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My view of the world (10)

1 Name: Shek : 2015-05-22 14:11 ID:aGxpf9QT [Del]

I'm a higher being, stuck here for whatever reason. Maybe a crazy bet, maybe someone higher in the deity ranks forced me in here... but i'm stuck in a place. And all of you are mere "NPC's"

... Thats what i think of this world, of this life. Ive been told all my life i was wrong, but how could you know? How could anyone know?

I'm not really sure, if i hate humans, or love them. Since they are npc's in a game where i'm the only sentient and free-thinking character.

some people might think its a twisted view, or that i'm insane. However, those who know me (and many who don't), agre i dont belong in here. So... just wanted to ask you what do you think about my way of understanding life. Please dont respond "i think freely!!". I think you are scripted, and that goes for everyone in this world. And please dont take offense. I'm just explaning my view of the world.

What do you think, guys... am i really wrong? Is the world made to be my puppet? Or i'm the one being insane, at last fir the standards of todays people?

Ps. Sorry for spelling mistakes, writing it through dollars android app

2 Name: Issei : 2015-05-22 14:20 ID:XeCDvvDe [Del]

I feel this way too sometimes and I'm pretty sure most other people felt this way too at some point in their lives. But the way you sound it seems as if you have Chuunibyo or something. However, I do agree that I have felt this way before and still feel it sometimes even now. Especially that I'm in college, I feel as if everyone is the same and no one really stands out. To be honest, aside from my gym friends, I have very few friends in college and while I thought that was an issue before, I don't mind actually. I still attend social events such as parties, but outside of these events I keep to myself a lot. Don't care anymore really. I have my own goals and enough people by my side to help me achieve them and I will help them achieve their's. I don't need anyone else really.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2015-05-22 14:28 ID:phwb+j1d [Del]

Kill yourself then we'll talk.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2015-05-22 14:29 ID:phwb+j1d [Del]

Someone watched too much anime.

5 Name: Shek : 2015-05-22 14:48 ID:0irXR70y [Del]

>>2 I've watchd chuunibyou... i thought that only referred to people in high school? I'm 22 now, it cpuld be however. I seem the only one that believes magic is real, as well as soul powers and a variety of things people call childish.

However,this disturbs my

socializing since it feels like talking to myself

6 Name: Hakaron : 2015-05-22 14:49 ID:2NfUbNly [Del]

Shek, If the world have only been made because of you, than I think that it is a waste of space. You are wrong with your hypothesis, you must explore more of this world with or without friends. Do what you want and do not try to lie to yourself what you are doing right now!

7 Name: Shek : 2015-05-22 14:55 ID:0irXR70y [Del]

Am i lying? I just expressed the thoughts i have since i realise.

Also i believe space is not a waste, since i could very well be one of the few beings that exist in that other plane.

8 Name: OroseC!puodSbGaRU : 2015-05-22 14:59 ID:tDqmLztO [Del]

i feel like this sometimes, too. Actually, a lot of the time. It is a large possibility that things like this are indeed the case. but there are other possibilities as well. humans will make things up to make their lives seem more interesting, but all we can know for sure is whatever science reaches, or even our imaginations. Whatever can be proven is true. To be continued...

9 Name: [Dude] JackDenkin !3U.19DFF1s : 2015-05-22 16:31 ID:5evNzM0S [Del]

If ye really think like that, then try to be someone, a figure of some sorts.
Usually when people like ye appear, have a tendecy to be someone of great power / prowless, or to be someone that has a mental disorder, brain of emotionally.
Which ever the case, since you think this is a game, pick your path and carry on, towards an ending that is great.

10 Name: ^Ravis^ : 2015-05-23 08:35 ID:uadsiQ91 [Del]

Hahaha~ You sir, are AWESOME. I used to have your thinking and felt like everyone was robotic. Life was a bunch of similar string of 'events' that happens every. single. time. Wake up, mom makes breakfast, reminds me to take my bowl to the sink. and the list goes on. Even anime/manga was becoming easier to predict. Ugh.. SO boring.. Plus, even when something interesting comes up, it would just be a problem that people could easily solve, if they actually use their common sense. I mean do I really need to spell it to you =-=?? Ok, maybe I'm kinda exaggerating it a little bit. But this thinking was last time. Now, if I ever feel that way again, I'll entertain myself by watching Onision cause I feel that he's has a lot more common sense than most people. Hmm.. now that I think about it.. this way of thinking would make a very good story plot.