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I'm Falling In Love With "My Best Gay Friend" (11)

1 Name: Ria : 2015-03-27 09:28 ID:eBaY0vLI [Del]

Hi! I'm a 18 year-old girl and I'm having a trouble
My best friend - he's gay. We are very close like Nolan Ross and Emily Thorn on the TV Series "Revenge", we close that if people do not know he's gay, they will think that we really are a couple. I have sometimes thought if he's "straight", maybe we will be together. The problem is that he's gay so he is not afraid to close to me because he certainly did not have sexual feelings for me, but I do, I do not know but I think I start to like him. Because he treats me so good, I want to temporarily keep a distance with him, but I fear he doubts anything and I do not want anyone to know about this, what can I do to stop this feeling? He is my best friend and I do not want to break this relationship, I'm hoping he's bisexual and hopefully he'll like me, but it can not be known.......

2 Name: Magnolia : 2015-03-27 10:58 ID:vqT74ydh [Del]

>>but it can not be known

It can if you have sex with him.
But that's probably too bold of an approach.

3 Name: Akrz : 2015-03-27 12:04 ID:YgwNBCzz [Del]

You could just talk to him about it directly. If you guys are already as close as you already described, i doubt it would actually break your current relationship regardless of whether he accepts your romantic feelings or not. Its best not to leave it hanging like ending on an awkward note. Speak about it, get it done, whatever the result move on. Its better than having a conflict with yourself. Most people aren't dicks and if you are close to them... they won't change or act differently around you if they do really enjoy spending their time with you.

4 Name: Keiti : 2015-03-27 14:37 ID:iqk2FhDI [Del]

Be honest with him, and if he doesn't reciprocate, move on. Just warning you though, being gay isn't a choice. And if he is bisexual, and you do get together, he may still want to explore his sexuality with guys occasionally.

5 Name: Gups1 : 2015-03-27 14:38 ID:4mMFh8a2 [Del]

What Akrz said. Just talk to him about it and don't get upset if he doesn't feel the same way.

6 Name: DustyBunny !08vfntjTRk : 2015-03-27 18:44 ID:xTn7/GxK [Del]

Story time! This sounds like a situation my friendship group had a while back. One of the guys is gay, and a lot of us girls wound up having feelings for him at one point or another. Right now, some of the girls have boyfriends, and others are just happily single and busy living it up (such as yours truly). Since pretty much all of us wound up spilling the beans, it's become a running joke between all of us. It was a bit awkward at first, but it in no way ruined our friendship, and now we all have an awesome story to tell the newbies that wander into our group.

He might be bi, but if he's come out as just gay then it's probably better to assume he is just gay. If he doesn't reciprocate, don't push it or you could end up pushing him away and hurting what you have already. Still, it sounds like you have a wonderful friendship with him. Speaking from experience, I don't think that would be ruined over something as innocent as an admission of your feelings.

7 Name: Takuto : 2015-03-27 20:22 ID:GXFRAcMc [Del]

Gay again -_- what wrong with this world

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9 Name: DarkFlameMaster : 2015-03-27 22:33 ID:/4Iu4HtG [Del]

I agree with Akrz. He's your best friend, and it'd be better to be straight-forward and honest with him rather to let it boil inside you until you finally pop and do something embarrassing or regretful.

Best of luck :)

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11 Name: Ria : 2015-03-27 22:35 ID:eBaY0vLI [Del]

>>2, >>3, >>4, >>5, >>6 >>9 tks for your advices, I will try to figure it out :)

>>7 : I think the "wrong" is that people start to accept who they truly are