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I'm going to die. (25)

1 Name: Aniko : 2015-02-13 17:15 ID:Zr9idXN4 [Del]

I think I have borderline personality disorder

My father has a condition similar to that, except more extreme

I feel depressed right now and I wish I was dead

I want



but I can't kill myself

I know I'm intelligent, I know I'm beautiful,I know I'm loved by my friends and family and my boyfriend and essentially everyone

Even still I can't help but wish that I could die and be in peace

But I can't kill myself

I can't do it, but the stress is too much

my emotions, the other voices inside my head are suffocating me with what they say but at the same time i can suppress them and be normal around everyone else

it's like I'm trying to drown myself,

but I already know how to swim

H e l p m e

2 Name: JackDenkin !3U.19DFF1s : 2015-02-13 17:29 ID:9nDosPkQ [Del]

Be strong if at times these voices get stronger, have some sort of protection charm, like a saying of "Go away."
You could act emotionless, whenever these voices whisper.
Clear your mind if you can.
Go to therapy if you haven't
There are certain ways that these voices can be suppressed spiritual, so finding a professional and trust worthy guy in that department can help.
Have people you know in real life back you up, as they can always pull away from the ocean.
If anyway, finding a inner peace with the voices in your head and with yourself, may be a best solution, if you can not get rid of them. If you are able to tame these voices, then they may be a sane person.
You can also try relaxing methods, like aromas, bathes, massages, etc.
(sorry for any redundant stuff you had heard)

3 Name: Red : 2015-02-13 17:48 ID:zjZQfo5L [Del]

some one told this to me, life is like a fight, and ya gotta be able to at least look life in the face as its beating you up at the worst of times, but if you let it get the better of you, more people than you realize will be sad your gone, like a person you pass everyday or that friend you always talk to, your going to hurt them more than you know if you do it, and it will make people do the same, so dont die, instead, look life in the face as its beating on you, and flip it off, tell it to go fuck itself, and then fight back, because we all have to do that in one way or another

4 Name: Reneo : 2015-02-13 22:38 ID:FwLD3AU0 [Del]

After all of what you said, you just want to die and be selfish to the people around you, because that's exactly what is sounds whether or not it's true. I could tell you life is a treasure, I won't do that. Instead I'll blab to you about getting help from a professional or trying to just make yourself happy. It seems impossible at first but it isn't. Killing yourself, do you think it's the answer to anything? Do you remember what Celty said in Durarara about the girl commiting suicide?

"The world isn't as a bad it seems."

Because you have alot that people don't have. People will mourn your death but some will care,some will not or they just simply move on. You're predicament of saying that you're gonna die is something that it no one should go through. Come out strong, I know you can overcome the shit in your life. You know you can, deep down, you'll get out of this and it will be all worth it.

And I just went back to talking about life. I'm not bullying you or making you feel guilty, I'm stating things that are most likely to happen.Guilt tripping isn't really my style but wake up from your nightmare..Get yourself together. If what you say is true, then you should tell your friends, your family about everything your experiencing. If it isn't true, then find a solution to your problem.

I apologize for being harsh but your death is something alot of people don't want to happen or witness. We have enough deaths and depression as it is.. So please live and breathe..I mean it. Taking your life isn't worth it..The voices in your head aren't worth your time..I know how your feeling, I was in your shoes once. But not anymore, what the voices in your head will disappear once you accept they aren't real. It's gonna be a gonna be a hard pill to swallow but it's true. It's first step of healing. The voices in your head aren't real, they are your own thoughts.

5 Name: Reneo : 2015-02-13 22:40 ID:FwLD3AU0 [Del]

I apologize for being harsh but your death is something alot of people don't want to happen or witness. We have enough deaths and depression as it is.. So please live and breathe..I mean it. Taking your life isn't worth it..The voices in your head aren't worth your time..I know how your feeling, I was in your shoes once. But not anymore, what the voices in your head will disappear once you accept they aren't real. It's gonna be a gonna be a hard pill to swallow but it's true. It's first step of healing. The voices in your head aren't real, they are your own thoughts.

6 Name: Aniko : 2015-02-14 07:59 ID:xK61jxTI [Del]

I think I'm crying right now

Thank you all

For caring so much

Thank you.

7 Name: Da'ath : 2015-02-14 08:32 ID:Iz/co97X [Del]

"It is not worth the bother of killing yourself, since you always kill yourself too late." E. Cioran

8 Name: noname : 2015-02-14 10:14 ID:ptbtBwz1 [Del]

suicide is so selfish! people care about you and don´t forget that.
stay strong because we know you can do this! and how do i know that? it´s because you are brave enough to tell us this and THAT is something that others may not dare to say!
my sister had borderline and she was suffering a lot just like you but she is a really nice person and i have a feeling that you are a wonderful person as well^^
and my sister got help by talking to people face to face and spending time with her family and friend to really feel that she is loved<3
i know you can do this and i will be cheering for you all the way!

9 Name: Red : 2015-02-14 10:25 ID:i9GPkAuR [Del]

Remember, cry, but people love you more than you think

10 Name: Ignight : 2015-02-14 12:09 ID:GwggKDhD [Del]

Crying helps a lot.. It eases the 'pain'
Also, if you have any sort of an item that was gifted by someone, try to focus on it, use it as a bottle for feels

11 Name: spirit cat : 2015-02-14 12:52 ID:9d+hGDCV [Del]

at least you have friends and you can talk freely with people

12 Name: redman001!0UZD1OR/j. : 2015-02-14 14:59 ID:y3Db+C+p [Del]

>>11 i am going to give you advice,never trust a friend if ou think having friends is someone that you can trust then you are wrong.

