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Anger Management (7)

1 Name: TPP : 2015-03-01 00:24 ID:IOqV8JBh [Del]

What do you guys do to control or manage anger? I've run out of things to do and I don't want to end up hurting anybody, but it would be nice to know that maybe some technique out there that is not counting, breathing, or writing, that can help.

2 Name: Tsukino !0UZD1OR/j. : 2015-03-01 00:45 ID:EoJ1vpm9 [Del]

Since you ruled out counting and breathing, I say going out for a walk/exercising might help, It gives you a chance to blow off steam. Also music has always helped me calm down, put on some headphones and just drown out your thoughts for a while.

3 Name: DNAniel213 : 2015-03-01 01:43 ID:Q9Tgw431 [Del]

Yeah, whenever I'm angry, I listen to hardcore dubstep and/or metal. There's that feeling of understanding(or something) when I listen to those genres, and it feels really calming.

4 Name: YoloLord : 2015-03-01 02:06 ID:8+7n4Ojp [Del]

I occasionally murder some old person in cold blood whenever I need to relieve stress.


With anger I become aware that I am angry and I decide that I want to act in a rational way. Like >>3 & >>2, for some people listening to music is a good way to feel better. You might enjoy the soundtrack of a lovely game called 'Life is Strange', it's very calming especially the Syd Matters song 'Obstacles'. You can find everything on YouTube.

5 Name: Kuronue !QXKNllFg/. : 2015-03-01 07:56 ID:R9LZwCzO [Del]

#Kappa! OMG, I never thought I'd see that here!


If I have a sudden surge of anger, I leave wherever I am. If I don't, I end up saying or doing something VERY stupid and VERY destructive. It's something I'm working on. When I'm like that, I only communicate via text. Something about writing it out makes me think about what I'm saying, and the worst of it gets blunted. Weirdly, having a conversation also calms me down. I normally get that pissed because I think someone has deliberately hurt me, and after a small conversation, I usually end up realizing that I've taken a little thing and blown it up, taken something out of context, or the other person didn't even realize, and they apologized immediately, and that made it better.

If I can't do that, I blast music and force myself to shut up. (For all the reasons above.) Sometimes I can get lost in music. It still takes me about an hour to calm down, though.

Mostly, I bought some of those "Anger Management" things and I'm working through it. A lot of anger is caused by things that we THINK are happening, not things that actually happened. Like, we THINK someone insulted us, when they actually just asked if we wanted another serving of dinner. >.<

Sorry if that was roundabout or unhelpful. If I didn't get it right, drop a message here and I'll try again. And good luck! <3

6 Name: TPPA : 2015-03-01 09:56 ID:IOqV8JBh [Del]

Thanks guys for all the replies, I'll make sure to keep those things in mind when I'm angry again. Listening to music did help me calm down, but I'll make sure to try the rest of things that were mentioned.

7 Name: Nova : 2015-03-01 11:34 ID:I/0Vi0uN [Del]

See it as a waste of energy to get angry of those unworthy.