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Is it something I should let go? (6)

1 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2015-04-07 00:10 ID:JnqGDpH4 [Del]

I was looking through some other threads and something just suddenly went hollow inside, I'm keeping something I don't even know is real or not now, and I'm 18.

Due to certain episodes in my life I started off with imaginary friends and everything around me talking. Then next I apparently found a 'new world' or another dimension which certain people could access. I'd make friends and characters that are just too real to think they were imaginary. And ever since then I've even believed there is two of me, and now we're stuck together. This other half of me, is someone who can think things that even I myself can't think of and it really boggles my mind even now. Still I'm saying 'this isn't fake, it's all real'. But no matter how I see it, this is all happening in my mind and only I can see, there is no apparent proof. I just get so sad when I think half of my life I spent in this fantasy world and its not even real. So I'm asking the best people, the Dollars, is it time to let go of this, even though I feel I need it?

2 Name: anon101@illhelpyou : 2015-04-07 00:36 ID:3Mc8VyLf [Del]

Dont let go of it. it is sort of your way of thinking things through, and maybe even a desire to make your life more interesting, and it makes you interesting. So what if you have what you think is a half imaginary life? how do you know its not real if there is no proof? If you feel you need it, then you need it. that's just how it all works. I know people who feel like this as well. The thing is, that is the other half of you! You are just like other people around the world who feel like this, there may not be a whole bunch of them, but you are not alone!

3 Name: Kuusou!v4RRDXulH2 : 2015-04-07 01:58 ID:oJ1nz1XA [Del]

>>2 agreed, if you feel you need it don't let others tell you otherwise. Its what makes you, you!

4 Name: Leviora : 2015-04-07 07:21 ID:x/IysCDR [Del]

Hi. I'm 22. I experience something similar to yours, although to a lesser extent. I believe I myself reside in two different worlds; one: the real physical world in which we all share in common, and two: the world inside my head. I believe everyone with an active imagination has these two worlds but I've always thought mine was a tad bit too real and inviting compared to everyone else's. In this world, I am the same person I am and yet so different. There, I'm free, peaceful and a lot more artistic. Sometimes, if I'm lucky,I managed to bring those pleasant feelings along with me when I 'return' to the real world. So, I am totally grateful that this world exists, even if it's only in my mind. I think you should too. There is a reason the 'other' world is there. And there is a reason why you have the gift to make it happen. Don't let that go. Cheers! :)

5 Name: Lalala : 2015-04-07 07:23 ID:9N90anAY [Del]

No, you shouldn't let go.

6 Name: [.....] JackDenkin !3U.19DFF1s : 2015-04-07 07:30 ID:guhNw051 [Del]

Never let go of something that makes you, you.
And the moment you do want to let it go, become something again.
Improve it.
I done it before, i let a dream of hope of mine to go, but with a end am sastified with, and remade a new, with better ideals, morals and hopes.
Always improve, never get struck in any pits or darkness.
Change yourself if you can to be a better whole.