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Bad luck?! (6)

1 Name: Yumi : 2015-04-28 07:32 ID:ZbzDBkGD [Del]

I wanna ask, if you believe that someone can relay bad luck .. I feel that just because of me my friends have bad luck .. And I really feel that everything what happened was just because of me. Everything happend after I say something or I was there with them. They are joking that something is going to happend because I'm there, but I really think that everything is my fault! I don't know what to do. Maybe would be better if I stop talking with them, but I really don't want. That is why I'm writing here, I want to know your opinion.

2 Name: Enigami : 2015-04-28 07:45 ID:qppX+DL5 [Del]

It's a matter of outlook. Pessimists would say they have bad luck, optimists would say the have good luck, realists would say there's no such thing (or that it's a later of outlook).

3 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-04-28 08:38 ID:9ZkvPwnA [Del]

Just stay with them. If they get really REALLY bad luck, try playing the lottery. Might just win.

4 Name: Nayne : 2015-04-28 09:21 ID:7wR7mYjk [Del]

You should not stop talking to them because of something like that! They're joking about it, so they probably think it's funny and don't take it as seriously as you.
I do not believe in bad luck. But if you do, maybe you should get yourself a lucky charm :)

5 Name: Yumi : 2015-04-28 11:41 ID:ZbzDBkGD [Del]

Thank you all! I feel better now .. You really helped me :3

6 Name: Tanto : 2015-04-28 13:53 ID:tSM/29pK [Del]

I think negative energy is a real thing the same way the placebo effect is a real thing. It's a lot easier said than done, but try to be positive! This affects your actions too. If you feel like you're not spreading bad luck, then anything you do you'll do with less worries and more enthusiasm. Be around optimistic people -- you're completely in charge of changing yourself if you want to