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Underage (67)

1 Name: Kiku : 2015-03-13 14:01 ID:rJ2t9fh+ [Del]

So me and my boyfriend have gotten really serious and we started talking about doing the dance with no pants yknow 0//0... well, we both admitted we want to....

im undecided about this.... for more than one reason, so i made a pro con list but i think i left some stuff out.. plz help me with any advice or things i mightve missed.
pros: stronger bond with him, lets out some desire, we both want to, we'll be more affectionate with each other, lost it to someone i love know and trust, and its an experience.

cons: i could possibly get pregnant (even with protection), lost it at only 15, not even married yet..... parents could find out...

2 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-03-13 14:57 ID:l4nzcY6R [Del]

You should wait. And if he doesn't want to, you would now know where his priorities lye. Teenage girls nowadays seem to like giving it away way too early to practically anyone. Just out of curiosity, how long have you known him, and how long have you dated?

3 Name: Kiku : 2015-03-13 15:13 ID:rJ2t9fh+ [Del]

ive known him for 5 1/2 years but we've only officially dated for 1

4 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-03-13 16:42 ID:l4nzcY6R [Del]

>>3 Definitely no. Just my opinion though. Unless you don't mind fucking/giving your v card if ur a virgin to guys who may not be your forever man.

I'm sure a lot of people here would say that having him wait for one year was way longer than you should've, but just my opinion. My cousin believes in sex only after marriage, and dated her bf for five years before getting engaged. Just a thought.

5 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2015-03-13 17:06 ID:WIv9DUlK [Del]

This is not a decision others should be making for you.

6 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-03-13 17:44 ID:h3qWxlCB [Del]

>>5 Ehhh... Technically this as well. But if she's young enough and inexperienced enough, it shouldn't hurt to ask before "giving it away". It's not so much for makes, but it's a pretty emotional thing for females, and 9 times out of 10, you're going to regret your first time. Especially if he's inexperienced. That shit will be painful for you.

7 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-03-13 17:45 ID:l4nzcY6R [Del]

>>6 males*

8 Name: SEOSHI : 2015-03-13 18:31 ID:TjVmQWNG [Del]

>>7 Aye! What up Maggie? (Is ok to call you that? Or maybe something else?)

Anyway, listen here kid, the act of "love" as in "making love" is different then "lust".
Sounds to me that you probably don't want to do it. Because, why would you ask us, the Dollars (feel so cool when I say that!) Whether or not if banging the guy is a good idea. I mean, as everyone else said, a year is a year, but we don't know the actual relationship strength between you and him. So based on that, we could only give you suggestions.

Ok, some stuff you should know:
1) The bird and the bees. You might get pregnant.
2) I doubt that your parents approve of any sexual acts between you two love birds.
3) Bruh, the first time hurts. And with someone inexperienced, it hurts more. You will not get much pleasure until after the first few times. Well, depends on your body's pain tolerance and adaptation.
4) Like Mags said, females are emotional. Like, after the first time, you will never let that boy go. It's really hard to.
5) There are more ways to be pleasured! You guys don't have to bang! Do something else. Or not do anything, that's also an options.

So yeah, these is sh#t that you should know and consider. What are you gonna do now?

9 Post deleted by user.

10 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-03-13 19:17 ID:h3qWxlCB [Del]

>>8 Anything but Magnum Pi. I've been begging for a certain SOMEONE to stop calling me that. The lil prick.

>>There are more ways to be pleasured! You guys don't have to bang! Do something else. Or not do anything, that's also an options.

WOOOOOOOOAH. That didn't even OCCUR TO ME!!!

THIS! So much THIS!

11 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2015-03-13 19:27 ID:H9goW43U [Del]

From someone around your age, I mean you're 15. Don't you think you're a little young and it seems a bit naive to do something like that even if you want to. Don't you think you should wait a little...I mean think of it this way, are you really going to love this boy forever???

12 Name: Litairtak Speruff!NRf7wfm3Qk : 2015-03-14 05:09 ID:M6iPqJwF [Del]

>>8 I agree with SEOSHI.

