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My heart belongs to SOMEONE WHO DOESN'T EXIST (16)

1 Name: monosaccharide : 2015-04-13 01:21 ID:IYFs1aH0 [Del]

Hi everyone, I'm a highschooler right now, And I have to admit that I had never once had a crush in my life before, but now, ever since I watched anime, I always get a certain bubbly feeling to certain characters. I feel as if I'am happy to see my favorite character to the point where I always daydream about them,making fanfics and whatnot, I can't seem to get them out of my head.They're always in my dreams and my heart always seems to pound hard when I see them. Sometimes I lose interest in real life people esp. of the opposite sex. They sometimes disgust me, why do the real people I know act like idiots? Why can't they be more rational or at least be interesting enough for me to look their way? They don't seem to sparkle the same way anime characters do and before I knew it, I isolated myself from them. With all the things that I have been feeling, there is one thing that I'm sure of, I'm in love with a 2D character, and I know that it isn't a good thing.

I wonder why life could be so cruel as to let me fall in love with someone who doesn't even exist. It just hurts so much knowing the fact you will NEVER be be able to be with them, it's like getting busted without even trying. I had 0% chance right from the beginning.

I've felt this for years now, and I hate myself for still feeling the same way. At times I pity myself, to the point I cry, however I never let anyone see my tears. My mother seems to notice my indifference towards the real world and told me to stop watching anime, but whenever I do, I feel as if I'm going crazy. One day without anime is like a day without sunlight and a week without food. In everything I do I always seem to get hurt in the end, like my heart is being attacked by a stun gun.

It's not like anime is ruining my grades or anything, in fact, I get my sole motivation to go through with my daily routine through it. I even ended up being the top of my class and be the School's Student Council President (Inspired by Misaki Ayuzawa) I also improved my drawing skills, winning drawing contests in our community and occasionally, in an international digital drawing contest (not that I'm bragging, I just want to elaborate the benefits of my addiction)

So I'm quite confused here and I really need help. How do I overcome my feelings of love towards a 2D character? I cant talk about this to my parents or my friends since I know they can't fully understand. None of them loves anime, let alone watches it. If I ask them I'll just keep getting the same answer, "STOP WATCHING ANIME." They don't realize the good things anime has caused me thus far and it's really hard getting them to comprehend my situation. I'm counting on the good people here, who share the same interests as me, to give me some advice (feel free to call me weird, eccentric, crazy, lunatic or whatever,I don't mind at all, I am well aware that I'm indeed one) and thank you so much for your time in reading this thread.

2 Name: Anon : 2015-04-13 01:35 ID:AonaCTmJ [Del]

Well, anime has good effects in you but at the same time, it also poisons you. Its not bad to love anime! But prefering to live your life in the fictional world than the real one is a no-no. Don't isolate yourself! Life is fun... Try to explore. Go out of your comfort zone. Try to do new hobbies. And lastly, help yourself. You can move on, if you'd want to.

3 Name: Azern : 2015-04-13 02:20 ID:w0v28LoI [Del]

If you're new as a nijicon, then welcome. But it won't last long for most people. The choices to escape the nijicon state is up to you. For an easyway, try find some friend that understand anime. Find some local community that have interest in anime.

4 Name: Creepypasta : 2015-04-13 23:58 ID:IYFs1aH0 [Del]

Wah I felt the same way as you before T^T let's see... What I did was try to go out more to the real world and met a bunch of new people. They can help you forget your feelings towards the 2D characters. Just remember to have fun!

5 Name: Hikaru !/d04bYQKz. : 2015-04-14 00:38 ID:UOkBuFKc [Del]

You love a 2D character? Well me too :3. But let see, I'm also found love in the 3D world, I love talking and experience things with my friends, I love the artists make me feel thrilling about their work, I love the efforts to become more perfectly, I love my girl....actually I haven't found that one yet XD. So why only one, 3D or 2D? Why not both? Just draw a clear line between them and try to find the things you love, this world is big ya know?
P/S: yep I'm just another weirdo

6 Name: [...] JackDenkin !3U.19DFF1s : 2015-04-14 07:39 ID:Cq1BJJ4G [Del]

Hey, i got my love on a fictional character that i made up riding on the hopes that my fictional world/dream would come true.
Sad part, This, gaming and Manga/anime is literally tge only thing keeping me alive to this day.
Had it not been that, well, i be gone long ago, and this Jack Denkin wouldnt be here.
So instead of choosing one path, make your own path with a combination of all pathes you need and want.
The make the impossible, possible.
Kehehehe, never give up, you never know if you get a second chance.

