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Help me out with a friend please (5)

1 Name: king0fcats !KiIJ.5zx7w : 2015-02-26 20:07 ID:Re0gl1TN [Del]

Hey, I have been gone for a while, but I need help. I have been friends with this one guy for a while and I have always joked about loving him. Lately, I have actually fallen for him. There is one slight problem. I'm bi and he has no interest in other men. Is there any way to make him just give me a chance? Thanks

2 Name: Kuronue !QXKNllFg/. : 2015-02-26 21:28 ID:R9LZwCzO [Del]

You can't change someone's sexuality. But if you still want to try, then just be an awesome person. Be there for him. Be the best damn friend you can be. Prove with your actions that you absolutely do love him.

Or, you could just confess and pray. Sometimes it works, sometimes is doesn't. Either way, good luck. <3

3 Name: king0fcats !KiIJ.5zx7w : 2015-03-01 22:18 ID:Re0gl1TN [Del]

>>2 Thanks mate, but I hate him now. The first thing he did was tell his snitch friend. When we were together and playing with someone's hat (It stuck to the ceiling...) the hat owner put it in his hat in his crotch and said no one would take it. He told this girl I trust that I would take it. I really don't know were to go. I used to have a very close internet friend I could talk to, but he is gone now and I can't find him. Life is just falling apart and turning to shit. At least I got you guys.

4 Name: YoloLord : 2015-03-01 22:29 ID:8+7n4Ojp [Del]

>>3 Remember that you need to have independence and that school is just a transition phase for the rest of your life. We can suggest things and be there for you, but talking to us will not resolve anything and you need to be strong on your own.

5 Name: Slay : 2015-03-01 22:48 ID:EOpxjIYh [Del]

I'm bi too and I've also passed by the exact same situation. It really is a bother, but you will forget it with time.

(sorry for my bad english, this is not my first language)