I won't say anything about your age bacausr there are people who are ready for the deed with 15, but in your case it seems that you both still have some way to go before you're at that point.

Sorry if it sounds rude, but your list of pros and cons gives me the impression that you haven't thought and talked enough about the topic yet to even think of putting your desire into action. Here are some points that you may want to overthink on your own:

Regarding the pros:
1) If you know and trust him as much as you claim, why would just the physical act sex make your bond stronger?
2) You're saying you both want to, what exact reason do you want to do it for? What do you expect from doing it with him in both emotionally and physically? Do you know your body well enough that you are able and willing to tell him what feels the most pleasant for you?
3) Are you sure that your love is equally deep or even deeper compared to your lust and that your current feelings are not caused by your teenage hormones running wild?
4) You expect or wish to get more affectionate with him. How affectionate are you at the moment? Do you snuggle, kiss and massage each other enough? Could it be that your needs for non-sexual physical affection differ?
5) What does HE think about all this, and what are YOUR thoughts on his reasoning? Do you find him convincing? Do your expectations match? Are you to 100% sure that you don't feel pressured by his desire to do it?

Regarding the cons:
6) What are you going to do if you get pregnant? Would you keep it or consider abortion? Could you count on your parents' support after their initial shock and rejection? What would you do about school? Who would raise your child if you decided to keep it? And most importantly, how would your boyfriend react in this situation? Would he stand by yourside and shoulder the weight of responsibility?
7) You mentioned concerns about your age and marriage. Do you have religious or moral issues with sex? What are they and have you come to terms with them? Do you separate love and lust in your thoughts? Do you feel guilty about having sex or losing your virginity?
8) How would your parents react and how would you face them if they found out?
9) What are you going to do if your first time doesn't meet your expectations? How would it affect your relationship with him? Would you be able to discuss your emotional dissatisfaction with him? How would he react if you decided not to try it with him again for some time?

My main concern is that you're still undecided about this. If you yourself are not completely and utterly convinced, you shouldn't do it because you know the consequences. Personally, I think everyone that has consensual sex should be aware of the possibility that they may create a life together, and they ought to be ready and able to face the situation if it actually occurs. Are you?

Anyway, you have to make sure that you talk everything over with him before you decide on anything, even the most embarrasing or insignificant details. If you don't know how your partner feels in detail, it won't be good. A great deal of the sexual fulfilment comes from good communication and the trust that you build in order to become ready. Maybe you could use the questions from above as a guideline to what you need to talk about?

13 Name: SEOSHI : 2015-03-14 14:31 ID:TjVmQWNG [Del]

>>10 Why thank you, I always try to do THIS! XD
>>12 That sh#t right there is the reason why we get good things in life. Top notch stuff, man.

14 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-03-14 16:47 ID:h3qWxlCB [Del]

>>13 Wo Ho Ho! ;)
And yeah, >>12 this fella is a very valuable member.

15 Name: dragonhand : 2015-03-14 18:16 ID:3bw0jIZZ [Del]

You wont get pregnant if you use protectin, if you use it properly.simple as that. Birth control pill or condom. You wont só get it out of your head. There is only one thing that matters, do you want to have sex whith him or not. Enjoy life dont bê afafraid.

16 Name: Adverse : 2015-03-14 19:26 ID:vVz+lD4Y [Del]

This post is long as fuck and I'd like to apologize for that first and foremost. Also, sex-ed is a thing I talk about in this, so. Fair warning.

Don't get pregnant is my number one advice, personally. Condoms and a morning-after pill (just in case) are definitely things you can and should do in order to prevent that. If you're completely, 100% comfortable with it and him, then I say go for it. It does, contrary to popular belief on this thread, sometimes help with affection, but that definitely shouldn't be your reason to have sex with him. You'll cuddle afterward, but don't expect it to make him sweeter and lovey-dovey overall. It'll make you guys more affectionate for a short burst of time, maybe a day or two. Don't expect it to make him love you, essentially, because it doesn't mean that.