7 Name: [...] JackDenkin !3U.19DFF1s : 2015-04-14 07:44 ID:Cq1BJJ4G [Del]

Ah, and btw, if you need people to talk to, theres a whole world out there, here too (internet & reality).
So go out and search the depths for your kindred friends.
You can most certainly find some in those DRRRchat rooms, or some other forum site with a dicussion of anime or whatevs.
And we all in this together, let's call it insanity shall we? Insane, yet sane.

8 Name: Minus!pDyHU0r2E. : 2015-04-14 17:14 ID:5DgOx4TY [Del]

Dear monosaccharide

As you seem to be in highschool, I can say you are still in puberty --- not saying this as an offense!I know what you go through right now and I wished someone told me those words I am about to say to you!!

My advice: DO NOT LOOK FOR AN ASNWER RIGHT NOW. I say just go with the flow. I am sure you will start liking humans someday. You don't have to force yourself right now only with 2D or only with 3D.

You can try and interact with 3D once in a while, but do not try to get an exact answer on how you feel about them. You know, teenagers make one mistake: trying to find an exact answer at the wrong time. I wish for you to do not do that.

Just go with the flow. You will learn in time to love humans.
I am a senior in uni and I can say that I do not hate humans, but I love to watch over them and see them interact. As for love, I am really surrounded by retards. So I don't feel attracted to them either.

Time will come that we will love someone of opposite gender(or whoever) and is a 3D human being.

I am repeting myself: just go with the flow. That is the perfect answer.

Also, it would be better to engage in another activity: like skateboarding, or playing a musical instrument or just drawing/painting.

Give time to other activities, not only on watching anime and reading fanfics.

Take a leap of faith and try doing diverse activities. And when the time comes and you will find humans entertaining (like I do), I believe you will find the right person for you.

Good luck!

9 Name: pii : 2015-04-14 17:34 ID:jEZzY24W [Del]

I also feel like that and also wondering why are they not real, it hurts to think that they just live in our imagination and that they cannot truly exist with us... It aldo hurts to think that i never felt any attraction to real guys i also arrive at the point where i ask myself what is wrong with me though i hope in the future the we can find somebody to love like how we love them still i wish that they were true

10 Name: Takuto : 2015-04-14 20:37 ID:lu2x407i [Del]

There is nothing you can do just keep what are you doing right now

11 Name: monosaccharide : 2015-04-15 08:42 ID:IYFs1aH0 [Del]

I see, then I will do just what everyone said, reading and understanding all your advises really inspired me, I can't help but feel happy that there are actually people who supports me and cared enough to reply.If anything, I'm at least glad that I am not alone in this. Maybe I'll meet people like you someday, who I can relate to, I just can't lose hope right?

Thank you so much,your advises and support is just what I need to discover more of myself. I won't let you all down, I'll try to get out there...and believe what I'll always believe in.

12 Name: Random : 2015-04-15 10:02 ID:6pkQE8Lb [Del]

Love the author who created the character which you love.

13 Name: queen : 2015-04-15 12:52 ID:a5AofRHS [Del]

if u love anime then live life like its an anime and soon u will love life :)

14 Name: [Phone] JackDenkin !3U.19DFF1s : 2015-04-15 13:30 ID:w8XxkLWy [Del]

>>13 That can only go so far, if you live just like that. You gotta bring in other factors to live life.

15 Name: Daccano-chan : 2015-04-15 19:43 ID:vml+koIe [Del]

i know how you feel
but maybe you'll find the one who loves you

16 Name: Kornwolf : 2015-04-15 22:39 ID:fvekEv86 [Del]

I'm not as old you but I've had to move more than 8 times in my life already. I found out about anime and have the same problem as you do. Just accept the fact that they aren't real people. That doesn't mean you have to forget about them or stop watching anime. But if you don't try and make friends in the real world then you're going to be even more miserable and lonely than when you watch anime. Remember that anime is not a key factor in your life and that you can do whatever you want with you life. Real people had to think up that anime character in order for them to exist. Try and be like those people. Make your mark on the world in a way that people won't be able to stop themselves from remembering you or something you did that made them really think about something or even just plain happy.