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Friendship.. (4)

1 Name: Sarah : 2015-04-07 18:25 ID:ZLY93UjN [Del]

So I have about three close friends at my school. I don't really consider them "best friends" (mainly because my only best friend is homeschooled). But I am still fairly close to them. I tend to be a bit distant and reserved, but I do my best to be a good friend. On their birthdays, they demand sweets and celebration (which I gladly give), but when my birthday came up, it was a simple "Oh ya, happy birthday" thing. Also, I found that they are very hypocritical. They can say and do anything, but if I do the same I am now the bad guy. I need to go out of my way to please them, but is used like a third wheel. They are not terrible friends, it is just that I am almost neglected. This has been going on for a while, but I got to a "breaking point" when all skipped class to celebrate a mutual friend's birthday without inviting me. I mean, I guess I would've wanted to stay in class, but they didn't even invite me. And then they just sat there and talked about it right in front of me. This has happened before when they went out during New Years Eve and had fun without inviting me (they new that I was all alone during then and wanted to do something) and you know what they did afterwards? They sent me pictures of the fun they had. But if I even make plans with one of them without letting another know right away I am "leaving them out". They call me their best friend and say that they love me, but they treat me like a third wheel and neglect me when all I do is go out of my way for them......I don't know.... thanks for letting me vent..

2 Name: chibi_choko : 2015-04-07 20:39 ID:Hg/qhU/0 [Del]

Honestly, they're not very good "friends". They're using you, and it's pretty obvious. They're generally toxic. I would suggest at least voicing your feelings to them at least once before you decide on whether or not you want to ditch them. And I would also recommend talking to your home-schooled friend about it to get a second opinion. But for your sake, you need to recognize their toxicity and know that you are not truly an equal.

From what I can tell, you realize this already. It's up to you to make the decision. You're a human being, and as a human being, you deserve better.

3 Name: Takuto : 2015-04-07 23:57 ID:43JYYyl7 [Del]

if i put it simply you just supplement in food

4 Name: xzatoichi : 2015-04-08 04:01 ID:gqGlRexI [Del]

They are just selfish children I can see them now a bunch of chicks in a nest pecking each other's eyes out cause they didn't get the first worm but that's the way of things now if you want to be successful in life I think you need that me me me me me mentality now days