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Hating yourself for being ungrateful (4)

1 Name: Haiti : 2015-05-17 17:09 ID:GX2Qoh58 [Del]

Hey, i don´t know whether there is a thread like this, i´m sorry if there is one.
But do you know this kind of´re having a bad day and you start to feeling so depressed and worthless. You think that life is the biggest shit ever and you just want a break from life. I have this often and i get this for really small things, which aren´t really important.
And after calming down i just realise how stupid i was acting..if i compare my life with a life from an average children from a developing coutrie...i can come to the conclusion that my life is just awesome. But i why i get so egoisic, ungrateful and arrogant in moments, when i´m sad and weak. I hate myself for it, how can i be so greedy..
Do you also know this kind of situation.? But being like that means that you actually don´t really care about people who are poor..does that mean i´m really that egositic..i hope you understand my thoughts..i know it´s confusing and doesn´t make much sense..i guess..

2 Name: gagiru : 2015-05-17 17:42 ID:W5DaoxCu [Del]

I completely understand where you're coming from. I get like that too. And I used to feel like absolute shit for it, because whenever I tried expressing this to my parents (they grew up poor), I would always get told "You have it so good, you have no reason to be complaining." The whole thing made me sort of self-destructive.

It wasn't until recently when I learned from someone that it's okay to be sad even when you have it good. Ever since I took that person's words to heart, being sad became a little bit less... yknow, miserable and guilt-inducing.

It's really just being human. Humans feel things– happiness, sadness, jealousy, anger. Everything. Your living situation has nothing to do with it. Poor people can find can happiness, and privileged people can feel sadness. And just because you want to talk about your own problems, doesn't mean you're deliberately ignoring other people's problems. You aren't being greedy, and it's not stupid. You're just feeling things. Which is something everyone is allowed to do, no matter where they're born or in what social standing.

I promise that your feelings are justified, and you don't need to feel guilty for it at all.

Hope I helped at least a little here. xx

3 Name: Haiti : 2015-05-17 18:06 ID:GX2Qoh58 [Del]

Hi, my parents also grew up poor and also flee from war. That´s why i feel guilty for my family members, which couldn´t flee.

Thanks a lot, you really helped me. Your words are kind of motivating and calming. I think you´re right. But i think i have to learn to be more grateful for my life, that´s the only way not to feel guilty..

4 Name: gagiru : 2015-05-17 18:12 ID:W5DaoxCu [Del]

I'm happy I was of help. I know it's really hard, learning to break away from negative thoughts. I wish you the best, and if you ever need it, the dollar are here for you. c: