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Am I just sad, or am I depressed? (6)

1 Name: Raven !AO.B1XR.aI!!XI8GEi6V : 2015-04-13 22:26 ID:Py9Uqdji [Del]

For the past few years of my life, and especially this past couple of months, I've been feeling numb, like nothing is worth doing anymore. It hasn't really affected me much (I still carry on with daily life and everything, I smile a lot, etc.) but when I go home everything changes. I have no motivation to do anything. I sleep, because I can't do anything anyways, but that often results in me thinking too much and crying. Also, a couple of sad things have happened recently. So I'm finding it hard to tell if I'm sad, or depressed. I feel as though I used to be happier, once, but that was a long time ago. I wonder if I can get the old me back soon, or if I'm going to be like this for a while. The world used to be clearer, I used to be more productive and accepting as a person. These are my feelings right now. Can someone help me?

2 Name: Ellaumi : 2015-04-13 23:03 ID:dlYAl76d [Del]

I'm not a mental heath professional, so I can't exactly help you, but what you're describing sounds a lot like depression. You should probably talk to your parents/guardians about this, or seek a mental heath provider. If you're still in school, a counselor should work too. They'll at least be able to point you in the right direction.

You can and will get back to the old you. Your mind may be in a fog right now, but fogs don't stick around forever. It will lift, and life will be clear and bright again. I believe in you. Take care of yourself <3

3 Name: Hiroki : 2015-06-10 13:30 ID:Pyv5pfzV [Del]

Just sleep properly at night and find a hobby.

4 Name: Proto : 2015-06-10 17:47 ID:7qS1A9fi [Del]

The line between sadness and depression is a very fuzzy one, but I'm inclined to agreewith Ellaumi. Either way it sure sounds like you're in a tough spot! I have dealt with very similar feelings of depression so here are a few things that helped me.
1) Everday make a mental (or physical) list of a few attainable things to accomplish that day. Then, at the end of the day, you can look at a completed check list and tell yourself "Hey! I got my list done. The day wasn't so bad." It may not sound like much, and it's certainly no cure-all; but I know it helped me.
2) Look for opportunities to help others. Just little things, you know? Maybe just do something unexpected around the house. Sometimes it kinda clears out that mental fog for me.
3) Don't do this alone. This is big one for me. I kept my depression a secret for a long time because I didn't want to hurt those close to me by giving them a heavy burden to bear. But that was so wrong! I hurt myself, and I deprived others of a chance to love me in a tangible way. So don't do that! ;P And if you don't have someone you feel comfortable talkin' to about that stuff, the Dollars are here!
4) For me, my religious beliefs play a crucial role, but I don't want to push that on you here unless you're curious.
5) Keep busy. BUT don't just suppress the problem underneath busyness. There is a difference so be careful.

Sorry this is so long! Everyone's experience is different so just take it with a grain or two of salt, but I hope this helps. Rock on, Raven.

5 Name: Nagara !lnMw.zO0SY : 2015-06-10 22:50 ID:UwBZj3hp [Del]

I'm kinda' going through a similar thing. I'm in my last year of high school and will be graduating in a few months. After that, we plan to move houses into a different suburb fairly far away from our current one. I believe once I move and leave school I will be able to break through it. I did have the same feeling hoping I can be like my happier self from long ago but I don't think it'll work that way. We have to make a positive, a different and new a happier you.

Sorry for the mini life story but what I'm trying to say is to maybe make a big change with yourself, even if it involves getting out of your comfort zone. It might turn things around and make you a happier person or not at all. You'll just have to keep trying till' you do. I was lucky my family is deciding to move and I'm looking forward to it. We'll see if it makes a difference.
Good luck to you by the way, depression is a bummer.

6 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-06-11 10:41 ID:VCVwMQAN [Del]

I don't know, maybe your both sad AND depressed?