Also, (from here on I'm getting a little descriptive, just a warning!) if you use lubricant, it won't hurt as much as >>8 says it will, and if you go very slowly at first, you should adapt somewhat quickly. Also, since this is a popular myth among virgins, your first time should not bleed! The hymen ("cherry") is not some wall he needs to break down, it's a membrane that stretches away if he does it right and goes slowly. The blood will come if he rips it, and that is definitely painful. Also, if he goes too fast or does ANYTHING you're uncomfortable with, you have every right to tell him no or that you want to stop. If he bitches about you "leading him on" or complains about you wanting to stop, that's not ok. If he continues, that's straight-up rape.

And (a little more graphic, just another warning >.< ) don't forget that in-out isn't the only kind of sex. You guys can choose to have oral sex instead. Do what you're comfortable with if you're having doubts about the full thing. And speaking of doubts, someone earlier mentioned that since you're unsure to begin with, you probably shouldn't go for it. I agree to some extent: nerves are natural, but if you aren't 100% sure that this is what you want to do, you should probably hold off. And remember that you can say no at any time if you feel uncomfortable or you change your mind.

tl;dr Don't get pregnant, if you bleed that's bad, you can tell him no whenever you need to, there are alternatives if you aren't ready, it won't make him love you, and make sure you're comfortable before doing anything.

17 Name: SEOSHI : 2015-03-14 23:37 ID:TjVmQWNG [Del]

>>16 Bruh, I figured that different bodies would have different pain tolerances. But your other advise went perfectly with what I said! XD But that rebuttle with the myth dealing with the hymen part, great you brought that up.

So.....Kiku....anything yet?

18 Name: Kiku : 2015-03-15 00:45 ID:QGYP6ca6 [Del]

I've been taking all your guys' advice into consideration and mostly its just nerves making me undecided. He understands that I really need to think about this and we aren't going to rush into anything. We know to be careful. And thanks Adverse for giving me some more specific advice. I'm really confident in our non sexual relationship that we have currently so i dont think its just our lust factor that we're considering, we're really afectionate with each other anyways just maybe we might get even more so.

He knows why i have some of my doubts or worries and he isnt forcing anything on me so i know that he understands. To keep things short i almost lost it before in desperation in a past relationship but i feel something different and its definately not pure lust. To me if i even let you hold my hand its a big deal because ive been hurt before so physical contact is a sign i trust you. i want to show him i trust him with all of me, not just my heart. I'm rambling on here and probably not making sense but yeah, some new thoughts.

19 Name: Adverse : 2015-03-15 02:20 ID:vVz+lD4Y [Del]

Dang, did my reply not post? Sorry if this somehow posts twice, I've been having problems posting today.

Anyway, >>17 is entirely right about pain tolerances (and bruh I am sorry for not thinking about that more in my post! >< Also you go for offering Kiku so much advice here! :D ) and you should definitely do what you can to make it as painless as possible for you with that in mind <3

As far as nervousness goes, I think the rest is up to you now. You and your significant other are more educated and prepared for what could happen, and obviously you two care about each other a lot and you both are being careful about this (also, congrats on such a close and trusting relationship, that's great for you and I wish you the best no matter what you decide!! c: ) so I think this last part is something only you can decide. Are your nerves so bad you think you won't be able to do it or you won't enjoy it? (A lot of people with vaginas have difficulties "finishing" if they're under a lot of stress, so if you do this staying calm will be the best thing for you! c: Try not to let your nerves clutter up your mind!) Or do you think that they'll go away once you two get the hang of things? If you're that nervous, you can always hold off until you're entirely sure. But if you think you'll be fine, you can go for it!

That's just my advice, though, so you can take it or leave it. At this point, just do what's most comfortable for you, that's my 2 cents <3

20 Name: Litairtak Speruff!NRf7wfm3Qk : 2015-03-15 05:21 ID:IJvdB7Bn [Del]

>>16 "tl;dr Don't get pregnant, if you bleed that's bad, you can tell him no whenever you need to, there are alternatives if you aren't ready, it won't make him love you, and make sure you're comfortable before doing anything."
Seconding this.

