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Losing Hope (7)

1 Name: Layfonsin !CUBCTkrYzY : 2015-04-12 01:45 ID:qSJtZD/j [Del]

Hello nice people who are taking their time to read this thread. I just need someone to show me or give me proof that miracles can still happen and that there is a reason to still believe in this world. Recently it just seems everything is turning against me, and that my life is just unraveling. I am going through some tough times, and I really just need something to give me some hope once again.

2 Name: Kadzara : 2015-04-12 03:50 ID:mmZxvlMR [Del]

Don't be so upset. You may still have people around you who are close to you. Just take a look around. This world is so big, you have so much possibilities and opportunities, there is still so much interesting things you don't know about. There are kind people in this world. As far as they exist, the hope will live. Just believe me, I know what I'm talking about.

3 Name: Hitomi : 2015-04-12 04:25 ID:IYFs1aH0 (Image: 250x258 gif, 76 kb) [Del]

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Well, you cant live a satisfactory life without challenges right? That's what so good about living, one moment you are happy and full of hope and then in a split second you are filled with despair, but that's okay, cause these feelings are what we call emotions in which helps you define your character. Emotions reminds us that we are, afterall, humans, and we live everyday knowing that fact. I can't really tell you everything I know about the complexities of the human heart, since even I don't understand everything about it as well, however, just keep in mind that with the right amount of passion and a pinch of courage, you can get through life's obstacles.

Ergo,just take the problems as challenges and don't let it overpower you. This is your show, this is your life and no one else can write your own story but YOU. So just take your pen and write whatever the hell you want to, and if problems approaches you, just punch them right in the gut for all you care and DON'T EVER STOP WRITING :D

4 Name: Macuilxochitl : 2015-04-12 08:53 ID:mo/dQl4H [Del]

Life will always be fair to you in one way or another, in one time or another, so don't give up and continue what you think is the best and something good will happen :)

5 Name: MekakushiActor : 2015-04-12 17:03 ID:DMBBRRvx [Del]

Remember everything that has made you happy. And don't forget those moments. Hold onto them or write them down, so when you feel like this, you can remember and no longer feel bad about everything.

6 Name: Toastywafflz !qVs0Vq85og : 2015-04-12 18:03 ID:LhaUMEKo [Del]

The world is constantly in a state of flux and in many a way, a font of chaos. But that's okay, because you're human. And you know what we have as humans? All the plucky virtues and baddiness and goodness that comes with that; we have potential. You have potential, always, and no matter what happens or what you have to deal with in life, no matter what horrible occurrence catches your eye in the news or right in front of you, remembering that there are people out there that will stop at nothing to make the world a better place, remembering that amazing things happen to good people and bad people alike to bring people together, remembering that somebody you don't even know is probably thinking of you, even tangentially, it all helps. And, of course, you have the people close to you, and that may or may not include us; we'll be here to cheer you on too, and you should know that your mind is a powerful tool that can steer you a straight course towards your goals in life.

If you want to see some of the heartwarming awesomeness that happens in real life listed out in a convenient place, TV Tropes is a good place to look:

Have a beautiful day~

7 Name: HeartbeatKnight : 2015-04-12 18:44 ID:ifVY/SHf [Del]

>>1 I will feel the same way. I'll find something for the both of us.