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Gender/ sex. (44)

1 Name: Chris. : 2015-03-11 18:44 ID:6fFjcm4I [Del]

i am a gender fluid and i get criticized all the time i want to know what you guys think of it okay? because it bugs me and i want honest opinions.

2 Name: Kuronue !QXKNllFg/. : 2015-03-11 20:06 ID:R9LZwCzO [Del]

What do you mean by "gender fluid"? And what do others criticize? Because if you mean, you want to know what we think of people's genders, then I think it's your body and your mind, and if you wanna be whatever, that's OK by me.

3 Name: Beckatan : 2015-03-11 21:36 ID:1TfqIRRG [Del]

its rather gear grinding, just how many people are so quick to turn on others when asked about these topics, its really quite sad and fickle of someone to try and, in a way, censor someone elses own sexual, cultural, gender, or any other type of identiy they have.

but to keep this to the topic.

the guy above me has the right way of thinking about it, its all up to you, your gender fluid?, fine by me, homosexual? thats just fine and dandy, lesbian? sure rock on.

the point is...anyone who takes the time to try and drag you down because of your gender, probably need to spend some time re-evaluating their lives and priorities.

4 Name: SEOSHI : 2015-03-11 21:41 ID:TjVmQWNG [Del]

Damn-f#cking-straight. I agree with the top comment.

5 Name: Riceball Melody : 2015-03-11 22:52 ID:cwoHqIe3 [Del]

regardless of your gender identity, gender expression, or sexual, it's totally fine to be who you are. there's absolutely NOTHING wrong with being gender fluid (it's actually pretty darn cool, if you ask me).

i also want to say this, though; sometimes when people are being mean, it's malicious, but sometimes it's something they just don't understand (so ignorance can be part of the problem). if there are people who really do care about you being critical, try to be patient and help them to understand. people CAN learn; i've been witness to that.

6 Name: wolf-heart : 2015-03-12 01:37 ID:CsJgOnI8 [Del]

who should card what you are as long as you are fine with who you are. people shouldn't judge you for anything. be who you are and be proud of it.

7 Name: Takuto : 2015-03-12 03:58 ID:L/yKz1zE [Del]

fuck you

8 Name: CGNah : 2015-03-12 04:55 ID:UIPbPVJb [Del]

I'm fluid myself, albeit, I'm still in the closet. I don't want to tell anyone rn.
But yea, It might be obvious that I think its ok, but I do wonder, what do people criticize?

9 Name: Jenna : 2015-03-12 08:26 ID:mY2/avkn [Del]

Im bisexual and demisexual. Just be who you are. You cant help it and neither can anybody else. Straight people cant help being straight, gay people cant help being gay. Its just how things work. Love yourself for who you are, and others will too.

10 Name: Chris : 2015-03-12 10:21 ID:LolhfFD5 [Del]

i live in an ariea where their is barley any non christains and most of them are older people. my parents are outwardly againced it and they dont know i am either. only some kids at school know.

11 Name: DarkFlameMaster : 2015-03-12 11:35 ID:DERvRzm7 [Del]

I've never really understood the point of there being more than 3 genders (counting transvestites)
If a girl acts like a guy and likes guy things, I've never thought of them as their own gender, they're just a tomboy. Same goes for the other way. And if I'm correct, fluid is some days you feel like a guy, and some days you feel like a girl? There is too much to keep up with.

12 Name: EpicKT !wf5JJ352J. : 2015-03-12 17:35 ID:PREdlwbK [Del]

>>11 3 genders? Transvestite? Okay, since when is that even a gender?

Anyways, I could do some explaining since some may not understand.

There is a difference between sex and gender. Sex is what you are physically and gender is how you identify. I think that there are only three sexes: male, female, and intersex. (Correct me if I'm wrong on that). There are multiple different genders. The most common ones I've seen are cisgender, transgender, agender, bigender, genderfluid, demigirl, and demiboy.

Cisgender: Identifying as the gender you were assigned at birth.
Transgender: Identifying as a gender you weren't assigned at birth.
Agender: Not identifying as any gender; no gender
Bigender: Identifying as two genders
Genderfluid: Changing between multiple genders
Demigirl: Identifying as a girl, but not completely.
Demiboy: Identifying as a boy, but not completely.

The whole point of gender is just to feel comfortable with yourself. Some people just feel uncomfortable with labels while others need them to feel comfortable. Either way, you shouldn't look down at anybody's gender or criticize them. I hope that I was of some help.