>>18 Well, as long as you two know what you're doing and you're comfortable in your relationship, it's fine. It's good that he makes you feel safe when you're with him and that you seem to have worked your trust issues from your past relationship out. Itms your decision and I'll trust you that you've talked about all necessary things and that you're sure about each other's needs.

Here's another tip for the preparation (beware of graphic content):

If you're so nervous that you might cramp up, make yourself warm. Warmth helps your muscles relax. Maybe go for a hot bath beforehand. You could even go together if you're comfortable enough. It might ease your tension to have some skinship instead of having one of you wait for the other.

Do you masturbate? If you do, observe yourself the next few times you donit and try to find out at which angle your hips are the most comfortable. That's most likely the angle to go for when you're doing it with him.

Right before he tries to enter you, you may want to try to come once on your own. Normally, he'd get you off to make you relax down there, but if he's inexperienced and you're both nervous, it might be easier for you to do it yourself (that is if you're able to and if you don't feel too nervous to masturbate). This way, your vagina is less likely to cramp up too much, you'll be a little calmer and he'll definitely be aroused when you continue with the actual deed.

For the rest, refer to >>19 Adverse's comment.

21 Name: Dragonhand : 2015-03-15 13:21 ID:NHJP/vCY [Del]

Ok let's make this a little more serious.

Sex is an important thing in a relationship, but more then that is important to you. Sexual Tension is actually a thing, that is why, even when we have no sex partner we tend to masturbate. It's a natural thing that most humans feel the need to do. There are asexual humans, those have no sexual tension or desire at all, but that is a different thing.

Having sex is no simple thing, you don't need to be ready, no one is, you need to feel ready and that is a different thing.

Do you masturbate, have you ever masturbated each other? It's no laughing matter. Knowing your body, what makes you feel good and what does not is important. The same goes for him, sex is about pleasure among many things, pleasuring yourself and the pleasure you receive by giving pleasure.

Bottom line is, sex is important and you will do it eventually, when you feel the timing is correct. Let things happen naturally and don't over think with pros/cons. There is no such thing, it's a pure manifestation of your doubts, that are perfectly natural.
Let things happen, set your mind free of worries and if it has to happen, let it happen. Make the most of it, enjoy yourselves.
If you are in the pill for any other reason (medical) then you won't get pregnant, if not buy a pack of condoms and have them in your room or his room (depends where you make out mostly), hide them so your parents wont find them by mistake, there is nothing wrong with it but I assume that you want some privacy about this matter or you would be discussing this with them and not us.

On a last note, sex with a person you care about is one of the best experiences you will ever have. So just relax, sex is not about thinking, it's not about pros/cons, it should be about love, about feelings, turn your brain off and enjoy yourself, when you feel ready for it. Because there is no good in rushing things. So don't rush. Take your time, just don't take forever or you will be finding yourself wondering, "why the hell didn't we did this sooner".

Sorry for the long post.
Enjoy life

22 Name: Arima Kishou : 2015-03-15 14:15 ID:morSeAI9 [Del]

I'm a guy, and I'm also 15 years old. I don't think we should do that in this age. We need to finish our education for better future. We're getting into relationships for inspiration, not for desperation.
My questions:
1. What would you do when you get pregnant?
a. Can you sustain yourselves?
b. Can you open your mouth to your parents if you can open your legs?
2. You don't get pregnant, but you lost it then he left.
a. What will you say to your next boyfriend?
b. Will you wear white in your wedding?

But damn, that's a high level libido. Why not finish first your studies, then after that do what you want.

23 Name: Arima Kishou : 2015-03-15 14:22 ID:morSeAI9 [Del]

Grown-ups must do their part to stop the younger ones from suffering because they have more experience in life than the youngsters. But what's happening here? Don't do it. Even if you are 10 years in relationship, even if you started your relationship when you were 5 years old. As long as you are underage, you must not do it. People fall because they don't think of the consequences. I hope you won't do it.

