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Parental Issues (2)

1 Name: Akane : 2015-03-26 21:35 ID:zQKKloxu [Del]

I don't have a good relationship with my parents to start with and things are just getting worse and worse as time goes on. A few examples would be the they compare me to other girls and other people in general at how much better they are than me, and they always over criticise my grades (like getting a b has the same reaction a normal parent would give an f and an actual f is hell), they dont believe me when I bring up problems like bullying or self harm or depression and they don't believe I have sleep apnea when I've been tested for it and I have it. They just don't listen to me or neglect me some crucial treatments that I need like therapy for my chronic depression. (I get really bad) Things are so bad with my own parents its spread to me having a fear that my friends parents won't like me or will end up hating me... My boyfriends parents actually hate me so..... But what I'm asking here is for some advice to maybe help things get better with not only my parents but also my bf's. Thanks.

2 Name: Delisi : 2015-03-26 23:52 ID:pyMfa+3m [Del]

Okay, I'm not exactly the best advice giver, but I relate with you to some extent and I wanted to just give you some of my thoughts.

You should talk to someone you trust about it. Preferably an adult. If you're at school, that's really what counselors are for. I'm pretty sure they can help you reach out to a place where you can go.

If not, you can go searching online for centers are here for your needs.

Thanks for having the courage to open up on here.
I really hope things end up better you, even if I didn't up being help.