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Bored Bored Bored (9)

1 Name: Craid : 2015-05-14 12:02 ID:yz/VJ5/d [Del]

Im really bored out of my life.
I mean...
Nothing new really happens.
I tried doing things that seemed fun but it doesn't quench my thirst for living.
Im 16 yrs old right now and everything's just too easy.
Many people feel insecure about how i do things but i really don't care.
And i think not having consideration towards others is a result of my boredom.
I too want to be seen by others and have fun with different people but i just feel bored when im with others.
Can someone here please enlighten me...?

2 Name: Umiushi : 2015-05-14 13:51 ID:Jl7m418Q [Del]

Try to find people with similar hobbies and interests, people who have similar interests always have something to talk about.

also, do try and act the part. people aren't there to entertain you, its a symbiosis, it must be mutual, you want to find fun people? be a fun person, you want people to notice you? try caring about them.

3 Name: Koto : 2015-05-14 21:24 ID:hqgU1jpU [Del]

I get that. Maybe you need to find something you're passionate about. You know, try new things, go to new places, save up a bunch of money and go on a trip and meet new people. Try to find something that makes you realize your importance in the world and always trying to better yourself. As cheesy as it sounds, you're the only one who knows what you're looking for so go out there and find it.

4 Name: Shiro Neko : 2015-05-14 22:25 ID:k7saatf9 [Del]

Grow a beard.

5 Name: Thing101 : 2015-05-14 22:42 ID:c6ear4hH [Del]

>>4 tried that already

6 Name: Thing101 : 2015-05-14 22:47 ID:c6ear4hH [Del]

Well I mean in my life

7 Name: chico : 2015-05-15 01:23 ID:do1Bz5Ha [Del]

maybe after life will be interesting why you not go there what you need to do is dead

8 Name: Shiro Neko : 2015-05-15 03:14 ID:GKM5kYp0 [Del]

IF you want, try out a different personality. Acting's fun brudda.

9 Name: Craid : 2015-05-15 05:03 ID:fQbI49yb [Del]

Thank you all for your help.
Ill try to find something i will be passionate with and hopefully ill find someone to have fun with.
Thank you all again :D!!