13 Name: Adverse : 2015-03-13 02:53 ID:vVz+lD4Y [Del]

There is also androgyne, which is typically represented as a mix of the male and female genders! But A+ post, EpicKT, it made my day to read a post from someone who's clearly pretty educated about this stuff :D

Also, for those of you who want/need support or emotional help but can't get it from the people around you, here are some websites/hotlines <3 staffed by transgender people!! (877)565-8860 the fabulous Trevor Project! (866)488-7386 for anyone who is religious and wants help c:

Post more support sites/hotlines if you know any! Also, remember that we're here and cheering for you!! <3

14 Name: Adverse : 2015-03-13 03:12 ID:vVz+lD4Y [Del]

Also, I stupidly forgot to mention in my last post that being genderfluid is super awesome and wonderful, Chris, and I hope you get nothing but love and support in the future <3 Be who you are comfortable and happy being!! I know criticism is hard to deal with, especially when it's so close to you, but sincerely, you have the future to look forward to, and lots and lots of people are becoming more accepting these days, so things will improve for you c: And you have our support here, too!

15 Name: CGNah : 2015-03-13 04:59 ID:UIPbPVJb [Del]

>>10 Then do you want your parents to know? Do you want to come out to people or are you glad only a few knows?
Its a little different if you want people to know about you being fluid or not.
As I said before, Im in the closet myself, so no one knows about me being fluid, and I actually intend to leave it like that for now, I plan on telling my family and friends someday in the future, tho I have been dropping subtle hints to my sis (I don't think she noticed them tho)
Have you tried to talk to your parents about it? Have they said to you that they are against it?
Do you have other peope you can talk to about it?
I'm sorry if I'm asking much, but believe me when I say that I support you all the way and hope you are happy.

16 Name: Aries - アリエス : 2015-03-13 06:49 ID:6x9Kmm00 [Del]


17 Name: Celestial Envoy : 2015-03-13 07:13 ID:9wpti/NG [Del]

So I had to look up gender fluid. It's crazy what names people come up with lol. In my honest opinion I haven't the slightest idea why you would identify yourself as this but to me your just another weirdo, but that fine. Doesn't mean I hate you or anything, your just an odd ball in my book but if you knew me you would thing I was a weird person too ya know!? I do remember thinking something of this nature when I was younger. I thought it might be cool to be a chick, I especially loved women's clothes I thought they were very cute. But then I realized that being a guy is fun as shit and couldn't think of anything better in my life to be.
This is probably different from what you identify with yourself but I'm just trying to get were you come from. I say as long as your honest with yourself and having fun with it then your straight (meaning your good to go, I just like using straight lol). But also you shouldn't expect people to just accept your identity all the time, if everyone could do that the world would be a much better place. The hate never stops, but that should be expected, but expecting people to just out right understand is just unrealistic and unreasonable. People naturally fear things they don't understand, shut out new ideas, or those that were raised different. But do not hate them for their ignorance (there is enough hate in the world already). Just set the proper example by acting the way you expect to be treated and treat people they way you treat yourself. They can hate all they want but in the end your the only one making the calls for yourself.

18 Name: artemis : 2015-03-13 08:09 ID:1SEq6cLr [Del]

>>1 hey you ain't the only Genderfluid Dollar don't worry :D
People only criticise because they don't understand that some people don't fit the gender binary *le gasp by narrow minded people*
Unfortunately there will be people who oppose what you feel (especially in certain areas of the world) but the main thing that you should strive for is too be yourself.
In the words of Dr Suess(apparently):
Those Who Mind Don’t Matter, and Those Who Matter Don’t Mind.

Good luck on this journey we call life and I hope you are happy :D

19 Name: Ahri : 2015-03-13 08:15 ID:iIPiMVDk [Del]

What does gender fluid means?

20 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-03-13 08:16 ID:h3qWxlCB [Del]

>>19 it means they switch back and forth.

21 Name: Ahri : 2015-03-13 08:18 ID:iIPiMVDk [Del]

Oh ok thanks ^^

22 Name: DarkFlameMaster : 2015-03-13 11:32 ID:DERvRzm7 [Del]

In my own honest opinion, people are going to just keep specifying their "genders" because everyone has to be the most individual snowflake they can be. All this isn't actually a gender, it's just done title you create for yourself. You aren't a demigirl, you're just somewhat feminin. You sound like something from a Percy Jackson book. Every term sounds like it was written up by a band of teenagers.
I don't hate.... Whatever you are, but I do think it's unreasonable.

