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Probleme (7)

1 Name: (un)Lucky : 2015-04-23 15:58 ID:yjo7u9gP [Del]

Hello, my probleme is that i think i'm in love of a girl, but i dont know her. Do you think i can just go and tell her? Even if i don't know her name? (i'm a student and we are in the same school)

2 Name: TheRisingShadow : 2015-04-23 19:21 ID:16t1vUbv [Del]

You should take your time and not rush things. Get to know her better first. I wish you luck.

3 Name: Akane : 2015-04-24 02:59 ID:ZPPQp4+/ [Del]

I agree, don't rush things just yet, love can always been mistaken for lust, I think it would be hard to fall in love with someone you don't know personally. Take baby steps, get to know each other, then see if she likes you back, there's not rush is there? Just don't mistake what you feel for lust and then when you get to know each other it doesn't work out. Don't think to far ahead, go with the flow.
Good luck~

4 Name: (un)Lucky : 2015-04-24 10:33 ID:yjo7u9gP [Del]

Thank you for answers, but the point became so that I don't know how could I talk to her,she is one year younger,i don't know her friends,i don't know friends of mine knowing her and I've never seen her In parties. But my heart puls faster when I cross her, I find her really beautiful, and she looks to have a "love of live" and she is like shining like the sun. So how could I do to know her more??? Please help :'(

5 Name: TheRisingShadow : 2015-04-24 19:55 ID:16t1vUbv [Del]

Walk up and start a conversation. It can be about anything you want, just try to keep it simple. Introduce yourself, talk about things you like, ask her about things she likes. Find something you have in common.

6 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-04-25 04:41 ID:bS+lfmAV [Del]

Just don't try to stalk her, don't be confident, and do your best.
Also, don't sound like someone going after her body. (what age are you? only counts if your both old enough for "that")

7 Name: Takuto : 2015-04-25 04:47 ID:cP5ndH4A [Del]

are you elementary school kid okay i will give you advice. First do a research about her, second be friend with her, third be her ideal type, fourth be her close friend, fifth confess to her, sixth if you lucky you she will accept you if not.....i hope you find better girl