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Is it wrong if I don't feel sympathy? (4)

1 Name: Ghostie : 2015-03-29 17:47 ID:jm4vlQWE [Del]

Yeah.... Is there something wrong with me? I don't seem to be able to care or understand others.

I would like some insight into what's wrong with me.

My emotions are also kinda messed up. I feel sad, happy, angry or nothing. I don't think I've ever felt fear, I mean I've been scared of getting told off but that's diffrent to a fear right? I can't feel love, I've never been attracted to someone. My best friend could tell me her mum died and inside I wouldn't care, if anyone in my family died I wouldn't care.

What's wrong with me? Please help, I don't think I'm worth being called human.

2 Name: Akira : 2015-03-29 18:40 ID:eKhPwkXV [Del]

You sound very human.

If you didn't care you wouldn't be worried about it now after all.

Its understandable to struggle to understand people. If you don't have emotional ties to something it is difficult for you to feel something.

Some people wear their heart on their sleeves, some hide it deep inside.

Thats just how people work. There is no shame in struggling to empathize.

You can say you wouldn't care all you want, but if you haven't experienced it you can't know for sure.
I'm not saying to go kill your family and see if you feel anything, but if you just stop yourself now and say "i will not feel anything when this happens" you are sealing your own fate, you won't feel anything if you believe you are incapable of.

I'm not going to say there is nothing wrong with you, I can't possibly know that, what I will say is that everyone feels emotions differently. Humans are varied, our differences are what make us human.

Also, if anyone tries to suggest a mental illness, do NOT believe it. The information you gave is not nearly enough to diagnose and most people posting here are probably not qualified to do so. If you are really that concerned with your mind then I would recommend seeing a therapist or psychiatrist, just to ease your mind if anything.

3 Name: aVoman : 2015-03-29 19:51 ID:BGuLEI7L [Del]

From what you say. it just sounds like you are slightly sociopathic. I'm not saying you are some kind of murder, you just don't have much empathy or sympathy, and have very muddled emotions, just like myself and MANY others. There's nothing wrong with you, like Akira said, you just don't have flamboyant emotions like others, it's perfectly okay and not that uncommon, so don't worry you ARE a human and there is nothing wrong.

4 Name: Takuto : 2015-03-29 21:24 ID:JpgwUlqa [Del]

there is nothing wrong You just lost your heart and one day you will get new heart