23 Name: EpicKT !wf5JJ352J. : 2015-03-14 00:45 ID:PREdlwbK [Del]

>>22 Being comfortable with yourself after years of being confused is not unreasonable. Saying that you "don't hate" and then criticize gender is kinda contradictory. And I can tell you now that I am in no way trying to be an "individual snowflake". I'm just trying to be comfortable with myself and how I feel and many are trying to do the same. Your opinion is actually just lowkey hate. Thanks.

24 Name: ケーナ : 2015-03-14 06:37 ID:BzDD2glq [Del]

if there are men out there who are convinced they should have been born with vaginas, that's okay with me. i am tolerant of such people.

however i don't like them. i don't have a strong sense of gender, and i don't have the need to define myself as either one, so i can't really empathise with transexuals. on an emotional level, i kind of wish they would all just become existentialists and stop using the wrong bathroom.

so if you're 'gender fluid' in the 'i don't give a shit way' that i am, then well, aren't you just like me? if you're 'gender fluid' in the 'i was actually supposed to be born as ____' way, then you're actually not gender fluid, you're either a legit transexual or an attention seeker.

25 Name: Inuhakka !inb4CaTsQw : 2015-03-14 10:06 ID:EBPWTV+M [Del]

>Your opinion is actually just lowkey hate

This is just silly. Their opinion contradicts yours, it'd be hate if they had no backing or reasonable explanation for their take on the issue. "Unreasonable" has never and will never be "hatred". Criticism is not hatred, this is especially silly.

I personally never understood the need for a label for every specific combination of factors involving your gender. Is it not enough to be a girl and act like a guy? Why can't men just be feminine, or act like they want to? To me, it seems like coming up with a term is just a way to legitimize your experiences to the world, but let me tell you the people who believe men should play football and women should cook and clean are not going to suddenly accept you once you've got a name for your feelings.

If a diagnoses can get you help, then it's very helpful. Getting diagnosed for ADHD isn't just so you can say "yeah, I'm not just unfocused, it's a legitimate thing!". It's so you can actually get some help form someone who's seen a lot of people with ADHD and has medication you can try or strategies for focusing that work with other people like you. But, most if not all these diagnoses are self-diagnoses, which is the part that prevents me from really getting behind this movement. I just keep thinking of how many people I've known have diagnoses themselves with pan-sexuality or even Autism, and frankly it's insulting to people that actually have those conditions. Just because you are smart and aren't social does not mean you are Autistic. There are other steps to take to get a diagnosis, and I feel most people are not taking those.

How are we to discern from people who have no idea what they are talking about and people who do, when the majority of there labels come from yourself rather than a dedicated medical professional?

26 Name: EpicKT !wf5JJ352J. : 2015-03-14 17:22 ID:PREdlwbK [Del]

Wow... That whole bit of self-diagnosis has absolutely nothing to do with gender. Gender is what you IDENTIFY as. Nobody else can tell you that. Are you comparing gender to disorders? If so, that's fucked up.

And how does one diagnose themselves with pansexuality? It's a sexuality. Sexual attraction. You seriously define your own sexuality. You can be diagnosed with it.

Nobody here is trying to self diagnose. Why did you even bring that up?

27 Name: EpicKT !wf5JJ352J. : 2015-03-14 17:23 ID:PREdlwbK [Del]

*can't be diagnosed with it

28 Name: EpicKT !wf5JJ352J. : 2015-03-14 17:44 ID:PREdlwbK [Del]

Anyways, going back to the original point of the thread...
Chris, as you can clearly see, you will get a lot of criticism and hate. People will tell you that your gender isn't real and you're just attention seeking. But listen to me now. Your gender is real. It's valid. If it's what makes you comfortable with yourself, then do it. Take on the label. So many will be against you, but you will get support from those who truly matter. Good luck, and if you ever need to talk, I'm here.

29 Name: midsxeph : 2015-03-14 17:46 ID:ClUuPsBx [Del]

This is some sickening shit.

30 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-03-14 18:11 ID:h3qWxlCB [Del]

>>29 For everyone who still doesn't know, this guy ^ is a troll/spammer, so just ignore him. He may not even mean what he said, but he just wants to get a rile out of all of you.

