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Pet Problems (4)

1 Name: Mag : 2015-05-15 17:37 ID:h3qWxlCB [Del]

It's over a year old and was adopted in China.

It won't stop meowing. Ever.

Day and night, howling meows.

He only stops when attention is being paid to him: either watching him eat or petting him when he's in your lap.
Every oher second though, he's meowing non stop. We ignore him for days on end in hopes of getting him to stop. We go into our rooms and shut the door, but in the middle of the night he will literally slam his body against the door and create a loud noise in attempts to get our attention.
Like I said, day and night.

The other problem is that it lives with my mom in an apartment, and she's also getting sick of the smell of the kitty litter. I tried telling my mother to buy a fragrance spray, but those make her nauseous.

She wants to get rid of the cat now, but I was hoping people had experience in how to silence a cat without buying a shock collar (but we are looking into one). Also, someone with experience in cats with very, very stinky poo. What kind of cat food or litter do you buy to lessen the stench?

2 Name: Poppers : 2015-05-15 20:17 ID:RrzErzNy [Del]

How often to you play with ****? Could be the poor things bored. I've had cats my entire life. If they're making sounds with what you've described, it's usually either boredom or something mental; remember even animals can be mentally ill. Play a little more with it- see if wearing it out with exercise will help the situation. If not it could be pain, mental or physical. A veterinarian can help with that.
Now with the litter, try finding odorless brands, good ones (tidy cat,for instance). And be sure to have the proper number of boxes in the house. Always one more than the number of cats owned. Location is also important. If you have a spare room, or even a balcony, leave the boxes there; with the balcony, I'd suggest making it catsafe. Even a cat can be stupid enough to walk off the edge, trying to catch a bird or bug- trust me. If you want a more classic approach, you could always use baking soda: pour a bit in with litter, mix it in, leave the rest of the box on a nearby shelf to absorb airborne odor.
Tis cat might just want to sleep near you or your mom at night. Try bringing it to bed, see if it'll settle next to you, or at the end/foot. There are a lot of answers for this

3 Name: Mag : 2015-05-15 21:03 ID:FpHJxvnl [Del]

1) I will tell her to try out the baking soda. Never even occurred to me.
2) I'm afraid it's a small Chinese apartment. Nothing like American apartments. There is literally not enough room to put another one anywhere else. Not even lying.
3) We tried placing it out on the balcony before... Like you said, cats be crazy, and this one really seems to think it can fly. Either that, or it just pushes its luck waaaaaaaaaay too much.
4) I suggested to her to go to a vet, but I'll try being more adamant about it.
5) We've tried playing with it, giving it toys, giving it boxes, a cat stand, sleeping on the edge of the bed, and more, but it just. Won't. Shut. The. Fuck. Up.

I. Gonna go with what you said. It's either bored or mental.

If bored, then we'll have to look for an owner who already has a cat to take "Chairman Mao" in. I can't do much when I'm half a world away now.

If he's mental... I'll just have to cough up money for the bills. But it'll be worth it to scream "I TOLD YOU SO".

4 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-05-15 23:59 ID:eXc6qs8g [Del]

>>3 China? How big is your place? But I love the name of your cat. Try giving the cat to the homeless cat community (free-roaming cats), if it comes back, then your doomed.