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Apathy (7)

1 Name: Note : 2015-04-06 16:27 ID:1EM9LDwp [Del]

Hey guys sorry to bother you all. It's just that I have developed and incredibly case of just apathy to the world. Well I guess apathy is the closest word I can think of. It's just life is so dull to me, like there is so much that can happen in life but were stuck in what is pretty much like a predestined life. No matter which way you look at it most people think of life as just getting by or making it big, to get a good job, and crap like that. To me, I guess I just want something more exiting. And people will say oh but you can do this or that but when it comes down to it, to me that's just a momentary distraction from the imminence mundane reality that we have made for ourselves. But I don't know I'm kinda just ranting whats on my mind. Sorry to bother you all.

2 Name: Reivon : 2015-04-06 17:14 ID:prWRnoqc [Del]

I actually totally agree with this :o

3 Name: Adreox : 2015-04-06 17:45 ID:bLnJka/v [Del]

You want some kind of big adventure? Or an adventurous life?

If so, thats exactly what I've been searching for... Something better than this, a life of adventures and awesome people and fun and love.

4 Name: Note : 2015-04-06 18:53 ID:1EM9LDwp [Del]

Ya I think that's what I'm looking for. I'm glad other people feel the same way, makes me feel like less alone or whatever.

5 Name: chibi_choko : 2015-04-06 20:57 ID:h3dfhCe7 [Del]

Many people feel that their life has no excitement. We watch all these TV shows, anime, read books, etc., etc. that are full of action, and often people imagine a world in their head where some event happens that whisks them away into an epic adventure.

The truth is, it's a matter of perspective. Imagine your world as you will, and make things seem interesting. Write, draw, sing, make a blog, become a Youtuber, find a new hobby, learn something new, whatever. To make your own adventure is what helps combat this mundane feeling of neutrality. Sometimes by adding new talents to your list, you can make yourself an interesting person in this world of uninteresting people. People spend their whole lives searching for a great perhaps, a great adventure, and often are only disappointed in the end.

Make your own adventure in anyway you can. You have the technology at your disposal.

6 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2015-04-07 00:00 ID:JnqGDpH4 [Del]

I don't have a problem with apathy but I see where you're getting at.
>>5 I think you're quite right about that, our life is an adventure, but we're always trying to go for something in a book or a movie.

Note, no problem if you wanna rant or not, it's good to put it out there. Sometimes when I take a step back, the world is pretty dull at times. Practically all of humanity is repeating the same thing over and over again as well as following norms that just don't make sense.

7 Name: DustyBunny !08vfntjTRk : 2015-04-07 00:06 ID:xTn7/GxK [Del]

>>5 Completely agree with this. The only thing I think I could add is just if you see an opportunity, any opportunity, take it. You want crazy stories to tell that'll make people spill their drinks and say "no way!"? That's how they're written. Someone starts talking to you on the street? If you've got a few moments, talk back, see where the convo takes you. You've got some time before your bus comes? Walk the long way you never really take, you could find something new. Set some time for exploring. Watch for crowds and see what they're gathering for. Whenever you get given the opportunity for something out of the ordinary, help build it up yourself until it becomes extraordinary. Take time to reflect on what you have done. Sure, you might not be able to impress EVERYBODY with adventures like this, but if at the end of the day you're having a good time telling the tale, then that's a pretty damn good experience to have.