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Y U not burning fat spodr??? (17)

1 Name: DaiMajutsu : 2015-05-19 12:01 ID:WHTF9o3t [Del]

Here's the deal. I want to...well I've got to lose some weight, but I obviously can't do anything that would put strain on my knee since the docs told me I've got gonarthosis in my knee (sorry if I couldn't translate it well, basically means the cartilage is worn out in my knee). So I'd love to run for example but that's a no-no right now. Any ideas for exercises with which I can burn them fatties? Swimming is kind of not an option right now either...

As to who's interested in how I managed to injure myself, this idiot went back to play basketball after a 2-3 year brake. The only difference was that I put some weight on, I was 15 kgs lighter last time I played. Always loved to play seriously so I did that the last time too and well one of my knees didn't really like that.

Also, I was thinking of putting this in sports, but again this isn't really sports, more like exercise or burning fat or whatever. But feel free to scold me back to sports if I made a mistake ;)

2 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2015-05-19 16:52 ID:GKM5kYp0 [Del]

Ouch, my mums got cartilage wearing as well. But she doesn't usually do any sports or such, just household chores to keep her in shape (I help don't worry). Here in Australia we don't call it gonarthosis but something else. The description seems to match so I can give you a bit of advice.

Doctors here recommend you do 'light' swimming, relieves some pain and keeps you in shape now for losing weight this could come after you've done some swimming, to get back into exercise. I don't know everything about your condition so I won't tell you to go running. But if you go for a light jog DO NOT DO IT ON CONCRETE. Find a place where the ground is softer and puts less strain on you (comes from the experience of my mum).

Not sure why you can't, but swimming sounds like a really good option. unless...hmmm I don't know what it's exactly called but I go to a metafit class where it's not very vigorous in exercise but its intense on the muscles (yeah I'm not making sense) It doesn't really puff you out but it gets your muscles going errrrr for example doing a plank ( it's not the only example though)

I'll try to find out what it exactly is and maybe research a bit for you. Thank god I go to health classes cuz it's fucking useful.

3 Name: Nagara !lnMw.zO0SY : 2015-05-19 21:31 ID:UwBZj3hp [Del]

In order to lose some weight, I'd recommend having a balanced diet as well as good amount of exercise. Like Kokkuri-san said, you can try swimming but that work isn't obviously going to make it if you decide to go for some pizza after that. Since you are limited to exercise, try to cut down on 'sometimes' food if you haven't already and have them in small amounts. Try go for some light self made/home cooked meals like pasta, salad etc. As well, I don't really know your condition but all I can say is try to balance everything out. I take food science classes and health study classes as well so I can provide some sort of nutritional information.

4 Name: Nagara !lnMw.zO0SY : 2015-05-19 21:40 ID:UwBZj3hp [Del]

Also, light walks can help. A 15 minute walk each day can make a difference.

5 Name: DaiMajutsu : 2015-05-20 03:49 ID:WHTF9o3t [Del]

>>2 Yeah swimming would have been my first option too, but right now I can't really make that happen due to some financial and geographical circumstances.

Yeah, the docs told me that I could at most do light jogging but definitely not on concrete. I'm planning to find a rubber floored playfield or basketball court or running lane or something but until that I need something I can do regularly.

"I go to a metafit class where it's not very vigorous in exercise but its intense on the muscles (yeah I'm not making sense) It doesn't really puff you out but it gets your muscles going errrrr for example doing a plank "
Yeah those kind of exercises are very good for my muscles, but I need to burn the fat, the weight is my main problem sadly :)

Anyways thank you for taking the time to write suggestions :)

>>3 I'd love to swim, but I already wrote that I can't make that happen right now. Diet is as balanced as my wallet can make it, right now, I'm more concerned with burning fat off.

"I take food science classes and health study classes as well so I can provide some sort of nutritional information." Wow really? I'd love to hear what you have to say.

>>4 Light walks check ^^ I walk almost every day out of work to eat. Usually 20~30 mins to and back from any diner.

Back when this wasn't a problem I used to lose weight doing suicide drills. They burn fat like hell, and it's a great stamina builder as well. Builds no excess muscle-weight either to strain the body with that while you burn fat. But right now probably my knees would eat shit from that.

Thank you everyone for the advice! :)

6 Name: celton : 2015-05-21 05:38 ID:tnqP2YK1 [Del]

10-15 minutes of skipping (jump rope) is a great way to loose weight as well as floor exercises.

7 Name: DaiMajutsu13!0UZD1OR/j. : 2015-05-21 09:05 ID:dpK9I9v6 [Del]

>>6 I have a knee injury -_-" I'm not supposed to jump around.

8 Name: Magnolia : 2015-05-21 12:54 ID:SO8aIyge [Del]

>>7 Did you take an arrow?

9 Name: Kanra : 2015-05-21 14:04 ID:sX9qnzJC [Del]

Actually, exercising is not going to help you lose weight, it will actually help you only gain muscle and gain weight. And muscle does weigh 2 more pounds than fat, so I just say, eat more fruits and vegetables. If you eat some meat then try to cut that down. Don't eat any carbohydrates because those hold sugar, and your kidneys will not like that very much.
So pretty much, just have fish (if you can) fruits and veggies, and some type of protein that isn't meat like white meat or red meat. And if you are wondering why I put fish as an option it is because it's actually known to help those who are wanting to lose weight.
Also, be sure to drink plenty of water and to have some tea at times. Tea will definitely help with losing weight.
You may exercise at times, but don't do a vigorous amount. Try lifting weights for a little bit.

