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Wrong Path (12)

1 Name: Haru : 2015-03-27 14:11 ID:E4p3aPeP [Del]


I more or less became friends with a girl in my class. We are very different, meaning she pretty much dislikes most of the tings I like, she loves the things I don't really care about. I don't think she knows that cause I didn't tell her much about me and often only answered things like "I don't know" when she asked.
That itself is already a problem cause she sometimes really annoys me with everything...

The next is that, well I kinda did stupid things a while back like stealing and so on...
If she would have known that she wouldn't have talked to me (she probably only started talking to me cause she had a fight with most girls in the class and I had no friends)
Well, now I kinda feel like I'm losing my way and am afraid, I might end up at the wrong path again...

She already moved and changed schools a few times, lost friends and so on. She doesn't want to live here and is pretty much like "I only have bad luck! Everyone hates me!" and so on. She only has two other friends in the class but she doesn't seem to be very close to them anymore...
So I kinda feel bad when I think about leaving her and going back to being alone again...

Please help me, I don't really know what to do...

2 Name: HeartbeatKnight : 2015-03-27 16:04 ID:8NAaSS9z [Del]

I would recommend creating a support group.
I'm not talking about sitting in a circle with a therapist monitoring a discussion.

I'm talking about hanging around people that remind you of who you are and where you want to go in life. To be successful in life you've got to be in the right place with yourself, the right environment and the people you associate or are close with.

As an aspiring photographer and front man I hang around a lot of people in bands and rappers. It's hilarious how much I bump into people who are like minded and have similar goals as me.

Remember that you are what you attract. If you want good company, then you have to bring out that same goodness in yourself.

In regards to your "friend". It seems like she's the one who is on the wrong path. Not you. Even telling yourself that can lead you to the wrong path. I would recommend that you leave her. Figure out what it is that you want and then find others who want to do the same.

Also remember that this all takes practice. I'm still practicing everyday.

Good luck and may wealth and riches come to you my friend.


3 Name: Haru : 2015-03-28 12:31 ID:LaAPL/3c [Del]

>>2 Well, people that remind me of who I am and what I want would probably be my family. My old friend changed the school and I never really talked to the people in my class and they probably think I'm some kind of weirdo.
A girl I only have classes with once a week said I was mysterious, probably cause I always sit alone and read a book or draw.

And I don't really understand how the girl is on a wrong path. My wrong path was pretty much that I was an asshole.
Do you mean cause she thinks she's hatet or something?

Oh, and Thank you very much for your reply ^-^

4 Name: [None'the'Wiser] JackDenkin !3U.19DFF1s : 2015-03-28 16:17 ID:WrSryVv4 [Del]

Skimping (however you spell it) through the post and am just gonna leave this

Sometimes a negative and a negative makes a positive

5 Name: Slacker !IUZzEys2W6 : 2015-03-28 20:00 ID:XcIl3sto [Del]

I don't really feel like there's a consistent problem here. How would you be going down a bad path simply because a girl who is really disliked is talking to you?

6 Name: Takuto : 2015-03-28 21:02 ID:RIDg44Ec [Del]

LOL :V what a easy probelm

7 Name: Agent : 2015-03-29 00:57 ID:NBI7onRd [Del]

A Quote from Fooly Cooly, "That high school girl looked kinda sad. Seems like a little kindness might help, but you'd need some maturity to treat her that way" -Amarao. Not saying your immature cuz i don't know you, but most people just want someone to tell there story to.. maybe that girl just needs you to hear her story. even if it might bother you.. all kinds of people can be fun friends when you give them a real try :)

8 Name: Haru : 2015-03-29 05:20 ID:V5YKxVGm [Del]

››5 Well, how do I say that...
After the time when I did this stupid stuff I kind of formed a wall around me, so that I would never even think of doing it again. But in order to even talk to her normally I crushed parts of that wall again and with the time (a bit over half a year I think) the wall cracked more and more and now there is only a little piece left which could probably collabse every second.
Sounds probably really stupid but... well I'm stupid after all.

››7 Nah, I guess I'm pretty immature. Iwouldnt have done all that if I wasn't, right?
Kindness... well Iguess I really wasnt very kind...
I pretty soon started to answer most of her quertions with"I don't know" when I realized that she doesn't like anything I like and that she doesn't like it when Idissagree with her for example when I said I didn't think everyone hated her.
But I did listen to her. To everything she said without saying anything(since she told me once I shouldn't say anything against it like her sister)
Also I think she's pretty much a dominant person, she doesn't like it when things doesn't go how she wants them and she always wants to know everything. For example when I was in a bad mood when we walked to the train station once. I'm not often in a bad mood and if I am then only for a short time or till i find out why. Itold her I kinda was in a bad mood after I said something like "I don't care about that stupid thing" about our class meeting wgen she asked about it. And she continued to ask me stuff like why I was in a bad mood and so on even after I said that I didn't want to talk. She simply forgot. But I think I let it sound as if she's worse than she really is. Sorry about that.

And now i fell like worse of an asshole than I thought I was before writing this.
But whatever, thank you all for your (more or less) helpful replies ^~^

9 Name: WhiteCap : 2015-03-29 05:51 ID:NL2gjw69 [Del]

Listen, you don't need to be called friends. You can simply be neutral with her.

10 Name: Haru : 2015-03-29 15:10 ID:Z+u/+jHU [Del]

>>9 I don't really understand what you want to tell me with that...

11 Name: DarkFlameMaster : 2015-03-29 22:26 ID:/4Iu4HtG [Del]

The way I understood WhiteCap, be friendly with her, but you don't have to initiate conversations, walk her around school, common things friends do, etc. Just basically be someone she can talk to every now and then. That's what I think of when they say be neutral.

12 Name: Haru : 2015-03-30 08:39 ID:V5YKxVGm [Del]

>>11 Ah, yeah. sounds good. thank you.