24 Name: Adverse : 2015-03-15 17:01 ID:vVz+lD4Y [Del]

>>22 >>23 woah man, got lots to say in response to that. She said it wasn't desperation, and her decision to have sex isn't going to make her drop out of school or anything??? She's learned about how to avoid pregnancy, and she should be fine if she uses the right protection. Don't be so critical of her for "opening her legs" when she is clearly putting a lot of consideration into this and wanting to avoid consequences. And if they break up eventually (although I really hope that doesn't happen D: ), if she dates another boy afterward and he chooses to judge her for having sex before, that's certainly not the kind of person anyone wants to date anyway. A girl's worth is not measured by how much sex she's had before. And she can wear white in her wedding??? Do you think that every bride that wears white has only had sex with the person they're marrying????? That's incredibly unrealistic.

She can make her own choices. This is up to her and her comfort level in her relationship. She isn't going to quit school over this and her choice of whether or not to have sex won't determine her worth to her current partner or any future ones she may end up having.

25 Name: Umi : 2015-03-15 17:26 ID:Fhia/UNv [Del]

Hey there, Im a teenager too.
Im pretty sure the cons outweigh the pros. you know there's a future ahead of you where you can still experience this right?
Even if you decide to do it, it is your choice after all not ours' to judge you. But we are all talking about an issue that can possibly ruin your life.

26 Name: Dragonhand : 2015-03-15 19:14 ID:NHJP/vCY [Del]

I wanted to smack a good punch in the face of every kid here but then I realize, not every one has the right of Sexual Education. Yes it's a thing and I've spend countless days in manifestations in order for the kids of my country to have the right to it.

Sex does not mean pregnancy, there are ways to avoid a baby, BIRTH CONTROL PILL # CONDOM # VAGINAL RING (its a device introduced in the vagina that releases the same kind of drugs a pill would, it stays there for a month, some woman prefer it) # CONTRACEPTIVE PATCH.

Maturity, a body is prepared for sex as soon as you reach puberty. It's that simple.

Condom is the only way to avoid Sexual Transmittable diseases. If you are having sex with a person you trust not to be doing it with other person the pill shall suffice, but if you have multiple sex partners pls use a condom.

Bleeding, it can happen, but it can also not happen during the first time as a girl. It's natural, and don't worry about a small bleeding unless it hurts. Hurting the first time may also not happen, if he is gentle enough on the start and you are exited enough.

I'm a 28 years old Male, my sexual life started at 19 with my first girlfriend, not because I waited for that age but because it was the first time I felt comfortable with sharing my body with some one. Some ppl start sooner others latter, it's personal. That is the kind of guy I am, I love sex, a LOOT, but I only do it with some one I love and trust. If I had some one like that at the age of 15 I would have started at that age, as thankfully, sexual education was given to me by my parents, at the age of 12 I knew what a condom was, I knew the anatomy of a women body and the biology of it (cycles and hormone names and all).

If you want to make comments about sex at least study it, don't make moronic comments with no sense. It's not that hard to find anatomy and biology knowledge about the matter. Stop reading those stupid blogs of ppl saying "It always hurts the first time"(false) "Women ejaculation is a myth"(false) "You can't get pregnant the first time you do it"(false) "Guys are always ready for sex"(false) "Guys don't need preliminaries"(So fucking false every one needs them, they are part of whats fun in sex). etc...

Kiku, like I said before, its personal and it's up to you and him. No one else. Take the time you need, no rush. And when you decide to do it, have fun, play with each other, take your time enjoying your bodies. There is no need to start so early but there is also no reason not to. As long it's your decision.

