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Do you like being alone? (25)

1 Name: DarkFlameMaster : 2015-03-17 22:26 ID:DERvRzm7 [Del]

My question is pretty direct. At social places, like school, work, or community service, do you enjoy working alone, or with others?

Every morning in my first block class, I have Audio/Video Production. I thought it would be cool and all, but I've realized I hate it. Not the subject, but my classmates.
I can't get any projects in there done because I'm surrounded by complete morons in the entire class. It's more of a blow off class than I expected.

But it's more than just that class. I walk to classes alone, eat alone in the band hall because I fear of sitting next to someone in the cafeteria, and walk home at the end of the day.

I don't like being alone really, but I hate people and would rather not talk to them if they are just gonna waste my time.

TL;DR: OP is a NEET and wants to know if you are too.

2 Name: Inuhakka !inb4CaTsQw : 2015-03-17 22:42 ID:fGx0uztw [Del]

>I hate people

This seems pretty common among people my age.
Think of how you conduct yourself around other people. Is it representative of how and what you think about when you are alone? Does it really represent what you act like when you are on your own? I'd wager probably not, at least not completely. It's like that for everyone. While you may not like the first layer people present, it isn't them.

I'll give you an example, I hate passing people in the hallways. It leads to the same conversation every single day: "Hey, how are you doing, good you, not bad, great!". I cannot stand it for the life of me. If I took people to be what they said in those situations, I'd fucking hate everyone I've ever met.

But, people are more than that. Yeah, I'd rather be alone than do that all the time, but you can meet people and know them well enough so that you really enjoy seeing them and you want to talk to them. You have to be alone sometimes, but it's worth it to find at least one good friend. There's someone else in your school that thinks the same way you do and probably has this same conundrum. It's up to you to find those people. They won't just show up and ask your name.

Also, I've found people get a lot less stupid and boring if you just play along and forget all this shit. Forget what you think about them, forget that what you're doing is a waste of time, etc. I've got some success out of that.

3 Name: viicky : 2015-03-18 01:55 ID:8mTUYtmX [Del]

I really like being alone.
Before, I was trying to make more friends, but even after I was closer to them, I found that I had nothing to tell them. Hum, it's not exactly that. It's more like I didn't want to tell them things, didn't want to talk with them.
But still I like being with them at school, when eating. But I don't want to get closer.
So yes, I like to be alone, but I need them, even if it's a little.
Maybe is it the same for you?

4 Name: Lonely JackDenkin !3U.19DFF1s : 2015-03-18 05:20 ID:Zhm4c0iK [Del]

Honestly, in school, at my school. Fuck. Everyone. Of. Those. Annoying. Fucking. Bastards. And. Cunts.
Seriously, about 70 - 80% of the school pop are people i would hate, and declare a waste of space, 27 - 15% are people who i may like, but never met them.
And 3 - 5% of people i know and are friends to me.
As of right now, in my classes, fucking morons all over.
Luckily i have some classes with people with good heads on their shoulders, than the fucking stoners and drug addicts, or punk ass delquints that just skip classes or school, cause they think its beneath them.

But in work and other shit? Sure i'll work with people. If they are competent enough and can help a guy like me.

5 Name: !!LTL6hFw4 : 2015-03-18 06:43 ID:KAGgDWKu [Del]

No, I'm not a NEET.
But I spend a good majority of time by myself.
I have a hard time making friends because I'm an abrasive person.
I like it that way though.

6 Name: 多くの 顔 !8OAWN3A0Q6 : 2015-03-18 10:41 ID:UQlAdcKk [Del]

I'm not a NEET either but this describes me quite well. I love my friends, and wary stranger (the average cat) but I even get exhausted around them. My alone time is vital to me, and it's even worse because I'm a night owl so if I didn't have my favourite class for first period (art) I would be twice as tired and irritable. And my parents are pissed at me because I rarely hang out with them, because it takes most of my energy just to please them. Still though, it's not like I hate everyone, I just have a limited supply of energy.

7 Name: 多くの 顔 !8OAWN3A0Q6 : 2015-03-18 10:41 ID:UQlAdcKk [Del]

>>6 *of strangers

8 Name: Jack Hunter : 2015-03-18 10:50 ID:cLMSBjh1 [Del]

I relish human contact and yearn for human communication face to face, but I've decided to keep myself in isolation. I've hurt too many people with my words and now i don't really talk anyone. It kills me, but I feel that i made the right choice

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10 Name: Anonymous : 2015-03-18 18:58 ID:r/luf92f [Del]

Well, most of the time…
Being alone and being lonely are two different things. I hate being lonely, but I love to be alone. I have a few friends around incase i want company, but things get hectic once in a while.

Ps. Dear OP,
I get what you're talking about. But i found that humans are pretty entertaining ^^ as long as you stay out and off to the side. Who knows (it might make for some great blackmail material)

11 Name: Rinne : 2015-03-18 19:51 ID:Fhia/UNv [Del]

Im an introvert, so of course. I get to 'recharge' myself.
I can't really stand many people, so I do hang out with ONE particular friend. That's enough for me.

