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Voices, Hallutionations, etc. (8)

1 Name: Enma Ii : 2015-04-08 00:16 ID:0rPuC1Tp [Del]

I don't know where else to go, because to be honest I rather tell hundreds of strangers online instead of one person face to face.

I have voices in my head that much is easy to say. But it's actually not that simple. I'm not claiming to have any kind of disease/disorder this is just the way I am. When I was a kid I had no friends so I talked to myself in my head. Eventually it reached a point where my voices became a part of my subconscious and I can no longer control them. What's worse is that they can control me.

When they take over I feel like I'm in a dream and that I'm watching something happen through somebody else's eyes. Not to mention that since I have very vivid dreams and I usually remember them very well, I have a hard time telling if I'm awake or asleep. Because of that I tend to get very delusional and can even hallucinate.

I don't like self-diagnosing myself, but I don't want to get "professional" help for two reasons. One being I'm a minor and I don't want to burden my family with handling all my issues. Especially because I was forced into counseling because of my depression (I lied my way out of it, thankfully). My second reason is because I don't trust "them." Them being psychiatrist, therapist, counselors, etc. They're getting paid to help me; they don't really care about me.

I guess the point of this thread is I want some advice and maybe reassurance. Should I get help, or continue how I am? Am I alone in this or have you experience something similar and have a story to tell?

2 Name: xzatoichi : 2015-04-08 00:53 ID:gqGlRexI [Del]

WOO HOO your awesome your the first person I heard say that ever I do have the same problem it's how I deal with loneliness and despair I hear a myriad of voices I think in other people's voices and talk to myself a lot cause I can't talk to anyone else I don't trust anyone and sometimes I just don't talk I can not talk for years I know cause it's happened I went silent for 3 years but I conversed with myself in tongues before that too I don't think it's a problem doesn't everyone do that ?

3 Name: xzatoichi : 2015-04-08 01:03 ID:gqGlRexI [Del]

Hmmm manimals I'm a manimal too I go Wolfe and cat sometimes I told a doctor I was a manimal and he didn't think it was a problem so I guess you can even meow and hiss and growl at ppl if u want I do and I'm not lying I've growled at cops doctors strangers once someone tried to rob me I said I'm a manimal I'll use my claws to rip your face off of you try to stab me and he left me alone lol sometimes it's easier to hiss when I'm mad or growl than to just tell someone to f&$? Off

4 Name: xzatoichi : 2015-04-08 01:19 ID:gqGlRexI [Del]

Also in my many years of experience I do know you can deal with the dreamyness for a while but if you go full multi personality you'll know cause you'll forget things when your one and remember others when your the other and you may wake up in places and be like what the Fuck when did I leave home and people will be like your cool and funny and you'll be unable to cope and they will be like what's wrong something's wrong when your really fine your just not that person you'll be like I had an episode if you don't like it Fuck off and your new friend will be like your fucked lose my number you crazy ass hole but don't let it get that bad or you'll regret it I woke up with a broken nose once a black eye torn shirt and blood all over lol I guess I started a fight but I don't start fights I hate violence but it was a lot of fun to go through it lol

5 Name: Enma Ii : 2015-04-08 01:24 ID:0rPuC1Tp [Del]

>>2 thank you! I always felt like I was alone in this! I've told a few close friends but they all acted like I was crazy!! I mean I am, and this could very well be one of the reasons why, but they didn't even try to understand. And yea sometimes I go a long time without talking because I was afraid of what my voices would do something back. Plus at least o had them to talk to in my head.

I had named my voice to differentiate us during our conversations. Problem was there were too many to keep track. So far I've named at least 60 or 70. I know everyone talks to themselves at some point. But I'm at the stage where Im staring to feelin unsafe and I can't even trust myself. And of course I don't trust others; I never have.

((I'm on a different device that's why my ID is different))

6 Name: Enma Ii : 2015-04-08 01:26 ID:0rPuC1Tp [Del]

>>4 what if that already happens? Then what? What do I do next?

7 Name: xzatoichi : 2015-04-08 01:29 ID:gqGlRexI [Del]

I also openly admit I'm tsundere I know I got multiplle personalities undenyably obvious no one else does tho the few friends that realized I wasn't just a Fuck show stuck with me cause they accepted my manimal tsundere switches I'd getc help to make sure tho if you let it get out of controll it can get really dangerous for you and others just see the doctors no one helped me I just went through it but that's Canadian health care for Ya

8 Name: xzatoichi : 2015-04-08 01:37 ID:gqGlRexI [Del]

I dunno 6 for 4 I don't tell ppl about that one often I am just glad I didn't wind up in jail on assault in Saskatchewan we got a puss poor excuse for mental health services I just try to deal with it but it's hard I don't know what to do I keep hidden and my friends who accept me are my best friends and there's only 3 ppl I'm not popular trust that most people distance themselfs from me