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I'm outie. I can't go on. (4)

1 Name: Nova : 2015-04-24 15:56 ID:I/0Vi0uN (Image: 518x457 png, 529 kb) [Del]

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The fear of getting hurt or putting my family in danger has driven me to the edge of insanity. The risk-zone friend my brother has. The people with violent contacts that my classmates chat with under my name. I can't go on. I want to fucking die already. Is this what I was destined to be. A fucking tormented being walking around without salvation. The thought of suicide has flooded my thoughts and an attempt has been made.

2 Name: Toastywafflz !qVs0Vq85og : 2015-04-24 16:24 ID:YOeVhJw+ [Del]

I'm truly sorry that you've been driven to a point where you feel the crushing weight of life smash down on you like this; nobody deserves that. Obviously I don't think you should try to off yourself, and perhaps I won't be able to thoroughly convince you of my perspective, but I can try, because there's somebody out there who would hate to see you go, and it would bother me too, now that I've become privy to your suffering, and you yourself would be depriving yourself of the opportunities in life that lie beyond struggle and hardship by solving what could very well be a manageable problem with the face of a beast with a permanent, irrevocable solution.

I don't think anyone is really destined for anything beyond the course set for them by themselves and the variable they act on and that act on them. In this sense, while restricted of course by the scenario you find yourself in, you control all the moves you make, more or less, on your turn, tempered by knowledge of the situation and your beliefs. I can't tell you what to do and I can't guarantee anything, but you can do such things for yourself, within the sanctum of your mind, and the power of perspective is one of the most powerful things under the control of us as humans. Things can LOOK better for you if you find the drive and will to make it so, and through that perspective, eventually, you can impact your reality through yourself. Try confronting your classmates, and steer your friend a straight course through the field of icebergs as best as you can; the variables will fall into place around you as you do what you decide to do, and I am certain offing yourself will only make things worse for the very people you worry about.

Keep looking forward, because the salvation you seek is dormant inside you, waiting for you to realize it through your self-concept. I hope for your successful self-reconciliation and I wish you the best of luck with the obstacles in your path; come back of course if you need anything, and I hope that helps~

3 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2015-04-24 16:28 ID:JnqGDpH4 [Del]

I'm not sure what's going on but here's a thing.

Can you believe it, we can kill ourselves but yet the concept of death isn't in our hands, we don't have a right to it. We borrowed a body and we're using someone else's property, I suppose the Earth's.

We get scared of getting hurt or hurting others, but this body of ours experiences these things and does it too. What's important is that you repay the world, this Earth we live on. For good and for bad. But the payment must be equal.
If you commit suicide, you're not repaying anyone or the Earth. You'll just be hurting yourself and them instead.

Your brother seems to be with a dangerous person it seems. Alright think for a moment, slap yourself if you need to and get back into the right frame of mind. And think about how you can solve this, because you can. Even if you're small or weak, just like a drop of rain. You still give this Earth sustenance.

You will find salvation if you, the rain drop, give this salvation to this world as well.

4 Name: TheRisingShadow : 2015-04-24 20:01 ID:16t1vUbv [Del]

Search for the light at the end of the tunnel. You're going through a rough spot, and it's not easy. But in the end, there will always be something there for you. You have to live your life to find out what that is.