10 Name: DaiMajutsu13!0UZD1OR/j. : 2015-05-21 17:49 ID:dpK9I9v6 [Del]

>>8 Did you take lessons in trolling officer? Law is pretty selective these days....

On a more serious note, I went to play basketball after gaining a lot. My figure might have gotten worse, but my fighting spirit was the same. Thus I overexerted myself, way past my limits -_-"

>>9 Thx. I'll take your opinion into consideration

11 Name: Kanra : 2015-05-21 19:05 ID:BrfT7Nu8 [Del]

No problem

12 Name: Nagara !lnMw.zO0SY : 2015-05-21 20:02 ID:hz3fuZmB [Del]

I agree and strongly reccomend Kanra's suggestion.

13 Name: ObamaSenpai !lmBitchbiw : 2015-05-22 09:47 ID:9Sj/u/YE [Del]

I disagree and strongly do not recommend Kanra's suggestion. I was going to post earlier but figured someone else would point it out.

>>9 Exercising absolutely does help burn fat significantly more than dieting alone and can easily cause muscle loss. It all depends on what type of exercise you're doing. In addition, diets completely restricting common food groups like you're suggesting is known to play a huge part in the development of binge eating disorders. Please be more wary about the suggestions you give.

>>1 If I remember right, you mentioned having financial issues. Do you have insurance that would cover getting a better brace? There are some really great ones out on the market for your condition right now that will let you do more rigorous exercise, but they're a bit pricey. If you can't afford those but do have a little to spare, maybe look into low-impact equipment like an elliptical? They're commonly used for those with knee problems and aren't too expensive (~$55 for a miniature). Some are even small and quiet enough to use at work.

Otherwise, I recommend focusing on doing light exercise more. Walk longer, or faster, perhaps with some resistance (like wrist weights). Decrease what you eat, and distribute it through small meals every few hours. Avoid eating late in the day. If you don't want to put on muscle weight, avoid doing too much resistance training, instead focusing on cardio. There are lot of great low-impact exercises regiments (just Google it) as well. Good luck c:

14 Name: Magnolia : 2015-05-22 16:12 ID:lvO8xbub (Image: 480x360 jpg, 56 kb) [Del]

src/1432329169913.jpg: 480x360, 56 kb

15 Name: NinjaDollar : 2015-05-22 16:43 ID:1O2aphvE [Del]

A good majority of weight loss is based on diet. That said, you still need to exercise. High protein, the right carbs and fibre are all essential with water being your best friend. Losing weight is boring (food wise) and tough (exercise wise) and it absolutely is not easy. I know this from personal experience. Throw a knee injury into the mix and you got a longer trek to your ideal weight than that average person.
With that said, eggs, brown pasta, serious amount of green veggies and chicken and fish and maybe some red meat. Red isn't ideal but it fine once a week. 6 meals day filling up on protein and carbs in the morning. The carbs will get you your energy while the protein will hold off the hunger. Boiled chicken or fried ( on a pan) with some olive oil for dinner with a serious amount of green veg ( broccoli). If you get peckish in between, cashew nuts a blueberries will help. Theres more to the food than that but its just somethings that I eat. Also stay 100% away from sugar. Sugar is fine when it comes from fruits, which I also forgot to mention ( get some bananas in the morning and blueberries , grapes, apples in the night), but as for everything else, stay away from sugar. I recommend grabbing some cod liver oil tablets top and some multivitamins. These will sting your wallet and aren't really essential but the cod live roil will help your joints. As for the exercise, weight training and HIIT are the way to go to loose weight. But a little goes along way so if your knee is out of commission I'd suggest walking for at least 30 mins a day. Hit some pushups 10 a night even. Again a little goes a long way. also depending on your height and weight, the BMI isn't ideal but can give you a rough estimate of daily calorie intake. Usually for males its 1400 calories to lose 2lbs a week, for females its +- 200 calories from the 1400. Anyways, people will agree people will disagree, the choice is yours. But Apologies for any typos. :)

16 Name: ObamaSenpai !lmBitchbiw : 2015-05-22 23:36 ID:9Sj/u/YE [Del]

^ Be careful about cutting out sugars. Some underlying conditions will cause it to have the opposite effect or to cause more dangerous side effects. You should never stop something diet-related cold turkey or else it can put your body out of whack; wean off it over the next few weeks.

17 Name: DaiMajutsu : 2015-05-27 10:38 ID:WHTF9o3t [Del]

>>13 Been waiting for this side.

Nope, no insurance at all. But I guess I can manage a knee brace though, I totally forgot about that. Good that you reminded me about it.
Machines though, that's probably out of my scope, too expensive.
Low impact cardio workouts! Great, I haven't thought of that. Might just be what I'm looking for.

Thank you for your suggestions, much appreciated!

>>14 You and your dog look very alike officer. Must be the face...

>>15 Cod liver oil... I'll research what that does. Got me curious.
Thanks for the food advice, I'll consider it.
No good training starts with weights, sorry, but I definitely won't do that, it's my personal experience. I'll stick to calisthenics as long as I can.

Thanks for the advices!

>>16 Yeah, gradually reducing some things probably works best.