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Woes of University Students (6)

1 Name: Izaya !jJ7vOCBiek : 2015-03-06 11:04 ID:K73Z4+dO [Del]

I looked through the threads and didn't really find one that some sort of fit the thing that i'm gna write so here's a new thread! (Hopefully i didn't miss out on the thread that this post should go on)

Anw, as you can see I'm in university and i'm abut to skip my test tmr by going to the doctor to get a medical certificate.. I've also been skipping classes and lectures too many times. It's getting pretty scary that I've becoming so apathetic towards my studies.. (and it is the the only course i was interested in, or was I?)

I feel really guilty and sorry towards my parents but i haven't gone ard speaking to them about this yet. They are either gna have an absolute fit or be super disappointed in me. I should be elated and thankful that i got into university but..Not sure what exactly is wrong with me. I know this is some sort of escape mentality and it is not smth i'm not proud abt.. :(

Not sure if anyone feels the same way here/in a similar situation. A rather long post i feel but if you've read all the way till here thanks for reading though :) Just wanted to put this out in public anonymously.

Hope you'll have a great day/week ahead!

2 Name: Coco : 2015-03-06 11:11 ID:jYijcVW2 [Del]

>>1 I know what you're going through only Too well...

You need to either get out, let some energy out each day before studying hardcore (like going to museums, seeing a play, hanging out at the theaters or an arcade, a walk in a botanical garden, look up your city and try out an unusual event).

ORRR... Calling up some friends for a study group, and just pray it won't wind up like the one in Community.

You don't have any friends in these classes?

3 Name: Izaya !jJ7vOCBiek : 2015-03-06 20:17 ID:rLARDuqM [Del]

Haha yea. I'm afraid I've been letting of too much steam.. Watching and researching about Durarara ( which i don't regret ) instead of studying for my exam lol.

Most of my friends are on exchange and I'm pretty private i guess so I didn't really want them to know.

I'll try though. Thanks. Hope you're doing ok too!

4 Name: Incognito : 2015-03-06 21:40 ID:Y9ABX9Nn [Del]

Hey! I went through the same thing during my first 2 years at university. I just wasn't interested in what I was studying and I was depressed and I felt the same kind of guilt I think you're feeling right now.

Stop and think: are you studying what YOU want to study? What interests you? If you can't adjust your classes or major(s) to the things that interest you, try joining clubs (like an anime club!) or study groups. I also found getting a tutor helped me a lot. Build yourself a support system. You can do this!
And if you decide to, don't feel guilty if you feel like you need a break from it all. You need to relax to do good work. Group therapy through your university counseling center (or your university's equivalent) can help a lot too. Taking a semester off is totally acceptable too if you just need a break.
Best of luck!

5 Name: Izaya !jJ7vOCBiek : 2015-03-07 03:16 ID:QO0I5Z+F [Del]

Yea. Thinking real hard now. Thanks for the encouragement so i assume that you are fine now? Awesome. I'll try my best! :) You too!

6 Name: King of Shadows : 2015-03-08 01:34 ID:DzDNVp6l [Del]

It can be really hard to be so devoted to studying when there is such a lackluster immediate reward. "Oh you got a B+ on a test? There's one in three weeks so keep working." It'll mean something after awhile but that's still years.

Another big problem is it can be hard to go enjoy stuff. I don't make much and my work hours have been cut so I make even less, and all of my money either goes straight to paying for college or paying for my small hobbies. Don't be afraid to splurge on yourself every once in a while, everyone needs a break and something to look forward too.