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Someone stole my bike...and Chinatown (2)

1 Name: ugh... : 2015-04-24 23:55 ID:8KTWse+z [Del]

I went to Chinatown for a tour and I spend it not alone, but with people. I don't know them well and we're not gonna talk to each other again but it was nice that I didn't spent the trip lonely. I had a souvenir regret of not buying a nice tea set for only $10 even though I had $25 left with plenty of savings at home. Do you guys have those regrets? My dad might take me back since it's not too far so I might be able to buy it. Should I?

After we got home from the trip, my mom calls me that my bike where I normally park it near the bus stop is missing and I start to well up when we got home even when my mom wasn't mad at me and told me that it just happened; to just learn from it.

I remember I was almost late for the bus when taking my bike, I parked my bike with putting the lock on so it's my fault and I just said that it was locked or it was a little loose. I feel guilt even though it would have been the same outcome of mom not getting as mad and would've made a difference.

My mom reported it to the police and I had little info to give only the bike had two shifters and it was a purple with a gear that gets loose. Does anyone know the brand of the bike they have?! Was I suppose to memorize it b/c that's what my mom told me I needed to learn?!

Anyways is it okay that I told that white lie or should I fess up? My mom told me anyway that the police won't give a damn if there was no lock or it was lose b/c then it wouldn't be their problem and mostly our fault.

2 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-04-25 04:36 ID:bS+lfmAV [Del]

Find it yourself, our save up money to buy a new one.