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Is studying a course you didn't choose hard? (9)

1 Name: Mikage-chan : 2015-03-31 22:34 ID:XOoLEM/h [Del]

I'm in college now and there are times I want to give up my course but there's no back down now. How about you? Do you love what you're studying now?

2 Name: FellbeatKnight : 2015-03-31 22:37 ID:hHqF04ff [Del]

I quite all my required courses and just took classes I liked. Fuck this world and it's rules. Live in the dark.

3 Name: Enigami : 2015-04-01 06:53 ID:MytxneN6 [Del]

I just put up with required course bullshit. It'll eventually be done and I may come out of it with something new. Maybe.

4 Name: vonBismarck : 2015-04-01 08:59 ID:feaP/OFD [Del]

Eh he he....I don't need to put up with "not by choice" BS. Still, there are other types of BS, like the "OH GODS WHY DID I CHOOSE THIS?!" BS. *glares at embryology...* YUP! ^_^ medicine is fun...

5 Name: DarkFlameMaster : 2015-04-01 20:05 ID:/4Iu4HtG [Del]

>>1 what are you studying?

6 Name: Shizuka : 2015-04-02 12:59 ID:aMH5pzCn [Del]

I hate all the courses i take! The thought of enduring them for another whole year is just agony.
I study and do coursework every single day but it never seems to be enough. I cant remember the last time I had a break...
Sorry for the slight rant >.<

7 Name: Enigami : 2015-04-02 15:24 ID:MytxneN6 [Del]

>>6 Dude, no need to apologize. We all feel like that sometimes. S'cool.
Do you hate your course because of the work, or the professor, or the material?

8 Name: m-kun : 2015-04-02 20:32 ID:THpgfaid [Del]

I'm about to finish my second year of college and I just started my courses for my major this semester and I can't tell you how many times I've felt like I made a mistake choosing the major I did (Math/Computer Science). It gets very frustrating and I feel the same way that you do at times.

9 Name: munyamunya : 2015-04-02 20:44 ID:kpxFTI0y [Del]

yes sometimes it feels so hard and too many assignment that make me frustated
but i realize that my parents have work so hard to pay it, and if i give up on it, it will be waste
so i just courage myself and do it
belive in urself, u can do it