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I'm Afraid (5)

1 Name: DeusExMusica : 2015-05-18 19:08 ID:g8CmIdC+ [Del]

Hi people, I am a coward. I am afraid of talking to someone. I already told her how I feel about her, but my heart has been ripped to shreds. Someone told her incorrect info about me, and now, she no longer wants to talk to me. I sound like I'm bitching and that I just need to man up, but we're in the same choral group so I see her just about everyday, and when I do, my chest hurts and I want to cry. She told me that she no longer wants to talk to me, and every time I try, I get turned down.

She gives me guilt like never before. I feel like shit now and I cant take my mind off of her. My heart feels shredded, I feel tiny, and although this is not even close the worst I've felt in my life, I don't know what to do. My guilt of a crime I haven't even committed keeps me from talking to her, but I know that I need to talk to her to emancipate myself from this feeling. Now, I read these other threads and I begin to laugh at myself, but my pain is real. I don't know what to do. I'm sorry that I'm so pathetic.

It hurts, but I'm a coward. Please if anyone is there, give me some advice...

2 Name: Ana : 2015-05-18 19:33 ID:C9Wwc7e9 [Del]

Personally , I've been through this , you're not a coward . Best case is just to let it die down and explain that that information wasn't correct and if she doesn't want to listen then she really isn't worth it . /: I hope this helps a little .

3 Name: DeusExMusica : 2015-05-18 20:17 ID:g8CmIdC+ [Del]

Thank You. I'll take that advice to consideration

4 Name: Ana : 2015-05-18 21:38 ID:C9Wwc7e9 [Del]

No problem!

5 Name: MekakushiActor : 2015-05-23 18:29 ID:DMBBRRvx [Del]

If you care about her this much, then make her listen. Tell her that the information was incorrect. Tell her that you feel hurt because she had incorrect information about you. Tell her that you miss her. Try to talk to her. If she won't listen, then you weren't meant to be with each other in the first place.