12 Name: SEOSHI : 2015-03-18 21:42 ID:1QIApZ5X [Del]

I do like being alone. When I'm alone, I can control everything. Like, I do my own project the way I want it to go and stuff like that.
But what I hate when I'm alone is the fact that once my guard is down, then my horrible memories creep up on me. I hate that. But besides that, everything is peachy.

But I do enjoy being around people, wait, no, rather I enjoy being around the people that I favor. For example, my homies are always around me, physically at school, and non-physically like on Facebook or on other messaging sites. No one ever leaves their sh#t unattended.

Other people that I like to be around is my Benefits. I do not have a significant other, but I crave a certain touch that friends or "regular" people can't give me.

13 Name: viicky : 2015-03-19 01:42 ID:zqISI8Tg [Del]

"But what I hate when I'm alone is the fact that once my guard is down, then my horrible memories creep up on me"

Looks like I have the same problem. How do you deal with that? I can't have a normal sleeping night theses days because of that.

14 Name: Rowe : 2015-03-19 03:06 ID:9WS9xhMM [Del]

"This seems pretty common among people my age."

How old are you uncle? (O.o). Just kidding.
Though, I agree with you. I had only few friends, not more than the fingers on my hand but I still felt pretty ok with it. I don't had any problems interacting with other people, I also didn't had any problems interacting with my team to complete a work or even to lead them, but... I still find my head felt dizzy when I go to a mall or somewhere with so many people at the same room. Haha ^_^, I think sometimes I enjoyed to be alone by myself but I also enjoyed just fooling around with those few friends of mine.

Well, back to the question am I enjoy being alone at specific place like work or school? I think only at certain degree. For example, at school I enjoyed hanging with those that I really called friends, but if they are not available at that time, I rather being alone. At work? It much harder to find those that I can really called friend, because of the competition and other things so I just maintain my position with others and just treat it as part of the work I guess.

15 Name: 4 : 2015-03-19 03:23 ID:T1lHWaLP [Del]

You're not a NEET if you go to school. NEET stands for Not in Education, Employment or Training. If you mean hikikomori, yeah, that could work (if you don't leave the house for other reasons than because you have to, anyway). In the case that that's what you're asking, then no, you're not the only one. I'm a hikikomori too.

16 Name: SEOSHI : 2015-03-19 10:41 ID:1QIApZ5X [Del]

>>14 Fell out of my chair. Dammit Rowe! "Are you a uncle?". This guy..... XD.

17 Post deleted by user.

18 Name: Magnolia : 2015-03-19 12:21 ID:870loYiE [Del]

>>17....isn't that more something for the dirty confessions thread?

19 Name: DarkFlameMaster : 2015-03-19 12:39 ID:kZYoWOlX [Del]

Stealing this word for future reference. I couldn't think of a better word

20 Name: Daydreams : 2015-03-19 13:58 ID:irr1JxsV [Del]

ik how u feel. I was like that too and still am really. u want to be with people, but u don't want the drama and the feeling of being judged. so ur alone yet lonely; its a sad state that many of us can relate to

21 Name: SEOSHI : 2015-03-19 14:13 ID:1QIApZ5X [Del]

>>13 Hey man! Glade that you asked!
How I deal with it:
1)NEVER let your guard down. It takes allot out of you at the end, though.
2) Keep your mind busy as possible. Freaking throw yourself at your studies or workout hard.

22 Post deleted by user.

23 Name: Nicelchemist : 2015-03-24 06:20 ID:WaL+dhaE [Del]

I am too lazy to read the previous replies so I am not sure what advice did they give you

I understand the feeling of being lalone, I am also alone, I don't mind it
But when someone comments about it with their friend(s), I don't like it, there're times where I ended up looking at them with annoyance, and it resulted in me remembering them quite well although I don't even know their name

I feel that people that are alone are more independent, I guess you can say that's our strength, I like it

Although there're times where you really need the help of someone else
However, when you cooperate with that someone else, we find that it might not go along smoothly, because we don't socialize much

So to answer your question: Do you like being alone?

It depends on the situation

24 Name: Rayn : 2015-03-24 20:53 ID:3lL4vzDU [Del]

I fear both being alone and large group social interactions. Well, more are anxious about both. You aren't the only one. A lot of people have anxieties about social situations. (and understand the complete and utter moron classmates part) I have people I hang out AROUND but Idk if I can really call them my friends. I'm nothing like them, so in a way, I do spend all of my time alone.

25 Name: Yaya : 2015-03-24 21:23 ID:cpsGV6Ra [Del]

I really enjoy being alone. I mean, like (almost) every other human, i need to interact with other people, being on the internet or face to face, but having some time to myself really makes me feel realived and in peace.