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How to enjoy life in a boring place? (21)

1 Name: Yuri !0UZD1OR/j. : 2015-04-20 19:02 ID:DRD4Hm9y [Del] know. -_-
This place,a quiet, no basketball courts (I Love Baskeball,Silent, full of random gangsters(DONE WITH MY CASE).
I just have my Laptop.
My Wifi.
And My Anime Collections.
And of course Food.
Friends? My bestfriends live in another town close in my school.
And that's really far. It's like 3 towns must be passed to get there.
And there's not much people here. As I've said, a very silent town. No one ever dares to go outside to have fun.
Actually, recently they've benn weird.
I was outside to buy something in the store, and the store keeper is like looking angrily/mysteriously to me.
And also when I passed by an old house with a little boy playing, he actioned to go out, but when he saw me, he then went back inside. -_-
Really, what's with this town.
I even thought I can have fun now because the Boss is already captured. (Skip that Boss thing)
But then, it's still boring outside.
So what can you help me?
Just say it. I'll listen, and I won't talk bad about your idea.

(Sorry for my Bad English)

Thanks. -_-

2 Name: Slacker !IUZzEys2W6 : 2015-04-20 22:24 ID:JCSmDixJ [Del]

It's so boring you get attacked by gangs and beaten up and just- oh god, why has life been this dull line of absolutely nothing for you!?!?!?

3 Name: GolD George : 2015-04-21 00:58 ID:2yAIfKA7 (Image: 500x583 jpg, 34 kb) [Del]

src/1429595918192.jpg: 500x583, 34 kb
Whenever I'm bored, I just watch anime. Cuz anime cures my boredom and kills my problems :)

4 Name: Yuri !0UZD1OR/j. : 2015-04-21 03:29 ID:7EoMInKa [Del]

>>2 My Gangster case is now ok. -_-
And yes, it's always been boring.
I mean, should I bet them up again, and then I'll get stabbed again?
Really huh? -_-
>>3 Yeah. Thanks for that suggestion.
But I'm really not so fun of anime nowadays because, well, there isn't so much cool animes coming out this month.
I need something without including the Internet Life. :3

5 Name: Slacker !IUZzEys2W6 : 2015-04-21 20:52 ID:XcIl3sto [Del]

If those things really happened I would not consider your life

6 Name: uberwoofer : 2015-04-21 21:42 ID:l/NfNyHY [Del]

wait wait wait, you're some kind of bored-out-of-life gang-fighter in a (obviously) horror-movie-scenario-intended town?? Man, do you enjoy writing? Write a story about this, please

7 Name: Noonimy : 2015-04-21 23:12 ID:s3fhVhjb [Del]

I think mine is much more freaking boring, my place is on top of of a very high mountain hill with no freaking signal so i can't go to the internet and i can't even go to the freaking basketball court since im the only one who's gonna be playing there. When I want to buy some coke, the freaking store is up freakingly 1 km from our house and you gotta hike their that'll make your leg hurt from the travel. HOWS THAT

8 Name: uberwoofer : 2015-04-21 23:34 ID:l/NfNyHY [Del]

Noonimy wins, it seems.

9 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-04-22 07:36 ID:hNK90LlB [Del]

Well, re-watch dragon ball, works when im bored

10 Name: Yuri !0UZD1OR/j. : 2015-04-22 20:51 ID:TLwhG8rp [Del]

>>6 Some already said that. Not new to me. -_-
And yeah, say what you want,believe what you wanna believe.
If you can't still help me.
Just STFU.-_-
>>7 Haham that's worser than mine. XD Wait for answers here, some might help you too.
>>9 I hate Dragon Ballz. -_-

11 Name: Yuri !0UZD1OR/j. : 2015-04-22 20:52 ID:TLwhG8rp [Del]

This is why Dollars is getting junk -_-

12 Name: Magnolia : 2015-04-23 09:37 ID:h3qWxlCB [Del]

>>11 This is why less and less people are willing to help you. Everytime you supposedly asking for advice you shoot everything down, even when they're fairly good ideas. It doesn't help that you're not being specific in the kind of advice/help that you want. So in the end, you just make too long posts and then tell everyone their ideas are not good enough.

13 Name: Magnolia : 2015-04-23 09:40 ID:JdcIG7I7 [Del]

It's why your threads keep getting permasaged. It's why you get less and less responses. You say that there's something wrong with our community, but considering every post you make is you either lying, trolling, or asking for advice you don't want, if there's any "junk" on the site, it comes in the form of people like you.