27 Name: Mag : 2015-03-15 19:30 ID:h3qWxlCB [Del]

>>26 "Sex does not mean pregnancy, there are ways to avoid a baby, BIRTH CONTROL PILL # CONDOM # VAGINAL RING (its a device introduced in the vagina that releases the same kind of drugs a pill would, it stays there for a month, some woman prefer it) # CONTRACEPTIVE PATCH."

It depends on where she is. Where I'm from, if you're underage you need your parents permission for all that stuff with the exception of condoms.

And as we all SHOULD know, they're not 100% baby proof.

28 Name: Dragonhand : 2015-03-15 19:50 ID:NHJP/vCY [Del]

>>27 Condoms are 100% baby proff. Before saying stupid things study. Miss use of a condom can make it to break, lack of lubrication or not leaving room for the little "sack" that is on the tip of the condom. Also leaving your dick inside the vagina after the orgasm. The penis gets smaller and sperm may leak.
Those missuses can lead to pregnancy, for fuck fuck sake, read the bloody instructions before using it and it wont happen.
In my country, lubs and condoms are sold at any convenience store without questions asked. Also in pharmacies, again without questions asked.

29 Name: Mag : 2015-03-15 19:58 ID:h3qWxlCB [Del]

>>28 Seriously? Don't you think that's what I meant by saying they're not a 100% baby proof? Now who's saying stupid shit?


30 Name: Dragonhand : 2015-03-15 20:07 ID:NHJP/vCY [Del]

Mag, if you buy a gun, and point it to your face instead of forward, who's fault is it? Is not that the gun was not safe for the user, it's that the user lacks basic knowledge of how a gun operate or he is trying to suicide.

Don't say "And as we all SHOULD know, they're not 100% baby proof." Simple as that. It's false. Misuse is not a defect of the product but of the user. It's like suing McDonalds for obesity. Statements like those confuse teens, makes them believe that they may get pregnant no matter what.
I have fought that kind of misinformation since I was a kid and I won't be letting you say those things freely.

31 Post deleted by user.

32 Name: Litairtak Speruff!NRf7wfm3Qk : 2015-03-16 02:41 ID:IJvdB7Bn [Del]

>>30 I have to disagree here. Condoms aren't 100% reliable even if you use them correctly. There is no such thing as complete reliability for human made things, not even contraceptives.

Statistically, condoms got an effectiveness of circa 84% and a pearl index of 2-12, i.e. out of 100 women whose partner used condoms as the contraceptive of their choice for a year, 2-12 women still became pregnant due to insecure factors such as storage, temperature etc. the user may or may not be able to influence.

However, condoms do have a comparatively high success rate in preventing unintended pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases in contrast to most other non-hormonal methods.

Here are two overviews of different contraceptive measures, their effectiveness, (dis)advantages and accessability:
Contraceptive Options
Birth Control Comparison Chart

33 Name: Arima Kishou : 2015-03-16 05:15 ID:Lvd5PvT5 [Del]


34 Name: Umi : 2015-03-16 17:42 ID:Fhia/UNv [Del]

this isn't going anywhere tbh.

35 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-03-16 18:31 ID:lHoawqo1 [Del]

>>34 If you're saying that, you're making it as obvious as possible that you didn't view all threads.

We can alter the subject now because we're waiting for OP to come back and tell us what she decided on.

36 Name: SEOSHI : 2015-03-16 21:37 ID:1QIApZ5X [Del]

So....the waiting game.
While we are waiting for her....

Lemme tell you guys about my room! It is SO damn clean! I worked so hard on cleaning that mother f#cker. You guys have no bloody idea how difficult it is to feet rid of paint, plaster,blood, ink, nail polish, dirt, and cement stains!
I am emotional right now. Someone hand me a tissue.
It' beautiful. The floor is SPAKALING. No, not "sparkling". I mean SPAKALING.

The description of my room, so you guys can understand this BEAUTY.
So take Johnny Depp, high off of over priced Mexican candies, and add some Ronda "Rowdy" to that, and then add some mutant "Bed, Bath and Beyond" to that mixture.

And you get my room.

Beautiful, isn't it?

