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I'm an asshole. (12)

1 Name: Tullia : 2015-04-12 15:21 ID:bklkOMcL [Del]

How do I stop being so clingy. It's ruining my life. I feel like I want to die right now. I've been so clingy to the people I want to keep close that they're being pushed away. I'm afraid of loosing them. They are the only people I really interact with anyway because of my parents being gone for long periods of time in the day and night. I'm mostly home alone and not allowed to go outside. Whenever I'm with them at school I feel so happy. Maybe too happy. Tell me how to stop being so clingy so that I don't loose my friends.

2 Name: Samael : 2015-04-12 15:42 ID:kY0gSgiT [Del]

>>1 Uhh, look. First of, calm down girl/mate. It's not like you're going to die just because you feel bad at now or you should die. As a true protestant I say that nobody is authorized to take a life not even his/her own. Well ain't no gonna stop ypu but think of that you just make more annoyance to others if you do. Second, it not so bad to be clingy. If your so called friends are pushing you away because of clingyness then they're not your friends. A friend wouldn't do that. I was quite a clingy guy yet no one pushed me away or did I push away. That's what I say.

3 Name: Tullia : 2015-04-12 16:08 ID:bklkOMcL [Del]

>>2 Never said I wanted to die. I said that I feel like I wanted to die. There's a difference to me by saying you feel like you want to and you want to. Saying that I feel like I want to says that I'm not going to. Saying I want to says that I'm going to. Just wanted to clear that up.

4 Post deleted by user.

5 Name: Magnolia : 2015-04-12 16:32 ID:h3qWxlCB [Del]

>>3 Personally... I think you're wrong. Saying you want to die is the same as saying you FEEL like you want to die, because, of course, emotions play a large part.
You need to be more clear.

6 Name: Tullia : 2015-04-12 16:42 ID:bklkOMcL [Del]

>>5 ...That one sentence completely hijacked what I was trying to get help with. Please don't derail what I'm trying to get help with.

7 Name: MekakushiActor : 2015-04-12 16:55 ID:DMBBRRvx [Del]

I feel like you should treasure them, but remember this: there are going to be people who enter and exit in your life. Those who stay are the ones you should keep. There will be people who will leave your life, and you know what, you can't be sad when that happens because you will still have some people who stay around. And I don't think you are being too clingy. If they tell you that, tell them your issues if you believe they are able to your real friends.

8 Name: Magnolia : 2015-04-12 17:27 ID:h3qWxlCB [Del]

>>6 Then please don't give false information. You didn't word something correctly; telling >>2 that they were wrong didn't make sense.
That's why I had only intended to leave one comment and only one comment.
But then you had to be an ass.

9 Name: Toastywafflz !qVs0Vq85og : 2015-04-12 17:57 ID:LhaUMEKo [Del]

>>8 It was a misunderstanding, that's all~

Now, to the topic at hand;
Clingy is a weird word, and it's kinda packed with emotion. You'd think that being attentive and ultra-caring to the people close to you would endear you to them rather than push them away; however, sometimes this has the opposite effect, and it isn't always your fault. Sometimes people need time to themselves, and sometimes people don't view it as something to be appreciative of, but as an annoyance. People are different, and perhaps you have had bad luck with timing that caused misunderstandings and grievances. In any case, they're your friends and I'd think you should be able to have a good clean talk with them about it to smooth things over, you know? It's good to feel good around your friends and to be able to share your happiness with them, and rather than trying to change that, just put a little effort into moderating how much you express that. I hope they can come to understand, because being clingy is a weird thing, and people have varying thresholds of clingy, so it all depends. In any case, >>7 is correct, and I don't personally know you so I can't gauge how "clingy" you feel you are, but your friends shouldn't give you crap for it, they should be able to understand and talk to you about it and alleviate your worries so that you don't feel that way. Much of it is perception.

I hope that helps, and I hope you feel better about it; cherish your friends always~

10 Name: Tullia : 2015-04-12 18:49 ID:Eu/fisrn [Del]

>>9 Exactly, a misunderstanding. And thank you, I'll try to talk with them about it.

>>8 "But then you had to be an ass" ...*Looks at the title* Yeah. It was a misunderstanding like >>9 said. I'm not too good with words so if you felt offended with what I was saying then I'm sorry because that was not the intent.

11 Name: Bela : 2015-04-13 12:09 ID:782JE9ul [Del]

When I was younger I felt too clingy as well and decided to stop going to my friends and letting them come to me... and... I have significantly less friends now. So I DO NOT think that is the best reaction. But if you want to keep these people close to you, you should just tell them what you told us: that you're lonely because of your parents being gone and that you're happy being with them. Pretty much what >>9 said.

12 Name: TimeBomb !FGX8.16lSY : 2015-04-13 15:13 ID:rc/Qhp0k [Del]

Well, I am myself a really clingy person,but the difference is that I usually don't show it,always keeping a cool facade. Just like >>11 said, trying to be more distant won't work either.

I think,first of all,you should really reflect on those person you're so attached to and whether they're worth of it or not. People come,people go,only those who truly matter stay,but it's better to be sure you don't get yourself too invested on those not worth of it.

Secondly,try to find a balance between exposing this feeling.I can't give you much advice about that since I can barely express my gratitude for those close too me,but yeah.
Good luck