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having different opinions (4)

1 Name: wolf-man : 2015-04-28 21:34 ID:Qht6aMxG [Del]

I have been seeing all the news on gay right for the past few years now, and the majority of people on the news are the people who are against gay marriage. People should not be afraid of who they are. If someone says differently, who cares. You are your own person. People do not have the right to say otherwise. If you want to say what you are thinking about me or anybody else to my face, go ahead, but don't say bad or rude thing behind my back. Face me and other people head on.

If you are reading this...yes this does mean that I am one of those people who are proud to be different, to be proud of who I am. I am gay and nobody will EVER say differently about me. I like who I am and what I am. I will never change inside.

Now, most people that I know don't know that I am gay. I choose not to tell them right now. That may change in the future. Only my closest friends know that I am gay, and now, all of you.

If you have something to say about that, say it to my face. I am in favor of gay marriage and I will always support all the gay people who want to get married, but can't because of all the laws to prevent it.

I don't care if you have different opinions about it, but if you do, say something. I don't care. I never have. It's better to tell people your opinion. Let it out. Who cares. If your are offended by peoples opinion about yourself, then be offended.

If you do read this, then never be afraid to be who you are. Don't let people discourage you from being yourself.

2 Name: Toastywafflz !qVs0Vq85og : 2015-04-28 21:50 ID:ldpJ1sIo [Del]

Well said, man. I despise that there's so much bigotry and intolerance towards others over issues as personally oriented as sexuality; it literally doesn't have to affect other people, whatever you're into, as long as you aren't, of course, forcing yourself onto people or throwing it into people's faces, but that's another issue entirely that can permeate any other source of contention. Anyways, I wish you the best, and I completely agree.

There are people out there who disagree with it, well, that's their decision, I supposed; it's when one raises arms and gets a holier-than-thou attitude and uses it to attack homosexuals that I will get irate. Ditto for, although less common, homosexuals using their sexuality to call heterosexuals out on things they simply didn't do using their sense of entitlement; things like this are a double-edged sword, and there are idiots on both sides when there shouldn't be sides, because we're all human and we all love the same way, if different people. Nevertheless, I simply don't see the logic behind depriving other people the right to carry out their sexuality to it's logical extent as long as it isn't harming somebody or something like that, but then again, that applies to anything else, doesn't it? As a heterosexual I don't personally comprehend such restrictive views; people, within reason and restraint defined by common sense and morals, should be able to do whatever they want, and choosing or being naturally inclined to one sex over the other is as morally contentious to me as choosing to eat peanut butter or nutella. Who cares? It's your preference.

Anyways, yes, you should be who you are because you are who you are, and being happy with that is perfectly healthy. Not that you needed me to say that anyways.

3 Name: wolf-man : 2015-04-29 03:38 ID:Qht6aMxG [Del]

I will never get in peoples faces about who I am. I just don't care if people have a different opinions about me or who I am. I will continue to live my life the same I always have. Not having a care in the world.

4 Name: Orihara san : 2015-04-29 08:52 ID:kB2uZwjS [Del]

From what I learned, you are what everyone sees. People live from appearances. A Japanese proverb says that you have 3 faces: one for the world, one for your friends and other you never reveal to anyone. But taking this matter aside, yes, you're right about being yourself.

You live to evolve, to do as your freedom allows to, and to please yourself. The others aren't allowed to rule your ways of life, much less which path you do choose to follow.

I'm not aromantic, but assexual. Although I never admitted it to anyone irl, I've made this my philosophy, my way to live. And I admire that you, at least, have your best friends/closer people to know about your sexual orientation.

As said, people have no right to offend others, and using the excuse that their freedom of speech is violated by it, they are incurring into the Hate Speech.

As you said, what is wrong with people being gay? Or having their rights of getting married recognized? That's a step further humanity has taken towards a new Era. Some people just aren't open-minded, and the ignorance makes them rude and disrespectful... "Education comes from the cradle".

That's why, always keep your head up and show people that their opinion doesn't afflict you. You have conquested your space in society, and that's something only a few people can achieve. I congratulate you, and I hope your future will be bright and always focused on tomorrow.