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Married Woman Flirting with me at my JOB (9)

1 Name: @KeenanCoke : 2015-03-04 18:57 ID:rRyymXrb [Del]

Hey peeps there is this beautiful woman I work with that I met about a month ago. Turns out she is married I found out soon after meeting her in which I then turned off all the thoughts I had towards her. But it seems like she flirts with me very openly and may actually like me more than just on friendly terms. I am dating someone but we are not exclusive mainly because of her apprehension to being in a relationship right now. So I am in a real awkward position, I never will ruin or challenge someone's marriage but I may be wrong and she may just be seeking pure adulterated friendship from me. I don't know what im seeking for writing this thread anyway she is the last thing on my mind truthfully but I am curious to know as a married woman what she should have more tact about. I value marriage and one day would like to be the Husband of the love of my life even though I know my life as an entertainer will make that difficult I still love the thought of having that support unconditionally. Thanks for reading.

2 Name: SM&A : 2015-03-04 19:09 ID:kkXjb8yo [Del]

Personally, if I were you I'd simply deal with the flirting the best way I can, as I agree with you when it comes to not being a total homewrecker.
I'd just take my chances with the girl you have now, despite her apprehension. Perhaps one day she'll open up, or something.
However, if that doesn't work out then just hope that your workmate divorces her husband (because, if she's openly flirting with you, she probably doesn't feel "fulfilled" from her current relationship ._.) so you won't have to "homewreck" anything, twisted as though that may be.
I don't know if I'm interrupting any morals here but these are just my thoughts.

3 Name: @KeenanCoke : 2015-03-04 19:16 ID:rRyymXrb [Del]

Thanks >>SM&A

I feel that is the way to go its not like I don't like the girl I am dating currently its just sometimes I feel like she wants all the "boyfriend" things from me without having the responsibility of being a "girlfriend". Kind of one sided sometimes but I do know she loves me and is just trying to focus on graduating college without being distracted by relationship duties or commitments.

4 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2015-03-04 19:34 ID:ZmXI5UJi [Del]

Don't advertise commercial websites in unrelated posts. It's disrespectful.

5 Name: @KeenanCoke : 2015-03-04 19:42 ID:rRyymXrb [Del]


Its my website that I end all my posts with. I apologize if it offended you but its a signature not an advertisement.
Do you have something relative to say about the post? Or just that one part of the post?

6 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2015-03-04 20:49 ID:ZmXI5UJi [Del]

>>5 Don't give me that nonsense lmao. You and I both know everything about this post is just a subtle advertisement, or if you want to sound politically correct, a way of "plugging" your online store. You're just using your posts as an excuse to get more views there by setting your name as your social media address and signing it with your commercial site. I understand why you do it, but I reserve my right to judge you for it nonetheless, and I'm not going to support shameless plugs by giving you a proper response.

Sorry in advanced if you've been misjudged, but maybe you should keep the ads in their appropriate places in the future. We've got a Music board and threads there specifically to share user work for a reason.

7 Name: Celestial Envoy !bDuNCOUT7Q : 2015-03-05 03:41 ID:YYSIIyQL [Del]

lol, this kinda happened to me too! I was hanging with my bro and two chicks walked in and we were feeling it (also we have a lot of luck at the place we hanged). So we talked to these girls, got some shots, it's been about 2 hours BAM we were in! The chick I was talking to was cool, got some pics with her all on me and see looked into it. We didn't hit it off right away though as me and my bro were only there to pregame before we hit the clubs, so we got their numbers and got on with our night. Couple days later he told me about hw he hanged with one of those chicks on Sunday (or saturday?) and told me the one I was talking to was actually married acording to her friend. So I didn't call her back because (I don't care if you call me a bro-hater for this fuck you) I don't fuck around with marriage. If see had a boyfriend that be completely different (then I feel obligated to out do him so he know im better than him) but marriage is something a little bit more special and something I just don't like to get involved with, unless I knew and hated her husband but that was not the case. So yea, I don't thinks it's ever a good idea to hook up with married chicks.

8 Name: Here's A Long Username And Pink Fluffy Unicorns Dancing On Rainbows & I Think I Just Farted. : 2015-03-05 10:46 ID:HY/uDjIj [Del]

Honestly, in my opinion, you should continue your relationship with your current girlfriend as of right now (like what SM&A said). As for the married woman, I'd say to still talk to her, be friendly and all, but don't put in so much effort or she might think you are responding to her flirting.
Anyway, this is just my opinion. Besides that, I hope everything goes well in the future.

9 Name: @KeenanCoke : 2015-03-05 23:15 ID:rRyymXrb [Del]

>>>Barabi Sama
I don't really use an alias This is my actual name and I feel its cool enough. You are entitled to your own opinions as well I don't mind.
>>>Celestial Envoy
I wouldn't actually do it Im curious if she would really make a move to something more than a playful friendship. I don't mind being friends but I really want to see if this woman is going to challenge me.
>>> Here's A Long Username And Pink Fluffy Unicorns Dancing On Rainbows & I Think I Just Farted - Sama
Firstly please change your name that is uncalled for -_- hahaa But seriously I am going to focus on the girl im dating I love her honestly but the timing is not right we both have a lot going on in our individual lives and it is hindering us growing together, instead we are losing the edge of consistent communication. Through it all I still feel like this one is the one, she may be special if im patient smh haha.