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1 Name: Ayukine : 2015-04-26 03:07 ID:OhMIRmSG (Image: 500x279 gif, 474 kb) [Del]

src/1430035675855.gif: 500x279, 474 kb
Who else cuts only to remind themselves that they are only human, or likes to hurt themselves or make a scene to remind themselves? Or has those moments where they block everyone out when your upset so you wont hurt them or has those little voices telling you to hurt yourself or others or those flashes of hurting someone so badly that they wont just get up and walk away or doesnt like fights because your afraid you'll hurt the other person more than they will ever hurt you or has a rage worse than hell? Please dont tell me i'm the only one...

2 Name: Ryu : 2015-04-26 15:01 ID:RhGRq5CG [Del]

Hey Ayukine :) I can promise you that you're not the only one. If I could sum up my life using one word, it would be "miserable". Even though I am breathing, I am not living. I am surrounded by people who mean nothing to me, and trapped within a place I have no feelings for. I have spent many years being depressed, and that depression has transformed me into someone who has a very low tolerance for certain types of people and blocked off emotions. I have experienced everything you have mentioned except for the cutting and making a scene because after so long, I'm okay with the feeling of not being human or forgetting that I am. At certain times, I don't know what I am anymore. Sometimes i'd rather just dissipate into air.

3 Name: Ayukine : 2015-04-26 18:37 ID:WkO8+Cre [Del]

You remind me of someone i knew... It kinda scares me...

4 Name: Ryu : 2015-04-26 18:46 ID:RhGRq5CG [Del]

Sorry! The last thing I would want to do is scare you. If anything, I would like us to become good friends and would hope to get to know you more :)

5 Name: Ayukine : 2015-04-26 18:56 ID:c5ufdsUG [Del]

No its fine, i was actually looking for someone i lost contact with a couple months back and it would completely suck if i was talking to him the entire time, but i'd love to be friends. XD XD

6 Name: Ryu : 2015-04-26 19:19 ID:RhGRq5CG [Del]

Yea, that would be really ironic. If I were him, I would feel bad about losing contact with you for so long xD. Thank you! I'm glad we can be friends ^^

7 Name: Ayukine : 2015-04-26 19:22 ID:OhMIRmSG [Del]

Except u said your name was christian on your intro and he said his name was micheal :P

8 Name: Ryu : 2015-04-26 19:37 ID:RhGRq5CG [Del]

haha no doubt that we are indeed different people. No telling how similar we may be in personality though xD

9 Name: Ayukine : 2015-04-26 19:45 ID:il6PVaGZ [Del]

Well you could start with likes and dislikes

10 Name: Ayukine : 2015-04-26 19:46 ID:il6PVaGZ [Del]

I know with him i was stuck between like and dislike but i know secretly he loved how awesome i was XD

11 Name: Ayukine : 2015-04-26 20:02 ID:S0uXo6jQ [Del]

Name: micheal ellison
colour: green
drrr character: mikado
song: castle of glass by linkin park
youtuber: pewdiepie

heavy metal
his parents
being called mikey

12 Name: Ryu : 2015-04-26 20:05 ID:RhGRq5CG [Del]

Well, I guess i'll get the chance to see for myself how awesome you are xD

Hmmmm I like quite a bit of things haha. Anime, Music (currently trying to learn how to play the guitar and re-learning the violin), sketching, poetry, animals, nature, exploring places, photography, video games, etc. There is a lot haha. I dislike rude people, Internet trolls, people who walk super slow in front of me while i'm walking, and a bunch of random things.

What about you? xD Show me your awesomeness :p

13 Name: Ryu : 2015-04-26 20:10 ID:RhGRq5CG [Del]

Ohh. Thats a nice list! Way better than mines. I usually don't tell people what I like and dislike. I'll reorder it like yours haha.

