not like i've been in a long relationship before but I know that being in one holds responsibility. Being single free's you from that. You just need to get out of that mindset even if you have to fake it, you might end up making it. I'm not saying you have to brag about being single. Just make yourself feel good and get rid of that mindset. Again I'm not sure if this will work for you, but its what I do and it works most of the time.

5 Name: BatMan : 2015-05-26 01:52 ID:Vefz4IlS [Del]

Paranoia level over 9000

6 Name: Takuto : 2015-05-26 02:48 ID:c0U17SVY [Del]

love is human error

7 Name: kanra : 2015-05-26 13:15 ID:QWBs6tex [Del]

I understand how you feel, i felt like that till yesterday too... I'll tell you my story then you decide what you should do, i have three best friends, we have been together for years, but last year we started hanging out with some new people, and a few months ago all three of them got boyfriends, in other words my best friends got together with some really dear friends, and the thing is i spend 90% of my time with them and 99% of that time i end up thirdwheeling, or fivewheeling or even sevenwheeling, it was really painfull for me, and i started feeling like I'd never find love, like no one would ever love me and like my best friends and other friends didnt care about me so of course i wanted to disappear from this world, and last saturday, i did just that, we were out wih my friends and we were drunk and i started feeling really guilty about something and i decided that it would be better for everyone if i just disappear, i thought that no one would look for me and so i got up while no one was looking and left, i dont know where i went, i just know it took me three hours to realize that these people would actually look for me and i went back and i was right, all my friends were REALLY worried about me and my disappearance. But because this isnt the first time it's happened, now all my friends are really angry with me and none of them want to see me and even if i disappear right now they wouldnt look for me. So, what was the point of this? The point was that, i thougt that i was alone while i actually had people who cared about me and wanted me in their life and loved me, and nowm because of my stupid thoughts i actually AM alone. You dont need a boyfriend/girlfriend to be happy, even if you're single your friends still love you, plus if you want to be in a relationship you need to be more positive about that and DO something so that someone falls in love with you!!!

8 Name: Rygushino : 2015-05-27 14:30 ID:DA6otb63 [Del]

This happened to me too, all i can say is that the best thing is to put yourself out there and give it your all. this may sound corny and cliche but the only one who can really change anything and open doors to new experiences is you yourself. Talk to someone you like to someone random, ask to be with them, be accepted, or get rejected. Have a good time or cry. Either way waiting won't help anything, just move on and try again.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2015-05-27 18:00 ID:a+ztPuGu [Del]


10 Name: G : 2015-05-27 19:57 ID:Gw4vWGAh [Del]

I understand too. It hurts to see people really happy when I'm suffering is much. In fact I can see why no one would want to date a goth girl like me so I'm still looking for my future boyfriend who has the same intrest as me.

11 Name: Inuhakka !inb4CaTsQw : 2015-05-28 13:43 ID:m2JdEkcD [Del]

>No one wants to be with me

You know people that want to be with you won't just come up to you and start talking to you, right? You actually have to go find them. It takes a lot of effort.