14 Name: Yuri !0UZD1OR/j. : 2015-04-23 19:28 ID:6yKvl6rL [Del]

>>12 >>13 I ain't shooting their ideas down. I'm saying the possibility of their ideas. Why? Did I say that Dragon Ballz is a bad idea? Tsss.

I don't care if my threads aren't so much having responses, they ignore it because they just don't know what to say. Then what can I do if they ignore it?
But If they ignore it because this story is like a movie or something. What can I do if they won't belive? Should I force them to belive? Haha, Haters gonna hate afterall. -_-
And also, Haha. Are you offensed about that "This Is Why Dollars Is Getting Junk"?
Hahaha. Seriously, 80% here are just socializing, having some fun, but don't really know the real meaning of dollars. Yes maybe I'm getting one of those. But who knows? Do you have a proof I'm just trolling? And if you have,Do you know why I'm doing this?
Hahaha. Judgmental. That's one of you. -_-
Not knowing the story, makes you more look you're one of those fools here.
You know,You're the reason why I think dollars is one of a fool idea. And haha, I ain't telling why. XD
Now accept my spam threads. No one can stop me. -_-
Dollars won't change anyway, since Admins are all lazy changing what they have now. Such a waste.
Oh...also, to those ideas of yours. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THINKING OF AN IDEA. I appreciate it even it don't work.-_-
Now Magnolia, Contented?

15 Name: TheRisingShadow : 2015-04-23 19:47 ID:16t1vUbv [Del]

You asked a question and received answers, whether they were to your liking or not. I believe that is what Magnolia was getting at. If you have a problem with the Dollars website, then don't use it.

16 Name: Yuri !0UZD1OR/j. : 2015-04-23 20:01 ID:6yKvl6rL [Del]

I don't use it. -_-
It's simple "I need GOOD and WORKING suggestions in my situation"
Don't pissed me off because if you also do, this topic will be forgotten again. -_-
Yes I received answers, as I've said. I am just saying the possibilities of this Ideas. I didn't say it's bad and foolish. -_-

17 Post deleted by user.

18 Post deleted by user.

19 Name: Magnolia : 2015-04-23 20:29 ID:PgwGsJyP [Del]

>>14 Please, if you're going to speak English, at least make an attempt to use it correctly. I couldn't understand half of what you were trying to say. But I can say this much; I was just noting the irony of calling this place junk when you're one of the people who fill it with junk. No need to prove it; everyone knows it, and not only have you been caught red handed in the past, but you've also said yourself that you're a troll. It's just like saying the earth isn't flat; needing to provide "proof" of it doesn't make any sense.

Also, you claim that the website "doesn't know the real meaning of Dollars". I've said this countless times, weeaboo; "the Dollars" is nothing but fantasy from an anime. We use the site layout of it for whatever we want. Not to mention your previous posts completely contradict your words. You suggest that you know what being a Dollar means, then proceed becoming a liar and a spammer. You spout bullshit to make people hate you, and then randomly claim that it was your mission all along, because you have nothing better to say. Almost every post you make is worthless, so I can only assume your definition of the Dollars is an organization filled with worthless, lying, spamming individuals.

20 Name: Yuri !0UZD1OR/j. : 2015-04-23 20:54 ID:6yKvl6rL [Del] wonder I can't get help here because this isn't the real dollars. -_-
And sorry for my english. I admit I'm really not so good on it.
What should I say...Hmmm. Yes I'm a troll,maybe? Depends on how you look at it. But I have reasons. And it can't be exactly called "Missions".
First of all. And as I've said. If you have nothing to help. Ignore me.
I don't care if they don't have any ideas. Just ignore if you don't have one.
Ok ok. Say imma liar. Say imma troll. Whatever you wanted. -_-
I don't care.
Just prove you are one.
And yes, Fools like me maybe fills this forum. But well, what are Admins for?
Yeah yeah, this don't have rules. But even if makes this more junker, still ignores it and accept this don't have rules? LOL.
Now response again. It'll tell the truth. -_-
That you're one of a guilty girl.
You know my name. Not My story.
So please STFU.

By the way. Still seeking answers.
I've watched new animes recently. But it isn't still working.
I still wanna go out and have fun in this town.
So much bored.
Suggestions? Accepted.
Haters, please stop. I'm tired arguing. -_-
If you got no ideas. No hate. It's ok.
Just ignore if you got nothing to say better. -_-

21 Name: LLawliet : 2015-04-27 18:17 ID:XslUbyth [Del]

My suggestion is to find a game you like that you can pour time into, this should prevent you from becoming bored so often.