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Am I a fraud? (8)

1 Name: Me : 2015-04-16 04:23 ID:m2YI6suI [Del]

I have a confession. For as long as I can remember I've had a personality disorder. Sometimes I do and say things that don't really sound like me. Then again, I'm not sure who I really am. I used to lie a lot as a child. Then in middle school I embraced those lies. In High school I completely decided to change who I was. That's when I became empty and emotionless on the inside and friendly on the outside. My classmates saw me as a stand up guy, but deep inside I didn't really care. I tried to become the person they thought I was. I reached a point where I don't know if I'm a fraud. Am I really a nice guy who cares about people or am I a just putting up an act. I really don't know anymore. I usually help others and I'm active in my community, but in the end I feel nothing. Why is that? Has this happened to anyone else?

2 Name: Takuto : 2015-04-16 04:51 ID:UqKEyUz0 [Del]

no that's not happen to me

3 Name: Enigami : 2015-04-16 07:01 ID:qppX+DL5 [Del]

Yeah, I was like this my senior year of high school. Unfortunately, I don't really have any advice, cuz I kinda just grew outta it. Time is generally pretty good at fixing things, but if these feelings persist, you should consider seeking counseling.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2015-04-16 08:21 ID:9iutQVxq [Del]

If you like the person everyone thinks you are, become that person.

5 Name: Natsuki : 2015-04-19 05:49 ID:Zn2Asyfb [Del]

>>4 I agree to that.

But really. The way other people view you is different from how you view yourself.

I mean, there are otakus out there who look innocent to normal people, heck even act innocent but they are actually fujoshis!!! But it doesn't bother them because that's how they are.

If I were in your situation, even if I'm not, I would view myself as a person with a secret Identity. It would sound super cool!! XD Then, I would use that 'don't care' personality to stop bullies from hurting me and my classmates!

I would say, "I don't care if you insult me, really," then glare at them, "I won't care if I hurt you either. You're causing trouble that it's troublesome..."

*eyes of admiration* Well, that's how I'd be anyways if I had that kind of attitude.

But if you're still unsure of yourself, I'm pretty sure you're not a fraud. It's nice to see people helping others. But if you'd like to do it with sincere kindness, you should put your heart into the things you do to help people. Then, it would feel a lot more meaningful. :)

6 Name: Crusader !f2ebYr7Dbk : 2015-04-19 12:02 ID:NDOnwCcv [Del]

I don't really have a personality disorder, but the same is happening to me. For sure.

7 Name: Dioleag!wYygCyWbiI : 2015-04-19 12:25 ID:9dbhT405 [Del]

My advice to you is to stop doing whatever you are pretending to. Even if it is just for a little while. If you feel unhappy doing things, take a break to figure out if you would miss doing them. Basically what I'm saying is, take some time to find yourself. Even if it means distancing yourself a little bit. I by no means am seeing to isolate yourself, just wanted to make that clear, but give yourself time to really think about who you are and who you want to be.

8 Name: Kid Ri : 2015-04-19 16:25 ID:mBi/Vp+8 [Del]

I think its the fact that everyone is just like you, you are a fraud you wear a mask everyday around everyone, you're very good at being a stand up guy but in the end you can't fool yourself. You feel nothing because you don't like anyone you're with, because they just might all be the same as you a fraud. People really don't like themselves and they will say "I do like who I am!" But very few actually mean it, everyone lies its true. If you feel nothing while being a stand up guy then you probably don't like who you are or you don't like who anyone else is because both you and them are so similar. Its a thought but it makes sense. Its messed up but it makes sense. Its simple and just might be true.