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when you keep hitting a dead end (5)

1 Name: Amber7520 : 2015-04-24 00:39 ID:poQYu7te [Del]

So I'm not really sure what to do with my life currently. I'm 15 and already feel screwed over. I go to one of the most challenging schools in GA and it's a very snobby school. I don't fit in at all and people talk about me all the time because I look "depressed" but in all honestly wanna know why? Because you make me that way, they constantly exclude me or make me feel horrible in general. I mean what am I supposed to do? Some girl accused me of being suicidal and now I'm in counceling because my parents believe them. At home my life isn't much better my parents are strict and put me down all the time. I want to get away from the school so bad but have no idea how, my parents want me to keep going there even though it's physically and mentally draining me. Just what am I supposed to do when I'm literally stuck? Where I live there's only 2 public schools, I can't go to one because my ex boyfriend who I dated for 10 months who was popular cheated on me before he left to move to Washington and well, all his friends still side with him even though they know he did wrong so they hate me. When I mean he was popular I mean at least half the school knew him I can't go there where I'll already have that many people hating me. The other school idk if I can get into because it's a talented school where you can get in for drama or dancing or art but you need a B average... Not gonna happen.. My parents don't wanna pay for any other school. People tell me just be yourself but OH MY GOD YOU DONT KNOW WHAT MY SCHOOL IS LIKE YOU CANNOT DO THAT I TRIED IT AND IT FAILED SO BADLY. I have one best friend and a guy who likes me. That is a positive, but at the same time they don't understand, they're popular and idk what the fuck they're friends with me for. Dont get me wrong I'm thrilled but I still am balancing everything and trying not to fall to the pits of hell where I'm starting to think might be better than here. People keep telling me "oh don't worry it'll get better!" That's cool I've been hearing that since 4th grade. I just am so lost. What. Do. I. Do. With. All. Of. This?? It's a dead end every single way I turn.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2015-04-24 00:59 ID:jFpiWpq3 [Del]

so im by no means an expert or someone super popular or anything, but I think you need to realize how amazing you really are. You deserve those friends, they hang out with you because they like you. you're smart and talented, you just dont always believe that. (I do the same thing, i question why anyone talks to me). And it's not like "it's gonna get better" maybe it will, but maybe it wont. what im sure of if you keep fighting, your gonna get stronger. So please dont give up. strut your stuff, do something YOU enjoy. Draw a picture, get into gaming, or join a club. I joined my cosplay community in a city near by,i go to meet ups and made a lot of friends (i know Atlanta has a large cosplay community). But the first thing you got to do is convince your self that you are amazing, that you're NOT suicidal no matter what they say, that you ARE smart, and gorgeous, and strong. and it's hard, i know, but the good things out weigh the bad in the long run.

3 Name: Yours Truly !GniOoWrG2M : 2015-04-24 01:11 ID:GfDcGZMn [Del]

Ah, that's tough. What I think might help, is to talk to someone your comfortable with. For example, talk some sense into those parents of yours! If they really care, they will want to do what they can to help. Same goes with your friends. Having trouble expressing yourself? Write a letter. Make sure you're telling the right person though. Hearing the "it'll get better" thing again won't help.
Ignore them mean people, and go hang with your gang. They don't have any say in your life. Set yourself a goal, and work to attain it, whether it'd be to get C+ average, or about holding your ground firmly throughout the entire day.
... That's all I got right now.

4 Name: KingKazuma : 2015-04-24 09:47 ID:fhQVcL2E [Del]

You said you're only 15 right now. I'm almost 18 and a junior in High school. From freshmen year if you told me I'd have a girlfriend that was amazing and was almost exactly like me I'd call you insane. The thing I realized while I was trying to gain other people's acceptance is that I shouldn't try at all. If those dumb jocks or douche bags and plastic bitches don't want to hear me out then why waste my time with them. I know for a fact that there is a lot more people in your school that know exactly what you're going through and those are the ones you want as friends. They will be loyal friends, friends you can relate with and trust. You know once I found those kind of friends I didn't see on person as a popular person or a unpopular person I just started seeing them as they were and how they treated me and my friends. It does get better. Also don't listen to your parents honestly if they give you shit make them feel bad for it. You might get grounded but at least you stood up to them.

5 Name: Toastywafflz !qVs0Vq85og : 2015-04-24 16:04 ID:YOeVhJw+ [Del]

I agree with most of what everybody has already had to say to you. Navigate your life with caution and enjoy the brevity of each moment as you're sweeped away in the wonders of the present, a present that exists everywhere and nowhere. If you can go to a better school, that'd be good; but if you can't, sticking it out at your current school will be tough, and draining, and you'll hate it, but it's definitely possible. Don't worry, it'll get better? Maybe it will. Maybe it won't. Claiming to know the future short of possessing the skills of clairvoyance is foolish, because the future is a mass of variables that go beyond our skills of computation; to predict the future perfectly would require time that invalidates the purpose behind prediction as the future to be predicted fades into the past. It has infinite potential and you can steer your course wherever you think is best, especially after school and you gain control over your life. Stick it out, because while there are no guarantees other things will get better, you will come to a better place in terms of your control over your path in life and that's something to hold out for.

Friends are important and everybody needs people to support them for the most part. Always give yourself a chance and keep walking through the dusty windswept plains of existence, because your perception can give anything the purpose you desire and you can continue with your head held high to a future with better possibilities for yourself. You have a place to turn, too; you can always come here, I think, and I don't mind accepting you into the fold as another friend. I hope your situation becomes better, even if it's a shift in perspective and nothing more, and I hope eventually you can reconcile your view with your parents perhaps and come to a resolution that facilitates mutual understanding about how you feel according to you instead of somebody from school who has only cursorily familiarized themselves with you and made frivolous judgement based on false notions and misguided good will.

I wish you the best, I hope something there helps you out~