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Like Preparing for the Apocolypse, but different. ~_~ (4)

1 Name: SM&A : 2015-02-24 16:39 ID:BRyz/L8c [Del]

By now I'm convinced.
I do greatly enjoy violence.
No, before you say anything like it, it was not the CoD. I came in contact with the video game world only a couple years ago, so it's not like I've been exposed to the sort since I was young. And since I was young (like, REALLY young), I haven't been nearly as appalled at things like my pets dying. It more infuriated me than depressed me; I didn't cry. Rather, I ended up killing the animal that looked like it did the "crime". (If you're watching the new season of DRRR! you could say I felt like Kid Vorona at that time)
Thing being, this little enjoyment of mine comes with a strange sense of paranoia.
For example, the two things I wanted for my birthday were a 22. Rifle and two Sai (look it up if you don't know what it is).
Now, considering how my family just brushed it off as "Oh, he's just being a boy", I actually wanted them so that I could shoot anybody who broke into my house.
My neighborhood could be considered sketchy, but nothing real happens, so I have no idea why I'm paranoid like that. On top of this, I also hold one of the Sai behind my back whenever someone knocks on the door as if they were an enemy.
To elaborate further, I'm always thinking there's going to be a school shooting every day I go to school. We're a well-funded facility with engineering tools everywhere so I don't especially have to bring my Sai.

Luckily, I was born with a good sense of self-control. I've managed to keep this particular interest a secret from my family and friends.
Even so, I keep running these situations through in my head. Guy busts in, I do x, y, and z. On and on, whenever I have time to rest.
I don't feel like this requires therapy, but rather just some advice from some Dollars as to what I should do. I'M not going to shoot any school up anytime at all, but deep down I find myself hoping someone else will dare try it.
So, what'll it be from you guys? Should I go see a therapist, accept this mindset, or just plain ignore it? Or maybe there's a better idea?

2 Name: Bananananananananana : 2015-02-24 17:51 ID:ox1b9doE [Del]

I do that too, and I have ever since I was young. It's probably a phase, and we will most likely grow out of it. Just remember to never harm someone unless they attack you first, and lets pray we never have to actually do that. The only big difference that I can think of between our little "condition" is that I take martial arts, and have been for 10 years. I don't actually own any weapons, never saw the need for them.

3 Name: SM&A : 2015-02-24 18:00 ID:BRyz/L8c [Del]

I do take martial arts; Judo.
I've been taking it for 5 years now haha.
Even so, I see it was ineffective for self-defense and hope I can take Pencak Silat in the future

4 Name: YoloLord : 2015-02-24 18:49 ID:IbDIzV9j [Del]

>>3 Yeah in an actual fight, whoever lands the first big hit and knocks the other person off balance generally wins. But with martial arts you learn discipline, I don't regret learning Wing Chun ages ago + Karate, although I've never used it in the fights that I've been in, I benefited from it.