Dollars BBS | Personal
















Help. My life is awful (7)

1 Name: E : 2015-04-01 21:46 ID:jvg0Insn [Del]

In pre-school and kindergarten, I cried on the first day of school. I got sent to the principle's office about everyday. Whenever I get back to the car at the end of the day, my dad would spank me and yell at me. I had to transfer through 3 different schools. I had no social skills or friends. At first grade, I went to a religious private school, and it was amazing. I had my first GF, but she moved away and I cried because of that. Second grade I gained alot of weight and was overly fat and was teased for it. My first best friend was during third grade, however he later told me that we can no longer be friends and became my personal tormentor until sixth grade. In fourth grade, I had another best friend, but we ended our friendship over some silly little feud. We made up in eighth grade, but we are not as close as before. During my elementary years, i had religious teachers yell at my face for small things. Whenever I was arguing with another student, they would blame it one me and I would take the fall for it. I was basically known for crying all the time. I felt weak and breakable. I always wanted a large group of friends but I never knew any of my classmates outside of school. I felt misunderstood and everyone saw me differently. My loneliness went so far that even someone calling my name without me talking to them make me feel amazing. I would watch YouTube videos all day because I feel like I'm with someone at all times with my headphones on. I never talked with my sister and she was way older than me. Sometimes, I wished I had a sibling that was my age to at least have company. I was always jealous of other people with large group of friends or a close sibling. I never invited anyone to birthday parties. I wear my jacket at all times to hide behind it. I feel like everyone is talking behind my back even though I don't hear them. I've pretty much became insensitive to others to stop crying. One time I had mental emotional breakdown and cried during band. Everyday I wished that I could be someone else.

2 Name: Naota-kun !fY6eI7zIl6 : 2015-04-01 22:43 ID:9WusG5qY [Del]

Don't let anyone ever convince you that your anything but beautiful friend, your perfect the way you are.. i mean hell, your a Dollar :3

3 Name: Ichyko : 2015-04-02 11:04 ID:uOGemusX [Del]

Don't worry, you're not alone here. If it'll make you feel better, we're all your best friend here (´︶`)

4 Name: baka_Soda : 2015-04-02 13:29 ID:7J5lZ1qw [Del]

For experience, I think that people on the Internet are more, I don't know, like REAL? They show they're true side.
Yeah, they may be exeptions, but in general, I told to that kind of people...
I have a similar situation, don't worry, I will be with you)))

5 Name: Bela : 2015-04-02 14:35 ID:zxh+eGk8 [Del]

The Dollars are here for you! >>4 I feel that way too, I feel like it's easier to talk to people over the internet. When I was going through a tough time in my life, I started playing MMO games (massive multiplayer online) and met a ton of great people that became my second family

6 Name: KuroKaito !UUyMTtSq5o : 2015-04-03 17:01 ID:+ciuC32Y [Del]

Loneliness can be painful, I think in some ways, everyone understands that pain. Everything that you are makes you beautiful, People who cannot see that have no right to tell you that you are weak for crying! In fact, If I had such a person like you by my side who would cry for if I left, I would be overjoyed because you don't find people who will tell you that they will miss you and cry over you if you left. Its a gift, see, just let yourself be free, if anyone dares to call you weak, you have every right to stand up and reply "Who the heck are you to judge?", but that doesn't matter does it? Because if you will truly realize the gifts and power that you have then no one will need to tell you that you are beautiful! In the long run, people who show all of their own, are the ones who are the most gentle, and that's something which is powerful and one of which to be proud of!
So be yourself, as you are the reflection of your own thoughts and creation, don't change yourself, change the things around you to something that makes you feel special! :D

7 Name: HeartbeatKnight : 2015-04-03 22:13 ID:hHqF04ff [Del]

Dude.. You're going to have to think positive. That's literally half the battle. Probably even more actually.

Take responsibility for your thoughts. Let them bring you comfort not insecurity.

Also try not to predict what others think of you. You've never met them yet. You don't know what they're like.

Change the the title of your life. Give it a title that's more empowering.

To me you're a conqueror of adversity. You've been through a lot of shit and you're still here, still alive.

Be proud that you've made it this far by thinking negatively.

Thinking positively is just going to take you further.

Just try it.... think positive.

Think positive.

Think positive.

Think positive.

Think positive.

Give it a month.

Give it a month.

Move forward.

Move forward.

Don't give up.

Don't give up.

Become stronger.

Wow I just got pumped from saying those words. Good luck dude.

Remember words are powerful thing.