>>1 about you i don't really have advice,i wish i could help you somehow,just try to focus on other things like hobbys,focusing too much on problems will just put things worse.if you need any more help just give a update and probably a dollar will post something that could help you.

13 Name: Ignight : 2015-02-14 15:16 ID:GwggKDhD [Del]

>>12 You can always trust real friends... and one can't really have 'friends', only one. And those friends are very rare

14 Name: Aster : 2015-02-17 20:56 ID:V9BGQ1qD [Del]

Take a second in your life. Go to a place you're comfortable. Be it your bed, the park, go there on your own. And just sit and think. Think about what is making you feel this way, if there is anything. I know that these feelings can just be...there. In the corner of your mind.
When you do this, and you just sit and think, don't hold back your emotions. If you feel like crying, then cry. And whatever comes to mind, go with it. Take that thought and examine it at every angle, until you find it's essence.

15 Name: Kurono : 2015-02-17 21:21 ID:ZcN68hDA [Del]

Ask yourself this: If you really love your friends and family then why hurt them by dying?

16 Name: ARYA : 2015-02-17 23:01 ID:1oEtlCyP [Del]

I guess I know a few people, but none of them have ever called me their friend

17 Name: NinjaProxy : 2015-02-17 23:23 ID:BORd0ljh [Del]

Kurono has a good point. I thought about this before and learned that it is actually a very selfish act to do.

18 Name: Loke : 2015-02-18 01:04 ID:z5MLaHta [Del]

How will during benefit you or anyone in any way possible?

19 Name: Staarballad : 2015-02-18 09:18 ID:Fm+3Y/+l [Del]

If you really want to die, then kill yourself.

Life is what you make of it - if you do not want it, you can easily throw it away.

But hear this - you don't know whether you will have an afterlife, or whether the afterlife will punish you.

I don't know why you are depressed, so I can't help with your problem, but you should try to make every moment count.

If you don't spend life living, then you might as well be dead.

20 Name: Tree : 2015-02-18 13:08 ID:YdiCgiGJ [Del]

ignore >>19 on killing yourself. DON'T DO IT!!!!!!... But life is what you make of it though. Just keep holding on and keep on swimming through this life, don't Drown in the water ANIKO, you, YOU have to BEAT IT. Life is a struggle but without those situations no one would know how, like really how to help another. Keep moving forward. don't let negativity keep you down. Use it to your advantage. Don"t give up this fight!

21 Name: YoloLord : 2015-02-18 20:55 ID:IbDIzV9j [Del]

To be blunt, there's nothing that we can do to help you get out of this. Ensure that you are seeing a qualified psychologist or psychiatrist (if the situation is really dire) and REMEMBER TO REMAIN OPTIMISTIC. I can't stress that enough, remember that this is an issue inside your head that only you can resolve through willpower and conviction.

22 Name: MiYuki !vobhgjzhF. : 2015-02-19 07:26 ID:jqKau1mK [Del]

sure life is tough....its cruel and hurtful.....but it your life! don't give up Aniko-san! fight and fight! if you want to die then maybe it would stop your pain.....but that means the end! you will never see anyone ever again! imagine what your family would feel! don't do this....but if still don't agree or something then you don't deserve to live.....sorry but sorry.....

23 Name: Blocker : 2015-02-19 07:53 ID:xuTPMQYh [Del]

People seem to be taking the "Don't be so selfish" rout, whilst I admit it's not taking into consideration other peoples feelings and they will be left forever upset at losing you, I don't believe this a good method to plea with a dying person. To someone who's thinking about leaving this world, they consider themselves emotionally, mentally and sometimes physically dead already. Telling them they will be causing more pain is like telling someone with a broken leg to walk it off. I'm going to tell you to be selfish, be selfish to your hearts content because humans are selfish animals at heart. But giving up on your potential is the real tragedy, in selfish terms that is. When I begin to think about how pointless everything is it helps me to remember that I don't have to achieve anything today, I can if I want, if not it matters not. I don't have to feel good today, there cannot be light without darkness and that light can't shine bright without total darkness. Because in life, you will flourish. A lifetime is longer than you think, yet it'll probably still end up being too short for most people. But you won't be most people, you will learn to forgive and forget your demons, you will come past your depression and you will achieve whatever your wildest imagination can believe in. Please do not limit yourself, we are limitless beings and we can achieve anything we wish, we only have to believe in it and suffer the struggle required for us to succeed. Remember no one goes through life without struggle, and if they do then they are far worse off than yourself. Frustration and depression will be your greatest teachers, but they will be harsh and unforgiving, do not give in, do not give up. You have plenty to live for, but you don't have to realise that today, you have days, weeks, months and years to discover your loves in life. So please don't give up on it just yet, we struggle now so we can prevail later, there is no exception and we are all in this together, so please stay with us.

24 Name: WakabaMark : 2015-02-19 08:21 ID:FJOXeHO8 [Del]

I know how you feel. Trust me, its incredibly inconvenient. The best thing I did was imagining a fist and as I slowly closed my fist I also imagined the depression slowly being crushed until I couldn't feel it anymore. It takes practice and determination but it will help you master your emotions, in your case its depression.

25 Name: Takuto : 2015-02-19 12:23 ID:ftAsJRTL [Del]

are you stupid don't make anyone sad just because you