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Is this the right thing to do? (3)

1 Name: Kida : 2015-02-28 01:47 ID:XYeiK5oP [Del]

So I finally grew up enough courage to tell the guy I like that I like him (I'm a Pansexual male btw and I grew the courage because I'm getting homeschooled soon and I think he finally needs to know). But the thing is, Im to shy to tell him in person so I'm writing it on a note. Sure that's okay but... it's my next move I'm worried about. I can't give it to him in person. I'm too scared. So I'm giving it to my friend to give to hI'm (he'll say it's from me btw). But... idono. It just... I just don't feel right. Is that the right thing for me to do? Please help. I really need advice because I want him to get it ASAP

2 Name: Chrome : 2015-02-28 03:29 ID:uZCH29Qi [Del]

Well.. I think the best way to express your feelings would be telling it by person, but I also understand it's not an easy situation, because it would be a man confessing to a man (hell I know how it looks - I'm bi after all).
The decission is up to only you. You won't know what would be the reaction if you confess and you might be scared of this, but also you won't know until you try - maybe he even feel the same about you.
The choice is really hard and it's only up to you.
I'm sorry I didn't give you a proper answer, but it's a hard task for me, since I know what it feels like.

3 Name: Kuronue !QXKNllFg/. : 2015-02-28 09:26 ID:R9LZwCzO [Del]

Even if you have someone else give it to him, you're still gonna have to deal with that awkward moment afterward when you meet him again. And what if he doesn't give you an answer the next time you see him? Then you're left wondering.

I'd say that the best way to go is to give it to him yourself. It'll be hard, but with the note, you won't have to say anything, or even look at him. You can just wait for the answer, hard as that is to do.

Whatever you decide to do, good luck! <3