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Something more than this... (8)

1 Name: Adreox : 2015-02-22 01:01 ID:bLnJka/v [Del]

Why does it feel like this life is boring and never enough to satisfy me? It may sound pathetic, I know. But I just wish my life was full of adventures, awesome people... More like... An anime. Why can't my life be more like an anime? With adventures and action and fun and love and friendships? Will I ever have the life I want? Or will I die before I get the answer...

2 Name: YoloLord : 2015-02-22 02:18 ID:8+7n4Ojp [Del]

Find something that you love and do it. You need to accept that reality is reality, and it is not fiction and that is how it will always be. If you're over the age of 18 consider travelling to a foreign country, I recommend Bali personally, it's extremely cheap there.

3 Name: the Crow : 2015-02-22 02:25 ID:lr88KG1X [Del]

I know exactly what you're talking about. I feel exactly like that too sometimes. However, instead of focusing on what makes life so boring, I think about what my future holds. I think about the job I want in the future, and I get excited and study for it. My first apartment and how I'd like it to look. College. Man, I wonder how awkward it'll be when I meet my roommate? I sure hope I don't make a fool of myself. It's far from being like an anime, but it's exciting. Life will probably never be like an anime, but you have to think about the good things in the future and get excited about them. Strive to achieve them and live long enough to do it. Sitting around and sighing wistfully never achieved anything. If you want an anime life, become a writer or a cartoon/anime artist. Become absorbed in the world(s) you create. Make your own future. Get excited about these things.

(Sorry if I assumed you were younger than a college student. I was just listing off some stuff)

4 Name: MiYuKi !WCmMJHDhbY : 2015-02-22 05:19 ID:DM5w4ivq [Del]

this is reality. like it or not we are bound to this until we decide its time to die. but this is YOUR life. you can make it like a anime if you want! no-one will stop you. its entirely yours to rule. You are the king of your own story. that's why live like a king! ^^

5 Name: Saika01 : 2015-02-22 05:31 ID:T57GELUp [Del]

It's winter here, so there's even less to do and I feel your pain. I'm going to say traveling too. However, if you're like me and can't drive, and you don't have the money then there's the next problem. I think the solution would be to push yourself to make friends. Even if they're strangers, strike a conversation. Even if they don't seem like the person you would normally talk to, just try it. Those sorts of people will make your life an adventure, like an anime. Because the only thing worse than being bored is being bored alone.

6 Name: Olomet : 2015-02-22 06:57 ID:0jZEWcuY [Del]

I would say: Become a person interesting for yourself. Which means - learn something, or learn lot of things. Take art classes, make yourself a bow and learn archery, take martial arts lessons, play a guitar/hapsichor/clarinet/hurdy-gurdy, play chess, learn fencing and rule local LARP community, read some boring science/history/arthistory books, brew some ale, bake some bread. Knowing bunch of new things opens lot of new doors not say you´ll meet a lot of people with common interests in progress. It helps to realize which place in this universe you want to take. If it won´t make whole world more interesting it makes at least small piece you stands on exciting. And yeah traveling is good point, you don´t need lot of money and a car - just take a bicycle, some lunch and let road lead the way.

7 Name: Artemecion : 2015-02-22 08:57 ID:3toY2YWf [Del]

You could say that you're life won't be like an anime but it will become more awesome than any anime you've watched so far. What you should do things you like the most (aside from hobbies) that you think you're growing and improving the more you do it because that what's make life interesting

8 Name: Adreox : 2015-02-22 10:55 ID:bLnJka/v [Del]

Thanks for the help, everyone. One thing I am grateful for is that I'm still young, I have my entire life ahead of me. I have actually been considering going to India for a while. My dad goes on mission trips there with my church every few years. And he's told me that it's like an adventure. New sights and smells (smells not always good) and new experiences.
Im also going to start learning fencing if I can, as well as some form of martial arts.