Name: Christian Jenkins
Colour(s): Black, silver, dark red, and gold
drrr character: Izaya
Song: Anything actually. I like all music (except country xD)
Youtuber: I don't have any xD

14 Name: Ayukine : 2015-04-26 20:17 ID:5IaHRvz6 [Del]

Name: jessica snopko
colours: green, blue, purple, red and black
drrr character: izaya
fave song: anything but country
youtuber: anything not stampy cat or make up videos
creepy stuff

being called jessy
plastic people
lying without good reason
ducks (since last week)
stuck up people

15 Name: Ryu : 2015-04-26 20:24 ID:RhGRq5CG [Del]

Nice list. I forgot to mention that I also dislike bullies, heavy metal, and my parents like Micheal haha. We seem to be quite similar in likes and dislikes as well xD Why did you recently start disliking ducks?

I'll admit, you're pretty awesome so far ^^

16 Name: Ayukine : 2015-04-26 20:28 ID:5IaHRvz6 [Del]

I went to a water park and they had duck mascots, my aunty got a hug and dad got a high five, i stuck my hand up for a high five guess what i got, nothing -_- now i hate ducks

17 Name: Ayukine : 2015-04-26 20:37 ID:5IaHRvz6 [Del]

I'm also hated by alot of the popular people at school for being somewhat honest in a way that no one would even be

18 Name: Ryu : 2015-04-26 20:44 ID:RhGRq5CG [Del]

haha wouldn't that be more of the people's fault instead of the ducks? I'm sure real ducks would be nicer xD

19 Name: Ayukine : 2015-04-26 20:48 ID:5IaHRvz6 [Del]

Maybe, pewdieduck is pretty funny XD

20 Name: Ryu : 2015-04-26 20:51 ID:RhGRq5CG [Del]

I didn't even know anything called pewdieduck existed xD. Well, you introduced me to something new.

21 Name: Ayukine : 2015-04-26 20:54 ID:5IaHRvz6 [Del]

XD its a pewdiepie thing, hey did you wanna talk on chat? this is getting kinda annoying

22 Name: Ryu : 2015-04-26 21:00 ID:RhGRq5CG [Del]

Sure ^^ About to get ready to eat something right quick though, so would you like to wait until i'm done, or you could make a chat room and i'll join once i'm finished if that's easier?

23 Name: Ayukine : 2015-04-26 21:01 ID:5IaHRvz6 [Del]

Sure i'll send you the name

24 Name: Ayukine : 2015-04-26 21:04 ID:5IaHRvz6 [Del]

Its ayukun is boss

25 Name: Ayukine : 2015-04-26 21:06 ID:5IaHRvz6 [Del]

I couldnt think of anything better

26 Name: Ryu : 2015-04-26 23:22 ID:RhGRq5CG [Del]

I was auto kicked xD

27 Name: Ayukine : 2015-04-27 00:08 ID:nAObmj/Y [Del]

Sorry i had to go study my parents took my phone

28 Name: Ryu : 2015-04-27 00:31 ID:RhGRq5CG [Del]

It's okay. I wonder if there is any way to contact you on here besides chat or a forum. Just wondering so when I log on, I won't have to use on of those options

29 Name: Ayukine : 2015-04-27 00:50 ID:U/6aQDoO [Del]

We could email each other instead

30 Name: Ryu : 2015-04-27 01:36 ID:RhGRq5CG [Del]

That would work wonderfully. My email address is

I'm dying from lack of sleep, so if I don't reply just send me an email and i'll reply when i'm resurrected xD

31 Name: Ayukine : 2015-04-27 01:45 ID:5IaHRvz6 [Del]

Okay then... XD mine is

32 Name: Ayukine : 2015-04-27 06:40 ID:tTNEZHYy [Del]

I tried to email you but it didnt work

33 Name: Anon. : 2015-04-27 09:37 ID:/F3q+JU2 [Del]

34 Name: Ryu : 2015-04-27 10:45 ID:RhGRq5CG [Del]

I just sent you one :p

35 Name: Ayukine : 2015-04-27 10:56 ID:il6PVaGZ [Del]

Checking now