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misunderstanding problem (2)

1 Name: ThisPerson!s3ZjEuwc96 : 2015-05-06 10:21 ID:svrBgnIP [Del]

This is kind of a generic love problem but I really need to vent it out.
See, my best friend "K" likes the guy I will call "J". So she asked our other friend and J's best friend to help her confess. Now here's the problem. One day I took the " shortcut" out of school to escape the very long goodbyes and congratulations, when I saw J standing there. He noticed me so I naturally waved back him and greeted him. He ws about to say something when I saw my other friend and j's best friend waving at me from a corner so I ran at them. They told me that K was having cold feet. I was shocked. I had no idea what is happening, when J was about to leave the other friend pushed me out and told me to stall him while she will convince K. So yes I just told him to wait a minute then tried to pull K out but J was already behind me. He said something to me that I didn't quite get at the time and K just dashed off. J on the other hand just left.
Since I am dense like a rock, the other friends told me that J said he likes me but he us not interested in relationships right now. Apparently, J thinks I was the one who's going to confess and K thinks I planned to steal J on purpose.
Me and J are friends and classmates since preschool and we have been shipped by a number of our friends and eshippers teacher(hurray seating arrangement). And apparently, I am giving mixed signal to j, according to his best friend. so I hope you guys understand that trying to get my two friends back to just being friends i s really hard since they both avoid me that the whole thing happened during our highschool graduation.
It has been almost a year, J is in the same uni as me while K lives near my area, I hate the fact that my inability to read the situation cost m me to lose two awesome friend.
I do love J but as a bro to play video games with and hang out with the rest of the guys. Besides he let's me visit just to borrow his TV and game console as long as I bring free food.
Also, though I find some guys cute, my taste are mostly for other girls so I never really thought of having a straight relationship with J.

2 Name: Nu : 2015-05-06 11:37 ID:TJwK8WJt [Del]

That's rough, buddy. At this point you probably can't do anything with K unless she decides to reach out to you. People are stubborn and fight against fixing things. You could try reaching out to her on social media or through text if you still have her number and see if she wants to hang out or talk. If she's on the more understanding side she might be okay with you if you sit down and explain your perspective on the whole situation. Still, you can't force it and you'll have to let her decide on what happens next.

J on the other hand, seems to be receptive to your friendship. Just make it very clear that you aren't attracted to him and just want to be friends. If you have mutual friends with him, ask them what specifically you're doing that he considers "mixed signals" and try not to do that (although you flat out telling him you aren't attracted should be enough people are dense).

Anyway, hope things work out. Just be really straight forward so no one can accuse you of being misleading.