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Learning Languages (13)

1 Name: mona -^.^- : 2015-04-02 14:10 ID:Qf33GNqi [Del]

I want to learn Japanese and Korean seriously now so that when I finally get to college I won't be over whelmed and lost. Are there any methods or websites that any of you recommend?

2 Name: Bela : 2015-04-02 14:25 ID:zxh+eGk8 [Del]

I'm actually learning Japanese from a friend right now, but since it's not a class I don't study very often. I found a few free apps on my ipad that teach japanese through games and they really helped me learn the alphabet and some vocabulary.

3 Name: mona -^.^- : 2015-04-02 14:36 ID:Qf33GNqi [Del]

could you tell me exactly what apps they were?

4 Name: Random : 2015-04-02 15:35 ID:Iz/co97X [Del]

Try googling a bit? I had wanted to learn japanese at one point myself and it took me less than 1 minute to find a good website for doing so.

Google is your best friend.

5 Name: Bela : 2015-04-02 23:39 ID:7IsVOvpd [Del]

>>3 I found one called learn Japanese easily and it shows a picture of something and then they say what it is in Japanese and theres a small "test" at the end. The other one was called Character Chowdown - Learn how to read Japanese which is an easy game teaching you Hiragana and Katakana characters. I recommend learning these two alphabets asap, then once you learn how to read (which isn't that hard if you put a little effort into it) you can read a word in Japanese then look it up with a dictionary.

6 Name: !!LTL6hFw4 : 2015-04-03 01:58 ID:KAGgDWKu [Del]

If you want to pay for it, get Rosetta Stone.
It really works.

7 Name: Shikato : 2015-04-03 13:24 ID:Ehzu441V [Del]

There is one site i know called livemocha

8 Name: Silas Dane : 2015-04-03 15:07 ID:9D14PhIj [Del]

>>6 The problem with Rosetta Stone, it's pretty expensive. And Rosetta Stone is for multiple languages. If you're going to buy if for just one or two languages, it's probably a waste.

>>1 For Japanese I use this website. If you want to learn everything about the Japanese language go here:

I only had to pay like fifteen dollars for the membership and it's only a one time payment, and you get all the lessons to be not only fluent in Japanese, but be able to read Kanji (And I hate Kanji!).

As for Korean, I don't know any places where you could learn it to be honest.

9 Name: Dusty Bunny !08vfntjTRk : 2015-04-10 04:51 ID:1GveslvJ [Del]

Duolingo is an app for iPhones that helps with different languages. I don't know about Korean, but I think they're updating it with Japanese relatively soon. It gives you the basics in spelling, sentence structure, grammar, and translations of common phrases, with increasing complexity as you move along.

In the meanwhile, here's the link to a discussion on their website about learning Japanese:

It has some links they suggest to give you a head start. The app itself is free (at least, I'm pretty sure it was), and it's really helped me with my German, so I think it'd be worth it to check it out and maybe hover around for when Japanese is added to it.

10 Post deleted by user.

11 Name: Kaisuke : 2015-04-10 09:13 ID:NnUA2DSx [Del]

>>8 In fact you buy Rosetta Stone for one language and you then can buy more through the Rosetta Stone program, I got it the other year to learn Japanese but what I found out is that it's teaches you more formal Japanese for business use.

And yes it is pricey.

Other places you can learn Japanese -
This first one I got also got the manga university books as they can also help out a lot with reading and righting japanese.

Secondly you can also learn Japanese from none other then the NHK world website -

12 Name: ksron !ZkPP6Ji8iw : 2015-04-10 17:01 ID:M81jCAjd [Del]

Duolingo is great!
But I recommend checking your local library's website (or asking a librarian irl) for whether or not they have a subscription to Mango Languages. Mango is a great learning site/app, but it's a bit pricey. Check local libraries and even neighboring counties' libraries for a free subscription.
If you can get it free through a library, Mango is AWESOME!

13 Name: マシュー : 2015-04-10 17:08 ID:SKg8y7Ri [Del]

I've been using free app called memerise that teaches you japanese character hiragana and katakana and basic japaenese wording.