37 Name: Dragonhand : 2015-03-16 23:46 ID:NHJP/vCY [Del]

>>32 Dude, those % are calculated without removing miss use of the item. How many times do I have to tell you that... You can not say it has a 16% chance of fail if you are damaging by misusing the item. It has no logic. Good lord...

If you buy a pc, stick a pickaxe inside it... will you blame the manufacturer and say "oh I didn't knew that I could not smash the crap out of it, thought it would still work" NOOOOO.

Ofc there is a chance he will not place it properly, there is also a chance that he will be hit by a bus wile crossing the street.

Also if you are waiting for her answer, you better sit. Getting ideas from us is great but there is only one person she should talk about it right now and it's none of us xD

38 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-03-17 00:10 ID:7YXW5TUj [Del]

>>36 Woah!! Let's not alter the subject THAT much!! Lol XD

At least we were still talking about sex and condoms.

39 Name: Xzatoichi : 2015-03-17 00:11 ID:gqGlRexI [Del]

Just a quick comment here cause your so young been looking thru thread and I don't think anyone covered it yet and that's to at least be legal age for wherever you live just to protect yourselves from that point of view too especially if you love one another time should not be an issue so there's no harm in waiting

40 Name: Litairtak Speruff!NRf7wfm3Qk : 2015-03-17 02:55 ID:IJvdB7Bn [Del]

>>37 Well, do you really expect a sexually inexperienced couple to be able to use any contraceptive perfectly on their first try? These numbers are estimated for <typical use, so yeah, they do include failure rates. Perfect use would result in a relative efficacy of 98%, but I think it's unrelalistic for us to assume perfect use. Touching the penis before putting on a condom or touching the vagina after removing the condom without washing one's hand can already be considered misuse. Besides, the information on how forgiving a contraceptive method is towards failures should be useful for our young couple here.

If you're interested, take a look at the following article on clinical studies regarding the efficacy of contraceptive methods:
Trussell, J. "Contraceptive Efficacy." Glob. libr. women's med.,
(ISSN: 1756-2228) 2014; DOI 10.3843/GLOWM.10375

41 Name: Litairtak Speruff!NRf7wfm3Qk : 2015-03-17 03:08 ID:IJvdB7Bn [Del]

>>37 I think we've deviated enough from the original purpose of this thread (though not as much as >>36 :D). So how about we just agree that there's only minimal risk of pregnancy if you use contraceptives correctly, but perfect use might be difficult to achieve for first-time users?

42 Name: Arima Kishou : 2015-03-17 07:53 ID:morSeAI9 [Del]

Kiku, where are you now? Don't tell you've already done it XD

43 Name: Kiku : 2015-03-18 14:03 ID:N+Z0ZkEJ [Del]

So first off we're still talking about it and very carefully. We are going to continue to talk this over until we feel we've considered everything. I think I'm ready to do it because I do believe in our relationship and I know he would never hurt me by leaving or anything else. But as far as getting advice I think this is as far as we can go with it here so thanks everyone. I'll try to get back soon about how things end up.

44 Name: Anonymous : 2015-03-18 14:30 ID:h3qWxlCB [Del]

Yup. They're going to do it. Case closed.

45 Name: SEOSHI : 2015-03-18 21:44 ID:1QIApZ5X [Del]

Yeah. They are totally banging.

Great work team!

46 Name: SEOSHI : 2015-03-18 21:54 ID:1QIApZ5X [Del]

Still can't believe none of you guys commented on my clean room.

47 Name: Takuto : 2015-03-18 22:15 ID:L8evyjix [Del]

You will get abandoned by your boyfriend

48 Name: MRCASADOS : 2015-03-18 23:52 ID:RqisON8p [Del]

It's not worth it there is always a chance that if you do get pregnant he will get scared and dump you

49 Name: MRCASADOS : 2015-03-19 02:16 ID:s8//6mYB [Del]

Some guys can be really big jackasses. But not all guys are, he might just love you even more.

