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Study habits University (4)

1 Name: GAGA : 2015-02-26 12:35 ID:8UZq07Xy [Del]

For anyone currently studying at a university, how do you keep up with all your studies? I'm taking 18 credit hours (The most you can take at my university) and I'm starting to fall behind. Midterms are next week and I'm freaking out. Any suggestions?

2 Name: Gin Tenshi : 2015-02-26 13:02 ID:OG43YyXW [Del]

I used a simple formula that aided me well. It sounds stupid, but it kinda worked.

If you have anything to do, hanging out, going to a party, eating, talking with friends, so on so forth, then do that.

If you ever have NOTHING to do, like if you find yourself asking yourself "huh what should I do" our of boredom, then do work.

It's simple. Any time you are bored or have nothing to do you fill it with work. Not internet twiddling or whatever, but work. If you wanna play games, do so. If you wanna hang out, do so. But if you are ever doing NOTHING, fill that time with work.

I found that gave me more than enough time for both my studies and my social life. It's all about time management really. You don't realize how much random free time you have in nooks and crannies in the day.

3 Name: Nymeria : 2015-02-26 14:44 ID:+a95jvpt [Del]

Well, first thing to say, next time take less credits, since now you know that you can't handle this much.
I'm surely not the right person to answer you, because I have no idea how I manage to do my own work, I'm a huge lazy person. Usually, I leave everything to do on the last minute. But what you need is to do an agenda or anything to organize your routine so that you'll always have a reserved time to study. But that's it, you gotta use your willpower to respect this routine, putting in your mind that if you don't do it, you'll suffer the consequences later. Once you get used to it, it'll probably not be a problem anymore.

4 Name: Nymeria : 2015-02-26 14:48 ID:+a95jvpt [Del]

Oh, another tip is to do your work right after you get home. Everytime I leave to do it later, either I forget or I lose track of time and, when I realize, I have no more time to do it. No nap before work, no internet. Just get rid of it as fast as you can.