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Argue & Get violent (verbally) (6)

1 Name: Why not !LiFn7/Wis. : 2015-04-08 11:33 ID:gKhMfKpP [Del]

So many of us would like to lash out on someone and have a good reason to. Why not keep it here, in a protected, virtual environment than keep it in and see its effects later on, in the real world? All replies can be addressed to the one above, but must be viewed by the following replier as addressed to them. Let it all out guys!

You are a worthless piece of filth that spends it precious time on the internet instead of doing soemthing for its life! No wonder you can't get your life straight, you're stuck in your trash bin of a life.

2 Name: Colorless : 2015-04-08 15:44 ID:wIFAdkzk [Del]

Why not<< OH YEA!? well if you had no job and you can't get one because you're moving soon you wouldn't want to wasting YOUR time either! and you know what!? I LIKE being on the internet all the time. doing my own thing! it 's better than having to listen to you talk about the same things over and over about how " oh my OTHER daughter is gonna go far in life! look at her she's got a fiancé and is going to be moving out of the country to do missions with him! that's so sweet!" while when I tell you MY dreams everyone looks at me and I know what you think" you can't be a translator in Japan." well WATCH ME TRY!! and when I do go I want you to see my back. it's tall and proud as I wear my symbol of accomplishment! I hope you never forget my back because that's the last you'll see of me ever again.

3 Name: Colorless : 2015-04-08 15:44 ID:wIFAdkzk [Del]

that felt good.. :)thank you.

4 Name: PuellaMagi : 2015-04-08 19:25 ID:KwhIwcAm [Del]

Well hearing you go on and on about how I'm wasting my life instead of being on the fast track to becoming an attorney or doctor has quickly become a complete waste of my time! Maybe I want to take my own sweet time to find out what I want to do with my life! Cause I don't want to deal with paying for classes, books and clothes that suit that career, kissing butt to superiors that I hate and being a cut-throat to my peers just so I can advance to the office with a window; when 15 years down the line I discover that I feel dead inside, hate my life and the person I've become! Cause maybe, and I know this is difficult for you to understand, just maybe I would have been happy with owning that hole in the wall bookstore that has a small cafe in the back that serves freshly made coffee, tea, Yorkshire puddings and custard tarts. So leave ME and MY choices in life ALONE!

5 Name: PuellaMagi : 2015-04-08 19:26 ID:KwhIwcAm [Del]

oh...i feel lighter now...Good feelings right there.

6 Name: Colorless : 2015-04-09 13:19 ID:0o/0ZSBO [Del]

<<4 when you open that store of your dreams tell me where you opened it at and I wanna come there.