50 Name: Magnolia : 2015-03-19 07:02 ID:h3qWxlCB [Del]

>>46 Motherfucker, are you serious??

It's only because I had no idea what you meant by "over priced Mexican candies, and add some Ronda "Rowdy" to that, and then add some mutant "Bed, Bath and Beyond" to that mixture."
That was your fault; you should've just posted a picture.

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52 Post deleted by user.

53 Post deleted by user.

54 Name: Magnolia : 2015-03-19 07:41 ID:h3qWxlCB [Del]

>>53 umm... I was joking too, Seoshi. I guess you don't know me that well. I probably should've added 'XD'. Cool your tits.

55 Name: SEOSHI : 2015-03-19 10:34 ID:1QIApZ5X [Del]

>>54 Bruh, I had a feeling you were joking around. I was honestly gonna add "XD. Don't doubt my skillz!" To the end of mine. And indeed, do not worry, my tits are calm. I am not adding a pic for that. XD

56 Name: J : 2015-03-19 20:53 ID:YkOmx1VD [Del]

You should also consider the opinions of those closest to you, they know you better than we do. Have you talked to them about it?

57 Name: Kiku : 2015-03-19 21:21 ID:YTbwKas9 [Del]

>>56 Yes we are talking to them about their opinions as well.
>>45 dont get too excited Seoshi we're still going to be talking about this and really thinking it over for some time. We have no reason to rush things at all, and frankly, we don't want to! heh.

58 Name: J : 2015-03-19 22:48 ID:IvzKecrm [Del]

That's good, I bet they appreciate that you trust them enough to talk to them about that

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60 Name: J : 2015-03-19 22:54 ID:IOBBuq/m [Del]

What do they think you should do?

61 Name: LostAndAlone : 2015-03-19 23:52 ID:7U6MhskK [Del]

You shouldn't let us influence your decision, but you should consider what might happen between you and your friends. Is there a possibility that you might lose some of your close friends if you go through with this? Is it worth the risk?

62 Name: SEOSHI : 2015-03-20 12:37 ID:1QIApZ5X [Del]

>>57 Glad that you are still thinking it over, kid. I am impressed to know that even after everyone's opinions and suggestions you are still going at your own pace.

63 Name: Crusader !f2ebYr7Dbk : 2015-03-22 21:00 ID:HBmko8T4 [Del]

If you get pregnant you will possibly have to get a joband pay for the food, diapers, hospital bills, clothes etc..... And you might not know if your parents will help you in all that. Plus you might become so busy in caring for the baby, you possibly will have to quit school which will take some cuts off your salary in some jobs, so it'll be harder to live off of as you continue to grow.

You still got a future ahead, pick one wrong mistake and it can fugde you up. You're one year older than me, so don't waste your future. Have a kid at 25+ you get to spend your life as a care free teen-adult for a while

64 Name: Beyond_Lycanthropy : 2015-03-25 09:41 ID:01KVhY9V [Del]

15?! Seriously?! You are WAY too young to even think about doing that yet! You may "love" him, but chances are, he doesn't really love you back. Especially when you both are this young, you can't fully understand "love" yet. Wait at least three years (depending on the legal age in your country) and if you guys are still together and happy, go for it, but be responsible! I just don't want to see more kids slip into slutiness(I apologize for that not being a word). The population of decent humans is deteriorating and doesn't need more teens having sex. You can afford to wait a few years.
Good luck.
Also, I apologize if this offends you, but it's mostly true.

65 Name: MRCASADOS : 2015-03-28 17:10 ID:4jzC+7rs [Del]

>>64 I totally agree, there's an an 8th grader at the middle school down the hill from my school who is pregnant. And Kiku isn't even going to be 15 for a couple of months.

66 Name: Magnolia : 2015-03-28 17:19 ID:FJAd77t3 [Del]

Oh, this thread hasn't died yet? It's a couple of weeks old now.

She already came back and thanked for the advice and decided to talk with her bf again.., I think after 65 comments she's been well-advised.

67 Post deleted by user.