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Life? (13)

1 Name: Wazzupbro : 2015-05-07 23:32 ID:1oc75uLj [Del]

Why do people say life is amazing or the world is amazing? What is your opinion with life? Do you think the world is amazing?

2 Name: hacklock : 2015-05-07 23:40 ID:1oc75uLj [Del]

Life is amazing cuz you can decide what to do with your life and make it amazing yourself. The world is amazing cuz even with all the deep problems of people present, the world ain't gonna stop spinning, flowers won't stop blooming, and time still goes on moving.
My opinion with life is that it's beautiful when you make it pretty. And yes I think the world is amazing.

Lol I made a speech

3 Name: Enigami : 2015-05-08 08:04 ID:qppX+DL5 [Del]

The world is equal parts amazing and utter shit. We live for the amazing bits, and grow from experiencing the utter shit. Overall, life nets a positive outcome when you look at it like that. That doesn't make the utter shit experiences any easier to handle, though.

4 Name: Nova : 2015-05-08 09:48 ID:I/0Vi0uN [Del]

Nothing. It's all blank.

5 Name: mx : 2015-05-08 10:08 ID:GE/iOo1w [Del]

>>4 Woah, what a existential nihilistic outlook on life!
Not really. Grow up, fgt.

6 Name: Nova : 2015-05-08 10:29 ID:I/0Vi0uN [Del]

Is it not normal for a person to be afraid if a riskzone kid, with sketchy contacts, gets caught up with your family.

7 Name: Nova : 2015-05-08 10:30 ID:I/0Vi0uN [Del]

And I'm merely speaking the truth. The only thing that has kept me from ending my own life is basic insticts and my fear of death.
Heh quite paradoxical when you think about it...

8 Name: Goodbert : 2015-05-08 13:25 ID:wZ6V24fU [Del]

I think at its core, life is what you make of it. There's really only so much you can control or influence within your own life, and when you can come to terms with that, you'll see it's not so bad. It won't always be easy or pretty, or even enjoyable. But each life is unique. I won't say each life is precious, because there are some people who just don't deserve to walk the earth. Speaking of which, the world is a beautiful, chaotic mess. There's so much to love and appreciate about the world, but it's so easy to let the evil over shadow the redeeming wonder of it all.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that I see life and the world like a rose. Something that can be so beautiful while at the same time being capable of inflicting pain.

9 Name: lolshutup : 2015-05-08 23:58 ID:zwC2K2Ww [Del]

People say life is amazing because they think it's amazing. I think you're ignoring a lot of beautiful things in life like going to trips, having fun with friends, and actually spending some precious quality time with yourself. If you think life is ugly or the world is ugly that's kinda disrespectful for other people or souls who wished they could have lived longer because life was so damn beautiful to them. I hope you get what I mean. People have different perspective with life so there's no common answer. Also learn to have fun then you'll realize life and the world is amazing.

10 Name: lolshutup : 2015-05-09 00:21 ID:zwC2K2Ww [Del]

Hey I found this thread that has some life lessons thingy so uhh yeah read it you'll feel better (I think). It's The Dollars Official Coming Out Thread

11 Name: Joshua : 2015-05-09 00:29 ID:rkXoeeQm [Del]

The fact that we only have 1 life makes it such a rare opportunity to do something. Of course, what's amazing depends on every individual but for me, I think the world is amazing. I enjoy going outside and seeing the world, the outdoors, the people. Personally, I am a very shy person and I don't interact with people much but I still very much love the world.

12 Name: Yuri !0UZD1OR/j. : 2015-05-09 06:35 ID:rjZPMq1j [Del]

The world is amazing in it's own angle.
Those morons saying negative words are obviously dumb and blind who can't think nice and positive about it.
World is as simple as it is.
It depends on how you handle it.
If you handle it poorly, then it won't be something amazing.
If you handle it nicely and excitedly, your world will be amazing then.
That's all. -_-

13 Name: Takuto : 2015-05-11 04:33 ID:DJFwKWr0 [Del]

this world is interesting