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i want to kill myself (20)

1 Name: Natsuhi : 2015-03-08 03:57 ID:eHl0GGCe [Del]

i feel like life isnt worth living anymore

2 Post deleted by user.

3 Name: unknown : 2015-03-08 04:43 ID:y2EJm4WT [Del]

the way i see it life is in some way the same for most people they enjoy life then work and have kids and so on until everyone dies, for most people that is. i dont know your situation if its something that occured or just being tired of life either way you shouldnt let either of them drive you find something that makes you happy, and if you cant find it try again, whatever you decide to do just be sure you dont have any resentments in yourself.

i just hope i dont sound insensitive i dont mean anything that way. im going to just leave and live as a hobo i think that sounds a bit extreme to many but im want to see if i find anything interesting out there but i font have any kids or anything so im not leaving any responsibilities behind jajaja

4 Name: Incognito!tZsGgTBOzw : 2015-03-08 04:44 ID:Y9ABX9Nn [Del]

Please don't. You have value, even if you can't see it right now.
Have you considered why you might be feeling this way? Have you tried talking to someone? I know it may seem hard, but the fact that you posted on here just shows that somewhere deep down you know you're a fighter. You can do this.
Please, please, please consider talking to a professional, or contact one of these hotlines ASAP. Depending on your country I can also direct you to an online chat with a professional in case you don't feel comfortable on the phone.
If you just want to vent, we're here for you & we won't judge you.

5 Name: Hotaru : 2015-03-08 09:22 ID:6NcSTlEF [Del]

Same here. But every time i see other people suffering, i feel like i dont have the right to take it.

6 Name: anon-kun : 2015-03-08 18:13 ID:gFdOkVKS [Del]

Maybe I am ignorant as I speak from the point of view of one who has never had to deal with depression, but in my humble opinion, it is always better to be alive.

7 Name: Calvary : 2015-03-08 19:22 ID:Ih3cCb8C [Del]

Everyday above ground is a great day.

8 Name: J : 2015-03-08 20:02 ID:gK7Fd3V+ [Del]

Sometimes make ourselves believe we want to die. But in reality, we really just want to start living again. To stop feeling numb and useless, and start feeling alive.

You're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think. I mean it

9 Name: weasely : 2015-03-08 20:06 ID:UeM3wycu [Del]

Please don't! You can do it, you can make it!

10 Name: Anonymous : 2015-03-08 20:51 ID:pe964Sqw [Del]

everybody has had more then their fair share of troubles. it might not look that way because a lot of people are pretty good at hiding it or they have found a way to get over it. don't give up yet. there is still a whole world out there and your part of it. You must have someone that you care about, a friend, a family member, maybe you have someone you love. if so you should live for them, if you were gone think how sad they would be. you might be one person on this huge world but just one person can change a lot about the world. You should live, be apart of this beautiful earth.

11 Name: Red : 2016-03-29 17:28 ID:2xXrzSx/ [Del]

Life may suck, but death makes life look like it's absolutely happy-land-of-sunshine-and-lollipops. Trust me on this one. If you can manage to get through these tough years of your life, you can make it.

12 Name: Shibuya_KH : 2016-03-29 17:39 ID:VFT4Md0E [Del]

Im agree with all of you guys, but @J, you nailed it. Don't commit suicide, you only have this sensation because you want to be free, so try to start a new life, travel around the world, make new friends, practice some sports or play games, you will make new friends too.

Dont kill yourself, dont trow out the greatest miracle you have, a life, your life.

13 Name: Neko !UU8hnqLjMY : 2016-03-29 20:04 ID:XP23c4R+ [Del]

>>11 >>12
Despite all the cool stuff you said, it's all ruined when you see how old this post is.

14 Name: amelie !c0aIdTWyeU : 2016-03-29 20:35 ID:Re0gl1TN [Del]

Natsuhi is still here right?

15 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2016-03-29 23:16 ID:rnaT5sEv [Del]

>>14 Guessing he's dead or moved on

16 Name: Draca !5e4HfpITiY : 2016-03-30 02:47 ID:e88hRIJz [Del]

>>15 way to be blunt...

17 Name: kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2016-03-30 02:56 ID:2gUUW59f [Del]

>>16 that's NZPIEFACE being NZPIEFACE

he's just NZPIEFACE-ing..

18 Name: Neko !UU8hnqLjMY : 2016-03-30 02:59 ID:XP23c4R+ [Del]

>>16 >>17
I invite you all to join the pieface cult.
Only condition: daily tribute of fanfiction about pies.

19 Name: kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2016-03-30 03:48 ID:lg+YlLmj [Del]

>>18 in this board? in this post? Nah..

in random.. your thread.. im in.

20 Name: Shibuya_KH : 2016-03-30 04:43 ID:VFT4Md0E [Del]

Oh shit, I didn't notice this was from 2015
Im stupid =_=