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Is is bad that I like yaoi (9)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2015-04-20 19:35 ID:u8TYXG2Q [Del]

I was with my friend and I said that I like yaoi. She had said that yaoi was discussing and called me a pervert. So I would like others opinions to tell me if yaoi is bad or not. Please I would like you to reply

2 Name: Leena : 2015-04-20 20:43 ID:PrI5zTGg [Del]

Yaoi is okay, you just may want to keep it a secret. It's associated with some weird shit, so don't be surprised if you get that sort of reaction.

3 Name: Yuri !0UZD1OR/j. : 2015-04-20 21:11 ID:DRD4Hm9y [Del]

It's actually bad and disrespects the moral values of everyone.
But well, if you like it, then go.
It's your life afterall.

4 Name: Slacker !IUZzEys2W6 : 2015-04-20 22:21 ID:JCSmDixJ [Del]

It's in all your beliefs. It isn't evil in nature, as some "yaoi" is simply one male kissing another. But, let's think of it this way. It's like walking up to someone and saying, "I like to watch gay guys kiss." Now, that sounds a lot worse. Unfortunately, that's the short of it though. If you like it, that is your business. If you share that information, you're bound to get negative reactions. From a religious standpoint, it is not right. From a moral standpoint, it's not normal. But again, your business alone.

5 Name: Sid : 2015-04-21 04:28 ID:byJM/vyk [Del]

Nothing is wrong with liking yaoi, or whatever it is called. Depending on the extent of the material it might just be what you prefer. To the extreme it could be considered pornographic, but everyone has their tastes. Everyone is a pervert, but only those who open up to their tastes in a sexual nature are considered so. It might not even be a sexual nature thing though.

I have never really seen a yaoi, but I am assuming it is more of a chick flick kind of thing. Probably more so to do with emotional triggers. It could just be seen as liking an anime version of that genre be weird and people jump to conclusions. My best friend keeps giving me shit about liking anime. He says Japan is whack due to making some sexual references in anime where everyone is underage in the shows. Basically you will get shit if you like something with anything that has a slight sexual reference.

Also I'm a bit intoxicated at the moment so hopefully what I wrote makes sense.

6 Name: DaiMajutsu : 2015-04-21 05:54 ID:WHTF9o3t [Del]

>>1 Yes, it's bad. Now go and kneel in the corner and think about life, the universe and how your inner being connects to the cosmos.

7 Name: EatSomePasta : 2015-04-21 09:58 ID:Ln06szLQ [Del]

I love the yaoi too.I don't think is bad,everybody have a hobby.Maybe your friend doesn't like it,but if you love it you can see it!! My english is bad... :´(

8 Name: Orihara San : 2015-04-21 12:50 ID:Xm6Xq8l8 [Del]

Humans tend to differ in tastes. That´s what makes them interesting. So, you say you like yaoi and they call you a pervert. That´s just another reaction of someone who was raised to believe that what was taught to them is the right way to see the World and the rest is wrong. A person that´s not open minded and can´t accept a new concept that surrounds sexual content and homossexual relationships; what society allienated as 'forbidden' or a 'sin', against their beliefs. I´d tell you to not say to anyone that you like yaoi. You would observe so many different reactions from every kimnd of people, that would be fun. But again, if you like it, you should stick with your tastes and hobbies, what makes you feel like you, in a twisted World with divergent opinions, one must keep their inner self away from negative influence of the opinion of others. You´ll leave a mark in the World you´re in. Your own mark with your own formed opinions that´ll make you a distinct person with your own personality, not someone that´ll 'go with the flow of the mass´s thoughts'. ;) Sorry if it was a long post, I´m just bored, with lots of work to do, but without the will to start any of them.

9 Name: YAOI + YAOI = HEAVEN : 2019-05-23 11:25 ID:ELW/bRvA [Del]