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how to make friend? (2)

1 Name: tokito : 2015-04-23 11:30 ID:08/bExIC [Del]

hei guys, Im in Kyoto, Japan right now.
I would like some advice to make...friends...

I study at language school right now, and my level is halfway N4. All my classmate are foreigner but they were all young people. between age 16-22...
I'm 25 this year (this september) and it is hard to strike a conversation... they dont really speak english as well (taiwanese student and italian)...

those who plan to enter university are grouping together, etc... those who are the same country get together... its like clash of clans here...
I'm the only one from different country and none in that school (100 students) at all...

and i'm afraid that i'm the typical quiet people, sit a the very back (coz i'm very tall)... and despite being tall, i dont follow or play sport either... My hobby is reading novel/web novel and play games rpg alone...

i dont really like to drinks either, and karaoke? never like it as I only listen to rap music... and I cant sing rap nonetheless speak normally...

as off now, i've been calling sick to school oftenly for the last 3 weeks since opening ceremony...
i dont really like going back to my country either... as for my money, i've got only enough for the next 6 months...

do you think Its better to spent them quickly at the red district then commit suicide (it's Japan anyway, many cases already)...
or just try to save it as long as I can for uncertain future? (i might rot here in my room anyway, lol)

I heard in Japan, being friends with call girl/ host club members is quiet normal... I mean you pay them at first but they will eventually willing to be friends with you or so...

any idea to make my 6 months here worthwhile?

2 Name: Hiroki : 2015-04-23 12:08 ID:Pyv5pfzV [Del]

Find a subject to talk at with your classmates, ask them about how things work in their country or about the news (now in Italia the headlines are about the migrants conditions, see my thread in the news section).

Or, even if you're not good at sport, play with them. (eg play football)

Else, find an association in which your fellow nationals meet, they will be able to advise you.

Finally, have you got enough money to find a bike ? You can explore Japan with it, that should be great to do.