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32 Name: Adverse : 2015-03-14 19:41 ID:vVz+lD4Y [Del]

Just to add reinforcement to EpicKT (btw you rock bro), I agree, you are 100% valid, Chris. Your gender identity is real and the people who matter will accept that. Other people will be assholes and it's hard to ignore, but there are those of us out there who want you to be comfortable and happy and we are here for you c: I wish you the best of luck with your identity and people accepting you and I hope things only get better for you <3

For everyone else, gender does NOT equal sex. Your genitals have nothin to do with your gender identity so any gender identity is valid and it isn't fuckin special snowflake syndrome. People legitimately feel that way about their gender and it's not your damn business to tell people that they're "just looking for attention" if they wanna identify as something that isn't "normal." They aren't hurting anyone by identifying as a different gender and they aren't looking for people to fawn over them. The intention is just to figure out who they are, not to get people to love them or compliment them or talk about them or whatever you think the objective is.

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34 Name: Aries - アリエス : 2015-03-14 20:31 ID:NiRqx9Tf [Del]

Ok just wanted to clarify something to those who are saying about how it's simply switching between male and female. That is not true. That, is called being bigender. Being genderfluid means that youre gender, is well... As fluid as water. It can switch and sway all the way through the binary. Becoming a gender that is a mixture, including times when you can feel like you dont have a gender at all. The problem is because this is such a complex example or how gender works for some, their minds cannot register it within themselves because they do not fully understand it themselves. As stated above a few times, people are scared of things they don't know or can't comprehend. Example: I actually lost my best friend. The only person I had to ever confide in or make me smile, because she openly said "bisexuals don't exist. It's just confusion and they actually like whichever sex is liked more than the other" whilst having known for about a year I was bisexual. It's better now between us, but she couldn't register or understand it. She's lived closed off from people and hasn't known much else from male, female, gay, straight. And it's too common.

35 Name: Aries - アリエス : 2015-03-14 20:35 ID:NiRqx9Tf (Image: 1280x719 jpg, 180 kb) [Del]

src/1426383326921.jpg: 1280x719, 180 kb

36 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-03-15 00:14 ID:h3qWxlCB [Del]

Hmm... It's true, you can be whatever you want...but thank God I don't have any gender fluid/poly gendered friends, because I just don't have the patience for that. You say it's not "special lil snowflake syndrome" but for now, at this stage in my life, I can't see it any other way.

Now, I don't think that makes message "genderphobe", or whatever. As I said, you can be who you or what you say you are, but I just want nothing to do with you personally.

37 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-03-15 00:15 ID:Q88ZW0O3 [Del]

that makes me*

38 Name: Kurine : 2015-03-15 07:21 ID:ffNQvo5w [Del]

I'm a genderfluid too, for me, It's too hard to go out, meet friends, etc, because people looked at me and talk about me and it's so horrible...

39 Name: Litairtak Speruff!NRf7wfm3Qk : 2015-03-15 08:49 ID:IJvdB7Bn [Del]

>>17 I fully agree with this. Don't let other people's opinions get to you. What really counts are your own feelings, your own conviction. This is about your identity after all, and no matter which aspect of identity we're talking about, in the end, you're the only one who has a say in this. Just stick with the choice you made or adapt it if necessary, and you'll be fine.

You can't hope for everyone else to understand, but that isn't the point anyway, is it? So, save yourself the effort to try and drill your gender identity into the skulls of those who'll probably never even notice the difference about your gender. Keep calm, stand proudly and carry on.

40 Name: Tetra : 2015-03-15 15:28 ID:V9BGQ1qD [Del]

In this case, our opinions really don't matter. Sexuality and gender, loves and likes, that all depends on you. Only you can choose the right path to take. The one thing that doesn't abide by majority rule is your conscience.

41 Name: midsxeph : 2015-03-15 16:31 ID:+0g6kwFo [Del]


42 Name: Aries - アリエス : 2015-03-15 17:15 ID:DTPNrmbG [Del]

>>38 You're not alone ok? I find it hard to go out and have people look at me too. Especially with a highly LGBT-phobic parent that has an exact way they want to raise me. The stereotypical way for my sex. Something I'm nothing like and have no desire for. But really, it doesn't matter what some stranger thinks. Especially if we can pull off the look we want. Personally, I try looking like it's hard to tell my sex. It works frequently because I'm asked if I'm a male or female :)
Don't listen to the haters. They're jealous :D

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